Friday, February 23, 2018

Meet the Candidates night

Scheduled for Tuesday night: a Meet & Greet tavern social hour at the Hartness House with the candidates for Selectboard and School Board to be followed by a public forum.

The Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce helps promote democracy for the region through its Meet the Candidates nights. Join us on Tuesday, February 27th at the Hartness House for a Meet & Greet (starting at 6pm) and a public forum with the candidates for Selectboard and School Board (beginning at 7pm).

To submit YOUR event to Springfield VT News Calendar of Events, CLICK HERE


  1. Time for change. Out with the old and in with some new blood on the School Ryan Cooney, an intelligent and terrific young man who cares about Springfield.

    1. he doesn't live in town and goes to school full time,let's get somebody in here there will be around when needed

  2. Ryan Cooney used to fall asleep at the meetings when he was the student rep to the board. Yes let us vote for him, Springfield will be in the rear view mirror when he leaves for college in the fall. This is not what the parents need.

  3. Ryan Cooney fell asleep at the board meetings when he was the student rep. Springfield will be in his rear view mirror this fall when he leaves for college in the fall. This is not what we need on our school board.

    1. OK, Steve.....

    2. VTC is only an hour away.

  4. Do any of these school board candidates have kids in the school system?

  5. College student? Does he even pay school property taxes?

  6. Not very likely if he's a college student.....perhaps his parents do.

  7. Ryan Cooney is not a college student at this time. He is holding at least one job in town, saving money to continue his education-- which makes him the sort of graduate we like the Springfield School System to produce.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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