Thursday, January 25, 2018

Springfield eyes possible solar energy deals

The Springfield Selectboard joined with the Town Planning Committee and Southern Windsor County Regional Planning Commission to consider proposed locations for two different net-metering solar projects, which could result in thousands of dollars in electricity savings annually.


  1. This is a sale pitch, these companies are not out to help this town, they are taking advantage of this town.
    Who pays the long term maintenance of these sites and pays to replace these panels and electronics as they fail, Springfield will recognize a savings up front, but then leave a maintenance nightmare and cost to our kids.

  2. chuck gregory1/25/18, 8:32 AM

    I've had a solar panel for about 15 years, and it has required no maintenance, unlike the hydro-, nuclear-, gas- and coal-powered plants that supply my house's electricity. The panel supposedly will have to be replaced in another five years. I'll let everybody know if it's a nightmare. It wasn't a nightmare to install it.

  3. There are roofing shingles that are solar panels now. You replace them every 20 years just like you would any other roof. You don't hear much about them, though they've been around for years. Don't know about the cost, though.

    1. Suspect covered with snow this time of year, solar shingles wouldn't be very effective. Probably even less so during evening hours when energy usage is greatest. But what the hell, be a smug liberal and tell us how they work.

    2. I'd rather hear you be an arrogant, ignorant conservative, and tell us how the nineteenth century works in the twenty-first.

  4. Chuck small scale residential, vs large scale commercial, well let these solar fields around town vet out, they will fail. hydro, coal, gas etc has worked for many years...

  5. Natural Gas is CHEAP. But we don't have it here. The mid west states do. I guess there is a pipe line south of us. NH residents don't want to be connected. It would be good if VT Yankee could be made into an electric generating facility using this gas.

  6. We have to get away from burning stuff for energy. Politics and greed have distorted the message, but the data has been painstakingly accumulated for 40+ years by researchers of every background, during multiple political administrations, agendas, global alliances and economic swings. The data doesn't lie, it is not a hoax. The expense of the needed change is an accruing debt that has to be paid. Frankly, I don't think change will happen, enough or soon enough, and some degree of global disaster is likely.

  7. Trump does not believe in "global warming" caused by the burning or fossil fuels. A man of his stature must be right. He wants to open up Alaska and Florida oil reserves. The pipe line thru ND and SD has leaked a few times.
    Close to Indian land. But hey aren't they here illegally. Have to see what Trump says.

    1. Global Warming is like religion. It's only a belief unsupported by universal, verifiable proof. (Manipulated data hardly counts.) Even less verifiable is that any spurious fluctuation is man made. Think you'll find outside grant-funded academia, most all successful, degreed, medical professionals and engineers that work with hard science to make life critical decisions are at best skeptics.

    2. The data has been painstakingly accumulated for over 40 years, across multiple administrations, policy platforms, global alliances, and demographic shifts. Researches from many countries of every political type have contributed. Often it wasn't climate itself being studied, but the data pertained. It wasn't created or collected to serve a political agenda. It is honest science.

      The raw data starkly and unequivocally indicates the planet is warming perilously fast. It has indeed been politicized, yes, by both parties, and that's very bad. The major manipulation of the data has been done by organizations and outlets, such as the Heritage Foundation, connected with oil companies such as Exxon-Mobil. That has been done to undermine the truth and raise doubts so that those companies will continue to be able to make money on oil. Exxon's own documentation confirms this.

      Rex Tillerson is one person who has alluded to geo-engineering as a possibility, though he didn't come right out and admit to climate change. Geo-engineering is a set of theories of ways to cool the planet, typically involving putting immense quantities of chemicals into the atmosphere or the ocean. All these techniques are untestable and uncontrollable. Because of the complexity of climate effects, nobody can predict what they will do. But energy companies, as well as some countries, militaries, and wealthy individuals, are getting ready to use them, in the name of science, when calamity descends.

    3. Yet no verifiable proof such reported change is man made. None. Our Earth has endured great changes through eons immemorial. Always has. Always will.
      Great wisdom here,

    4. chuck gregory1/27/18, 8:45 AM

      8:13, you really ought to be hired by Our Glorious Leader! He tried appoint a talk show radio host as Chief Scientist of the USDA. He would probably be happy to appoint you to head of NOAA, where you could save taxpayers millions by shutting down the tornado forecasting service.

  8. Can Solar Panels help reverse a portion of this latest news?
    The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists advanced the symbolic Doomsday Clock a notch closer to the end of humanity Thursday, moving it ahead by 30 seconds. It is now set at two minutes to “midnight.” In moving the clock 30 seconds closer to the hour of the apocalypse, the Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists cited “the failure of President Trump and other world leaders to deal with looming threats of nuclear war and Climate Change.

  9. chuck gregory1/25/18, 11:38 AM

    Our Glorious Leader is right because he's rich! We must never forget that. W was rich. Obama was not. Clinton was not. Carter was not. They therefore were stupid. Reagan was rich and therefore smart, and he took Carter's solar panels off the White House roof. If all of us in Springfield were rich, we wouldn't let any solar panels in town. But we're not.

    1. Chuck, I have to say going into the White House, neither Clinton nor Obama were rich. Now both are multi millionaires, making less than $ 200,000 per year at 8 years that is only 1.6 million. Where did the other multi millions come from, you tell me. At Least Trump made his on his own, not using us American's for their position to make their millions from the back door of the our White House...

    2. Donald Trump did NOT make "his on his own"

    3. Roger.....Obama had lucrative book deals; two of them became best sellers. He made close to $16 million from those. The rest was wisely investing in US treasury notes. He's on track to make millions more from another book deal. The Clintons made huge amounts from book deals, speaking fees, and consulting fees. Nothing nefarious, as you are implying. P.S. Trump was GIVEN millions.

    4. chuck gregory1/25/18, 4:16 PM

      Sorry, but NO PRESIDENT ever charged his administration for room, board and golf cart rentals whenever he took time off from his White House duties, nor did he profit from foreign leaders, ambassadors and businessmen who stayed at his hotels in order to curry favor for their proposals. Our Glorious Leader is the first, and he's making it hand over fist. Every other one divested himself of his business interests. This all just shows that Our Glorious Leader must be the smartest president we've EVER had!

      I rest my case.

  10. He certainly did not use the American people as a stepping stone to make it like the previous two mentioned did.

  11. No Sir, or Mam (Anonymous) can't even imagine it, you're saying that with no proof or even scandal of it, if nothing he is giving us money, the tax break is helping the economy, look at the stock market and look at the bonus's that companies are giving, once you have some proof post again, like Russian collusion, where is it.... not happening and never did... so bark elsewhere

    1. Trump is giving us money? WOW, I can't wait for the check with his signature on it! I thought people actually earned that TRUMP CHANGE! Oh, I forgot, it's impossible to EARN a living; it's ALL a gift from the wealthy!

  12.'s a no-brainer. Trump is monetising the office of the presidency. Remember he was going to divest himself of his businesses? As we all know, he didn't and he's unethically overcharging us taxpayers.

    Talk about crooked and corrupt....

    1. chuck gregory1/25/18, 8:21 PM

      It's one thing to write a book and bamboozle people into buying it, as many an author or publisher has done (I'm thinking of tomes like "Eat, Pray, Love"). It's quite something else to bamboozle people into using your hotel and your country club at highest rates in order to get a government contract from you. Our Glorious Leader also signed a tax bill that gives you and me a small tax break for five years, then raises my taxes even higher while he gets a $1 billion break over ten years. This is helping Americans????

    2. Chuck, you have to think like a republican, Trump gets a billion and the American people get a billion,fair enough.

  13. @ 3:35
    Trumps achievements benefiting hard working, United States citizens in just one year is unparalleled in history. Is a bitter pill to swallow for you liberals. Just relax and enjoy the benefits those with better judgement bequeathed you.

    The unemployment rate for December 2017 remained at 4.1%. It is lower than the natural rate of unemployment. It is the lowest rate since August 2000!
    Black unemployment fell to 6.8 percent in December, the lowest ever recorded by the U.S.
    The US economy expanded an annualized 3.2 percent on quarter in the third quarter of 2017, highest growth rate since the first quarter of 2015!
    Stock market at record heights. Those of us with no pension, relying on savings are seeing a bright future for a change. My IRA is up 9% in the past 3 weeks alone!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Tax reform yielding more take home pay for wage earners!
    Illegal immigration down 73%!
    Military funding is up, making for a safer world.
    North Korea brought to the bargaining table and participating in the Olympics!
    Reducing regulations (including mythical global warming)that strangle industry.

    Please fact check.

  14. Bring back the wood chip burner plant that was headed for north springfield. Solar panels could be put on top of the emissions stacks. Cut down and chip up those co2 sucking trees. Oxygen just causes rust and will give VT good reason to make you get your car inspected. No trees no rust.

  15. Trump is trying to put an end to new solar power in the usa (thru tariffs ). He is turning to his big oil and coal buddies. Going to make America rich again.


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