Thursday, January 25, 2018

Sanders to hold career fair in Springfield Friday

U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., will hold a college and career fair at Springfield High School on Friday.


  1. Can we please keep Bernie out of the schools? Not everyone wants their child to turn out to be a socialist. People worship him and I haven’t a clue why.

    1. ^ I couldn't agree more. Can anyone tell me what Bernie has done that's directly benefited those of us that choose to work for a living? Best I can understand, he has made a career of convincing idealistic, underachievers their financial plight is the "systems" fault. If you note, he never held campaign rallies at engineering or medical schools. But then again, with such a lousy school system, most of SHS students will be in his camp soon enough. If nothing else, he is a very shrewd politician.

    2. Every time I hear conservatives living in blue states complaining, I'm reminded of the conservative business owners from blue states that I met in Florida. NONE of them could make it, despite living in a right-to-work state run by Republicans. All they did was complain about the "liberals" and their taxes and regulations. This was during the W Bush years, when Jeb was governor! When I would point out to them that EVERY BRANCH AND LEVEL OF GOVERNMENT was run by people with their political beliefs, they would get this weird look on their faces, then shake it off and blame the liberals again. Most of them went back home to good old "liberal" NEW ENGLAND, where they could survive. The point? IT'S EASY to complain about liberalism while benefiting from it; when you have to live in the world YOU create, it's NOT so easy!

  2. Will one of the career choices be "How to Bankrupt A College And Make Money"? Or use campaign funds to buy a 3rd house? This man is a total hypocrite. Do as I say.. Not as I do.

  3. Here's an idea. Let your kids be exposed to different viewpoints and let them draw their own conclusions. Sheltering your kids and limiting their exposure to only people who support their parents' views does the kids a huge disservice.

  4. Kids in Springfield are only exposed to Bernie. Why because teachers love him. I am a moderate who despises Trump.

  5. This feels like I am on a FAUX NEWS blog site. No rational thoughts, just a bunch of spewing hatred towards others in the name of conservatism. What the hell does make America great again mean?

    1. @3:13, Nice alternative to ANTIFA, Pink Hats, CNN, NPR and the rest of broadcast media don't you think?

    2. Actually just because one person dislikes Bernie and his socialist ideas does not make him or her a conservative. I know many democrats that dislike him as well. Some us still believe in hard work and less government on both sides.

  6. chuck gregory1/26/18, 3:26 PM

    3:13, this blog give "Anonymous" a chance to vent his anger on a keyboard rather than his wife and kid. If Jesus Christ showed up at the high school, he'd complain about Springfield kids being exposed to someone whose mother engaged in premarital sex. If he vents enough, he'll be too worn out to do more venting at town meeting.

    1. Actually, Jesus Christ WOULD complain about things he saw in public schools. The moral stuff, to be sure, but I bet He'd also have a problem with poverty, lack of decent health care, housing, etc. BOTH sides of the political divide would feel his wrath, BELIEVE IT! And just how hard should the "hard work" be, 3:34? Is it just before, or just after we break our backs? I've broken mine twice on the job; IS THAT ENOUGH, or should I be forced to break it again? Maybe YOU should work harder!

    2. Actually Chuck he is a she and if Jesus showed up at school he would be turned away. Ever heard of separation of church and state? I bet if a local minister showed up and spoke to the kids all hell would break loose and that it should as it should with politicians pushing their political agenda on students. Regardless if it is Bernie or any other politician, they need to stay out of school and do their job which is evident with Bernie he hasn’t passed any legislation.

    3. Joseph and Mary were husband and wife. But I do get your point!

    4. I have two jobs anonymous 4:45. Not breaking my back but it aches constantly. Part of my profession. Even us Doctor types have our problems!

  7. He should have been President!

    1. No. It would be a disaster of epic proportions. His economic policies would turn the US into another Venezuela. Want to see the stock market crash? Elect Bernie, a nice guy but not an economist.

    2. Speaking from the bottom 0.1% of the top of the bottom 0.2% I agree.

    3. And you should've been aborted.

  8. Funny, someone who has NEVER held a real "job" is at a job fair. I hope everyone checked their wallets.

  9. Sorry 9:10 meant 0.121%

  10. So are they bringing in someone from the other side so kids can draw their own ok that's wrong then. If you can't show both sides then don't show one. Your skewing so many impressionable minds with this b.s


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