Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Welch Discusses Business in Vt.

On a visit here in Springfield on Tuesday, U.S. Rep. Peter Welch, D-Vt., listened to several small-business owners air their grievances about the challenges they face, some of which they blamed on Washington, others on Vermont.



  1. Just a carbon tax away from NO business in Vt

  2. Sounds like this Politician, like all the rest dodge the questions posed to him quite nicely and got out of town.

  3. Businesses say they have a hard time finding motivated, "qualified" applicants. I've heard this from employers before. What it usually means is "We can't find people willing to work themselves to death for minimum wage." The U.S. has the most productive workforce in the world, which means we work harder for less than everyone else. You get what you pay for; what some people view as laziness and irresponsibility may simply be people realizing their value, and demanding to be paid for it.

  4. I like that, 11:28! One of my more memorable jobs paid $3.25 an hour. After a couple of years I realized that my back was starting togo, I had no health coverage, and my suggestions for improving productivity were rebuffed. So I gave notice.

    My replacement was paid over $10 an hour. He knew how much his labor was worth!

  5. Younger workers have grown up with a “chaotic lifestyle,” he said, and they aren’t ready to show up on time and work hard.

    With some exception at SMCS, the employers quoted are at a loss to hire unskilled workers. For employers in the skilled trade and technology fields the issue is exponentially exacerbated. All of which is the backlash of liberalism.

    Students have been coddled throughout school with participation awards and brided with cash payments just for attendance!!!! Few have sufficient maturity to deal with rejection and failure, or the patience and dedication to earn a journyman's card.

    For those that choose to quit school or reject employment upon graduation, EBT cards, free apartments, and health care abound. Just ask E. Wiley! There is absolute no disincentive to not work and perpetually live on the dole. For those that reach the golden ring, disability is the ultimate prize. Shame no longer exists.

    For those that want to work the scam, Okemo is so desperate for help no drug testing exists. Seasonal help routinely works stoned out of their gourd. Then with spring layoff collect over $400/week on unemployment. End result being there are now 100s of 40+ somethings in the local area with minimal education, no job skills, no positive job references, no savings, and deteriorating health from years as a ignorant, drunk stoner. All counting on their savior Burnie to rectify a system rigged against them.

    1. "Disability is the is the ultimate prize?" I have a great idea 12:23, try working hard enough to become disabled; I'll bet you never have, or ever would. You're just another one of those lazy Ayn Rand zombies who thinks we're all so stupid we won't notice you lounging around the jobsite while we break our backs!


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