Saturday, February 24, 2018

Vermont man indicted for alleged role in local drug deal

A Springfield, Vt. man accused of aiding in an alleged Claremont drug deal was indicted in Sullivan County Superior Court this week on several drug-related charges.


  1. In 2012 blacks accounted for 10% of Vermont's prison population. Yet accounted for only less than 1% on the general population. Vermont has since stopped publishing ethnicity of inmates because it makes them look bad. However, with the rampant opiate epidemic that rate is conservatively estimated to have doubled! Hence blacks are now 20X more likely than all other races combined to wage crimes against Vermont residents!!!!

    BLACK LIVES MATTER. (Mostly when your smack dealer is in jail.)
    Oh, can't wait for the Tide-Pod eating snowflakes to scream racist.

    1. It's only because blacks get fewer opportunities to be a success than members of white privileged society do.

    2. Last I checked, White Conservatives are only 37%
      of the population, but are responsible for nearly 100% of the mass shootings and bombings in America. Who's more of a threat?

    3. chuck gregory2/24/18, 6:12 PM

      But because they're white, they're not terrorists! And because they're conservatives, they're held to a different standard. As Jon Swift pointed out when the conservative movement rallied around Bristol Palin's first illegitimate pregnancy rather than condemning her the way they condemned the fictional Murphy Brown's, "The answer is simple: Conservatives are different." Case closed....

    4. Chuck hates the white people that are not communist too.... Case closed?

    5. White conservatives are responsible for nearly all the mass shootings? Where did you get that info from? CNN?

    6. No, Mr. Shannon, I've been following the killings since I lost a family member at Oklahoma City. Unless you think McVeigh was a liberal. The one commonality in virtually every single mass casualty incident in the US over the last thirty years is that they were commited by the far right, and were politically motivated. Think not? PROVE ME WRONG. The double standard that Chuck G. referred to IS real. I lived in Evangelical Wingnut land for years, (met George Zimmerman there) and the level of hypocracy is absolutely staggering. Roy Moore, anyone?

    7. 6:56 A quick google search did not back up your claim. Maybe you like to provide your factual resources. Thank You.

    8. Where did I get my information? A Degree in Sociology, and my time spent working in the criminal justice system. Here's in interesting fact that I'm sure you're unaware of: Most criminals are inherently conservative! That's right, the "conventional wisdom" that crime is committed by "liberals" is flat out WRONG! Furthermore, most of the "factual resources" on the internet are inconclusive, at best. The FBI classifies a mass shooting as having "four or more" deaths per incident. When you eliminate domestic violence and gang killings, the list gets much shorter. Most mass killings are listed as being caused by "mental illness," which reveals nothing; just the "PC" way to avoid the real issue. The only website that shows the political motivation for mass killing is The Southern Poverty Law Center. It only went back a few years, but showed a startling fact: killings by the "Alt-Right" have skyrocketed since Trump took office. I'd like to know where YOU got the information with your "quick Google search;" I found nothing that DISPROVES my claim outright. Politically motivated killings by the Right ARE on the rise, at the very least!

    9. Thank you. I'll check out the SPLC website. I posted the source of my "quick" google search in a reply to Mr Gregory. In short a republican blamed democrats. The quoted sources for the article refuted that and found that many had no real political affiliation. I don't intend to be argumentative, I'm interested in info so that I might draw my own conclusions.

    10. Obviously all your degrees aren't worth the paper they are written on. Perhaps using them as toilet paper would be appropriate? Newtown was a Democrat. Las Vegas was a Democrat. The Pulse Shooter was a Democrat.

    11. chuck gregory2/26/18, 9:13 AM

      Cite your sources, please, Mr. Shannon.

    12. Chuck Shannon, the typical Trump supporter; they bash what they cannot achieve! I'll wipe my posterior with your MAGA hat one day!

    13. Lol. I'm 51 and retired. Own 3 homes and have more in my checking account then your net worth. I am a college grad. Ex military and flew for a major airline. After that I went back to school and got a master's in science. Go wipe your ass buddy.

    14. Wow, all that education, and you're STILL a bigotted moron. AMAZING. Oh, I'm ex military too, I retired at 50, and houses around here are a dime a dozen, so you're not doing MUCH better than I am, if at all! Maybe YOU wasted your money on a Masters Degree; seems I did just as well with a B.A.! Still looking forward to that MAGA wipe! ENJOY THE GO!

  2. Looks like a Vermonter from Springfield to me.

  3. chuck gregory2/25/18, 9:19 AM

    8:24, ;you can start with this Philadelphia Tribune story. It cites the Mother Jones story as its source, but I felt you would be loathe to read that, despite its documentation:

    "If they're non-white, they're terrorists and criminals. If they're white, they're mentally ill." Ya gotta love it....

    1. Thank You Chuck I read Tribune story (Mother Jones when I get a little more time). I have always considered these mass shootings be acts of terrorism and that all have a component of mental illness.
      My original reply was in reference to these acts being perpetrated by conservatives. My Google search referenced an article by Politifact in conjunction with the Buffalo News where a republican politician attributed these acts to democrats.
      We would all be better served if we could put our politcal biases aside and get some of our information from sources that doesn't reinforce them. It is difficult to find basic unbiased info that isn't ratings and advertising driven.

      Have a Good Day

  4. Here's Gallup's most recent breakdown by region. White conservatives go from 36 percent to high forties:

  5. That picture isn't even of Kyles.... "any black photo will do"

  6. We are who we are play the cards you're dealt, we all have had disadvantages in our lives, Woe is me gets you no where. This guys is in jail because he was selling illegal drugs... Case Closed!

    1. No, he wasn't actually caught selling drugs. If you read the article, he was found asleep where the drugs were being sold, and had only a small amount on him. The case against him is paper thin; any public defender will get this guy off, guilty or not.

  7. In fact the Black Lives Matter Movement and the LGTB Movements are just Woe Is Me Movements!

    1. Philip Caron2/26/18, 9:52 AM

      Right, there's no such thing as prejudice. And if there was, it wouldn't be wrong. And if it was, they should just play their cards.

  8. We must have read 2 different articles, cause they went there looking for him from a deal that went down previously, and found minimal stuff on him. On another note why does he not he his own lawyer, why should I and other tax payers pay for his lawyer? Get a job other than selling drugs.


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