Monday, January 8, 2018

Video: Site medical school in Springfield VT

Ben Mitchell, a former English teacher at Springfield High School, will be entering the Democrat party primary for U.S. House of Representatives this year. He says he wants to provide Vermonters a choice, a candidate not bought and paid for by corporate interests.

New UVM Medical School in Springfield VT

 When I am in the US House, I will sponsor legislation to build Medical Schools in underserved rural communities. If we double the number medical students in rural states, we could use incentives like free tuition to encourage more doctors to plant roots in the community. Imagine if students were invited to attend Medical School in VT; they could graduate with no debt provided they practice primary care in VT for a comfortable wage. Not only will this address the well documented shortage of doctors, it would totally revitalize an area like Springfield. Once an economic engine of Northern New England, Springfield made the weapons for world war one, but now there are few high paying jobs, little industry, little hope. Imagine if all the people of Southern VT who currently go to Dartmouth for serious care, could attend a world class teaching hospital in Springfield? Imagine a Dental School in Springfield where lower income families could get treatment, and students could practice under skilled mentors. As it is, people in Springfield have a perpetually under-resourced hospital, but plenty of fentanyl.

 On War and Profiteering

We are looking for people to interview.


  1. That WOULD be a good use for the old school building. It would create jobs, and provide better healthcare for the community!

  2. chuck gregory1/8/18, 2:00 PM

    He's running for Congress and not the state legislature? His proposal would be good for Springfield and as such would get a hearing in Montpelier, but not in Congress. Nice idea!

  3. How is it a person with absolutely no notable achievement awakes one morning, looks in the mirror and declares, I'm such a brilliant leader the world is being shortchanged without my profound judgement to benefit from? Reading what I can find online, I see no evidence anyone has ever solicited his professional opinion on anything. Beyond that, being a unionized school system employee in Springfield carries all the resect of a Mass. or NH toll booth attendant coasting along for that golden pension. Vermont deserves far better than this.

    1. How is it that people with no discernable intelligence, no credentials, no realistic ideas, etc., get up, look in the mirror, and say "I think I'll bash people who try to solve the problems that my intellectually bankrupt conservative beliefs cause, because this country isn't screwed up enough." I have YET to hear ANYTHING that remotely resembles an idea from the Right around here. All you know how to do is attack the people who have them! I KNOW I deserve better!

    2. @7:55 PM, odds are if you actually work for a living at something other than public education or social services, the person that signs your paycheck has conservative values. Core values that include, hard work and sacrifice. I can't say I've met a liberal that gambled their life savings without benefit of subsidies to create jobs in this community. Springfield and Vermont in general need to demand their candidates have the PROVEN leadership necessary to make a vision become reality irrespective of ideology. I don't see Ben Mitchell as that person.

    3. Philip Caron1/9/18, 4:29 AM

      When one criticizes anonymity in this forum, a response made is that one should go by the ideas expressed, not the name attached. So, anonymous critics, do that.

    4. You're right 8:30, most of my employers WERE conservatives. Core values of hard work and sacrifice? Yeah, MY HARD WORK AND SACRIFICE so they could sit around sucking up the gravy! Most were far less educated and about 1/10 as smart as I, and relied exclusively on my brains, talent, education, AND WORK for their success, while paying chump wages. The only idea most of them ever had was to work me harder, for less money! Spare me the B.S. about "conservative values;" you've had 40 years since Reagan to prove your ideas work, AND LOOK WHERE WE ARE! I'm retired now, and benefiting from that "big government liberal scam" known as Social Security; the ONLY thing most of us who survive "your economy" will ever get. THANK GOD FOR LIBERALS LIKE FDR AND LBJ; you conservatives had NOTHING TO DO WITH IT!

    5. So anonymous 7:45, who do you think the conservative leaders are who messed up the country? We haven't had a conservative president since Reagan and maybe never a conservative congress. I doubt you even have a clue what the conservative platform is.
      As for whining about having to work for conservatives for "chump wages", what stopped you from being an entrepreneur yourself? They put in the effort and risk to start and run a business and don't deserve to be fairly compensated for it? Enjoy your Social Security, remember your employers paid for half of it.

    6. Ah, the tsunami of lies technique, the one so favored by conservatives. You've packed at least a dozen falshoods into two paragraphs, hoping I'll waste my time trying to unravel them all! This country has been operating under supply-side economics since Reagan. You and your kind have been bleeding this country for decades. When you succeed, you take all the credit, and all the money. When you fail, you blame "lazy workers," then declare bankruptcy and walk away, like Trump did in Atlantic City! I never knew, or worked for, ANYONE who used their own money to start a business; it was all borrowed, with no risk to them. My father had a saying, "Businesses don't pay taxes, they pass the cost on to their customers!" Or screw their workers, or both. My employers didn't pay for my Social Security, I DID, in the form of low wages, and crappy benefits! It ALL came out of my check, and everyone else's who works for a living, count on it! The conservative platform? Another pack of lies! All one has to do is read AYN RAND know the real one! (She died on welfare, by the way!) You can talk all you want; the two-thirds of this country WITH brains isn't buying it!

  4. chuck gregory1/13/18, 8:17 AM

    Well, Ayn Rand died on what the right-wingers call welfare-- Social Security. Would they want her to have been deprived of it?

    Maybe every time her check arrived in the mail she would handle it with a pair of tongs and hold her nose on the way to the bank. Of course, it paid for her rent, because the government of New York City had controlled its price. Although, she would have had more welfare money to spend if uncontrolled rent prices had forced her to sleep on the streets.

    1. Actually, the story I read said that she died in a nursing home on Medicaid. She never made enough money from her books to qualify for Social Security.

    2. chuck gregory1/14/18, 10:15 AM

      Yeah, I used to have an accountant like that....

  5. Emerging from his well-spun, protective cocoon within the lower echelon of an underperforming public education establishment, another out of touch Pollyanna coddler proposes a preposterous centrally managed, nanny-state-imposed course of action that is completely lacking in foundation and facts. Yep, Vermont's delusional liberal electorate ought to really lap this long as they can find someone else to pay for it!

    1. chuck gregory1/14/18, 10:16 AM

      Hunt him down and crucify him!


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