Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Video: The rise of Islamophobia and the need for the Muslim World to unite

The Honorable Minister Louis Farrakhan, 84 year old leader of the African-American Muslim movement in the United States, answers a question at a press conference held in the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Video of the full press conference is available here: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGa1eqZoajA

There are currently more than 3,000 practicing Muslims living in Vermont. Here is some information on the basic beliefs of Islam from the Islamic Society of Vermont:
  • Islam is a monotheistic religion similar to Christianity and Judaism.

  • Muslims accept vast portions of the Bible and accept many Judeo - Christian teachings. Islam sees Jesus Christ as a very holy man, a prophet but not the Son of God.

  • Basic Beliefs of Islam :
    (1) Allah : There is no God but Allah. Main part of Faith. Muslims believe in the God of Abraham, Moses and Jesus.
    (2) Angels of Allah : Gabriel, Michael, Izrail and Israfil
    (3) Books of Allah : Torah, Bible and Quran
    (4) Messengers of Allah (Abraham, Moses, Jesus & Mohammad)
    (5) The Day of Judgement
    (6) Predestination

Islam on Terrorism:
  • Islam, a religion of Mercy, does not permit Terrorism.

  • If an individual Muslim were to commit an act of Terrorism, the person would be guilty of violating laws of Islam.

  • Islamic law requires Muslims to defend their country. There are an estimated 10,000 Muslims serving in the US Armed Forces.

  • "Those terrorists must be reading a completely different Koran than the rest of us," said Marine Corps Capt. Aisha Bakkar - Poe. Bakkar - Poe is from Kentucky. "This isn't about Islam," Bakkar - Poe said. "It's about terrorism." She said her co -workers have been asking her about Islam since the attacks in New York and Washington. "I try to answer their questions and explain that Islam does not believe in killing innocent men, women and children."

  • Army Capt. Arneshuia Balial , a nurse instructor at Walter Reed Army Medical Center and a Muslim, said the terrorists claiming to act in the name of Islam was "like a knife through my heart -- that people would practice Al - Islam, but do deeds like what they've done. It's not true faith. Some people twist religion to the way they think."

Video: Is Islam a Religion of Peace?
Ayaan Hirsi Ali is a Somali-born activist, author, and former Dutch politician. Raised a muslim, she founded the women's rights organization the AHA Foundation. She became a U.S. citizen in 2013 and that year was made a fellow at the Kennedy Government School at Harvard University.



  1. Louis Farrakhan is NOT the one I would listen to regarding Islam. He and his "Nation of Islam" are regarded by most devout Muslims as illegitimate, bigotted, and violent. A group of Neo-Nazis once went to one of his meetings in order to disrupt it; after listening to him, they realized that he hated many of the same people they did, AND DONATED MONEY TO HIM!

  2. chuck gregory1/3/18, 10:22 AM

    Louis Farrakhan is very much like Ben Carson-- very intelligent, but his awareness of his high IQ makes him arrogant and unable to adjust his preconceptions to new realities. Which is why both of them appear, like many intelligent but arrogant people, to be stupid.

  3. There religion will be welcomed more, when a few of there leaders stand up and clearly and concisely denounce terrorism, and do something about it, that is when their place in society will have meaning.

    1. Most Muslim leaders here DO denounce terrorism, and have been doing so for many years. Louis Farrakhan is NOT representative of mainstream Islamic thought in the U.S. His brand of Islam is comparable to the KKK'S brand of Christianity; a hate-filled perversion of the faith. As far as being "welcomed" here, may I point out that Catholics, Jews, Buddhists, and ALL OTHER "foreign" beliefs were "unwelcome" at one time. It was always the same people doing it too, and they all sounded just like you!


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