The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department is hosting several public discussion sessions on Vermont's fishing regulations, beginning January 30th in Springfield. Department officials are hoping to engage anglers in a discussion and gather public opinion on the state's baitfish rules.
Vermont's most recent baitfish regulations were revised in 2012 by the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board. Current regulations prohibit anglers from moving live fish from one waterbody to another, including minnows and other baitfish species. This helps reduce the risk of spreading fish diseases and aquatic invasive species, and prevents the introduction of fish species into new waterbodies.
The Vermont Fish & Wildlife Department and Vermont Fish and Wildlife Board began a comprehensive review of the state's baitfish regulations in the summer of 2017. The review team, consisting of department fisheries staff and Board members, has been tasked with reviewing the baitfish regulations for potential changes.
"While the baitfish regulations have been successful at protecting the health of Vermont's wild fish populations, we hear a variety of opinions from anglers on the regulations," said Adam Miller, Vermont's fish culture operations manager. "We want to know how these regulations are affecting Vermont anglers and to hear their ideas on whether any changes are necessary. This will be a working session, with information presented on the regulations, followed by breakout groups where people will have the opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas, and experiences."
The first meeting will be held from 6:30 to 9:00 p.m. on Tuesday, January 30 at the Springfield Middle School Cafeteria, 15 Fairground Road, Springfield, VT. Additional meetings are expected to follow in the Burlington area and in the Northeast Kingdom in February.
Reasonable accommodations for persons with disabilities are available upon request. Please include a description of the accommodation you will need. Individuals making such requests must include their contact information. Please send an e-mail to penny.percival@vermont.gov or call 802-828-1294 (direct voice) or 1-800-253-0191 (TTY).
Media Contact: Adam Miller, 802-777-2852
Seth Martin

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