Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Springfield Wrestling ends for senior team members

Coaches couldn't be prouder of the hard work, dedication, and team spirit put forth by each and every wrestler on the varsity team this season. While the title of "State Champ" didn't get hung on any of our young grapplers this year, the team ended the season with a lot to be proud of.

(Photo by Crystal Shaw. L to R: Mason Olney, Jayson Webster, Lucas Saunders, Coach Floyd Buck, Trent Briere-Lewis, Coach Don Beebe, Gillian Guy, John Stafford Jr)

Nine seniors competed to beat some of the toughest opponents, arch-rivals, and their own records. Trent Briere-Lewis placed 6th; Matt LaChapelle nailed 5th; Mason Olney, Jayson Webster, and John Stafford Jr each collared 4th place; and Lucas Saunders ended his high school career by earning his 100th varsity win as well as a 2nd place spot on the podium, which earns him a place at the HS New England Championship in Rhode Island on March 3rd.

Also wrestling in their last State championship were seniors Gillian Guy, Matt Prosser, and Peter Berlenbach. Memories were made, and the foundation for a solid future has been laid for each of these young people. Well done, seniors!

1 comment :

  1. Great Job Springfield Wrestlers, take those skills you learn into the world and fight for what you want out of life.


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