Monday, January 22, 2018

Springfield man facing multiple charges for relationship with 15-year-old girl

A 53-year-old Springfield man is facing multiple felony charges for allegedly engaging in a sexual relationship with a 15-year-old girl who told detectives she liked his auto mechanic's uniform so she gave him her phone number.


  1. Gotta be careful, guys! Young girls don't seem to be bothered by huge age differences anymore, if they ever were. Why should they; they won't go to prison, YOU WILL!

  2. I have known John for over thirty years. He is a stand up guy who would do anything to help a friend or even a stranger. He is not a predator. It sounds like he did the right thing when he found out how old she was, I do not think these charges are in any way warranted.

  3. The guy is innocent. She lied to him and addmited to it. She should be prosecuted not him. Obviously a 15 year old knows what she is doing..

  4. All pedophiles ae good people! No 'woman' of age has to sneak out of their window. Anyone with half a brain can tell if someone is not of age, and if theirs doubt but continue, your guilty. Obviously she was enjoying her time with him though. Now he'll be spending time in a tight cubicle.

  5. Philip Caron1/24/18, 9:11 AM

    The court will need to weigh intangibles such as intent and perceived / projected harm. It doesn't sound like predation. Age of consent is 16. It's plausible to imagine a 15-year-old passing for 21, pretending she worked, etc. Her testimony and that of her guardians (grandparents?) will be important. Laws cannot be perfectly cut and dried - language doesn't suffice for it.

  6. Hopefully he will hire a real lawyer and not rely upon a public pretender.

  7. Are you kidding? He is 53 and she is 15. Sneaking out/in her home should have been the first clue she was underage, and by law, she is unable to give consent. What on earth was he thinking?


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