Friday, February 23, 2018

HCRS announces new staff members again

Health Care and Rehabilitation Services, southeastern Vermont’s community mental-health agency, is pleased to announce the appointment of 12 new professionals whose talents will augment HCRS’ services in the Hartford, Bellows Falls, Brattleboro and Springfield regions.

Front row from left: Wendy Therieau, community outreach specialist in Springfield, Vermont; Kerin Riley, clinician I in Hartford; Teri Ames, community outreach specialist in Brattleboro, Vermont; Molley Tarbell, residential specialist in Bellows Falls; and Matthew Bean, respite provider in Hartford;

Back row from left: Michael Landon, clinician I in Hartford, Heather Tremblay, office generalist in Hartford; Amanda Rennie, office generalist in Springfield, Vermont; James Golisano, DS area manager in Brattleboro, Vermont; Mindy Olsen, residential specialist in Brattleboro, Vermont; Max Messier, residential specialist in Bellows Falls and Timothy Golden, residential specialist in Springfield, Vermont.


  1. Again! Is right why such a turnaround in staff, I wonder?

    1. They were rehabbed and turned loose.

  2. The turnaround is because of the shady backroom deals. The way they hide money from the state, the work load is unreasonable.
    In developmental services, the leadership is clueless. They fired a few managers and expected the support staff to step up, without a pay increase and do the job of the managers PLUS their own jobs.
    The gentleman who lived with us lost his job because there were no staff to go with him to work for over a week. I offered to bring him to work multiple times and was told that it wasn't my job. Now, he's been without a job for over a year and they haven't even contacted him to go looking. I'm disappointed in HCRS.

  3. Anonymous 9:13 I totally agree with you. They treat their staff horribly, they do not provide the best care needed for the client population they have. All HCRS cares about is giving their upper management bonuses and firing the lower ranked staff if they ever try to stand up for the rights of the client.

  4. I wish an investigation of this place came along with the checks that the state writes to them... If it was not an inside investigation which it would probably be and a white wash.


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