Looking for a book group that’s a little different? The Springfield Town Library is starting one, and the first meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8.
New book group begins at Springfield Town Library | January 22, 2018 SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — Looking for a book group that’s a little different? The Springfield Town Library is starting one, and the first meeting will begin at 5:30 p.m. Thursday, Feb. 8. Each month the group will choose a challenge from the library’s free Take the Library Challenge in 2018 calendar and gather to discuss the books group members have read. For the month of February, the challenge will be to read any romance book or any book with the color red in the title. You might read “Mr. Rochester,” by Sarah Shoemaker, “Persuasion,” by Jane Austen, “Seeing Red,” by Sandra Brown, or nonfiction such as “Modern Romance,” by Aziz Ansari or “Will’s Red Coat,” by Tom Ryan or something else. Group members may all read different books, a few may read the same book. The group aims for fun and to learn about a wide variety of books. Stop by the library to choose from their display or read one of your own. This book group is free and open to the public. To sign up, or for more information, contact the library at (802) 885-3108 or stlas@vermontel.net.

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