Gallery at the VAULT, a nonprofit organization, invites all to create the beauty of this season in a workshop with popular watercolor artist Robert O'Brien.

2018-01-10 / Springfield
Gallery to offer winter landscape paint workshop
SPRINGFIELD — Gallery at the VAULT, a nonprofit organization, invites all to create the beauty of this season in a workshop with popular watercolor artist Robert O'Brien. "Painting the New England Winter Landscape" will take place from 9:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday, Jan. 13.
Participants will explore glazing techniques and the layering of subtle tints of snow, with an emphasis on value, composition, light and shadow. Working from photos, they will learn to create a finished painting from a favorite winter subject. O’Brien will demonstrate his approach and provide hands-on guidance to each student. A critique will be held at the end of the session.
All levels are welcome. Cost is $70 for members, $75. non-members. A materials list will be provided at registration.
For more information please call or come into Gallery at the VAULT, 68 Main Street, Springfield, open 11 a.m.-5 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday, or call (802) 885-7111 or email galleryvault@vermontel.net.
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