Friday, April 6, 2018

The Green Mountain Party, Vermont’s cure for common politics

Are you at all frustrated with the political direction Vermont is currently on? Is so read on, a group of us have formed the Green Mountain Party to address the concerns of so many in Vermont that are being ignored.

Our Seven-Point plan is directed at the following:

Ethics - Bring out D- to an A+. Give our ethics commission some money to operate, investigatory powers and enforcement powers. This alone will save millions and increase efficiency by multiples.

Big Money influence out of State Government - We’d tax out of state lobbyists and PAC money heavily. PAC money is just legalized bribery funding propaganda and enriching those who peddle the propaganda. aka fake news. We don’t need billionaires running our state, Soros, Koch, Bloomberg, pick your billionaire. We don’t need them and they don’t even live here.

Stop The Gross Negligence with our Tax Money - We aim to improve schooling and healthcare, just a few years ago we were 25% and 30% cheaper than today. It’ll be easy when citizens work together, and we ignore the lobbyists

Drugs - Our approach has failed on almost every attempt. We need a concerted focus, multipronged strategy to get this scourge from ruining our society further. Crack babies being born every day in Vermont is just something that doesn’t work for anyone.

Jobs - We have a climate that is not conducive or friendly toward business development and growth. We need good education for our citizens. We need business education.

Schools - We can do better, and for far less money. The state is gutting our communities and taking control of our towns. Lobbyists have the most power in our state. We can provide college education for 70% less than universities through use of state certified college level educators and community building use.

Homes - Our current regulatory climate is abusive to anyone earning an average wage. We can efficiently provide an affordable house for less than $600 per month, about the same cost as renting a studio apartment. 3 bedroom, 1000 sq. ft., 6 homes to an acre. We only have to allow and encourage it. No subsidies and no tax money are needed, just a willing heart.

Regular politicians will tell you this is the most important election coming up. We’ll suggest you’ll get more of the same next year and the year after if you don't change your actions and vote.

Want your system to change???? Help us organize in your town so we can be a significant party in 2018. We need this before the end of the year. Send us an email or call us, 3 friends, husband and wife along with adult child or relative is all it takes to start change in your town. Then we’ll get to choose who represents us in Montpelier later this year.

Help change Vermont in a positive direction. Please spread this to your friends on Facebook!! Contact us at 802-496-4470 or

Neil Johnson
State chair, Green Mountain Party


  1. Hmmm, sounds like more right-wing politics, disguised as local populism. Crack babies? Just a little behind the times! I am ALWAYS suspicious when politicians tell me that politicians are the problem. They say all that is necessary is to throw the current "bums" out and give control to them. I'll need to know just exactly HOW they plan on working their "miracles" before they get my support!

  2. chuck gregory4/7/18, 8:14 AM

    Anybody who campaigns on the theme that "government is a mess" is very likely to not be intelligent enough in office to do anything other than follow the lead of people who are much smarter and more evil. As Thomas Frank wrote in "What's the Matter with Kansas?" "Republicans run on the premise that government is bad for you. When elected, they proceed to prove it."

    1. So Mr. Gregory are you satisfied with the status quo state of affairs? It seems to me at least that both major political parties are morally bankrupt. Someone is trying to make a change. Do you berate them in your first sentence because their ideology doesn't suit you? Please enlighten us.

    2. chuck gregory4/7/18, 7:45 PM

      As a flaming (but ineffective) liberal, I don't enlighten anybody, even though I try to an extent that everybody finds annoying. The Green Mountain Party is just as loose in its platform as any other. Here's how they could change it to be more specific:

      1. Ethics-- Describe exactly how they would begin to establish an ethics enforcement system. Having at hand the very bill they would introduce to start the process is the very least they could do.

      2. They really ought to get behind Vendor-Based Regulation for campaign finance reform. Applied to statewide and federal offices only, it eliminates candidates' and incumbents' compulsion to raise funds (30% of congressional time is spent on this, and the total cost of the Vermont governors' campaigns went from $800,000 to $14 million in a decade), it removes the obligation they have to their major donors, it provides for instant detection and prosecution of violations, it exempts them from prosecution, and it costs the state almost nothing, basically a half-time employee for one year out of every two.

      3. "Gross Negligence with our tax money" appears to be nothing more than chum for the fish, sorry to say. It would have been better to identify the ways the EB-5 scandal mushroomed and propose definite steps to prevent the recurrence of another such.

      4. Everybody's in favor of a "concerted, multi-pronged" effort on the drug problem. If they want to be viewed differently, they should offer something specific, e.g., legalizing marijuana in the way that our Progressive lieutenant governor proposed a couple years back-- government regulation of quality, production, distribution, marketing and attempts at corporate takeover.

      5. The surest way to produce more technicians who will happily drop the crystals of Zyklon-B down the ventilation shafts of the fake showers is to promote STEM education (which is supposed to be an attractant for businesses). The Green Mountain Party could start with pushing for a world-class school system in Vermont, something Finland does for 30% less than we already pay. Kids coming out of a world-class system at age 16 are eminently prepared to take maximum benefit from a STEM education. They could also promote neighborhood social change through development of a College for Community Life, which needs no buildings, no instructors and no support staff (because they're already in place in communities). However, I do find intriguing the platform's comment about the use of "state certified college educators."

      6. Anytime somebody mentions deregulation of construction, I get nervous. This looks like the beginning of a scam which would result in shacks of the sort that blew away in Hurricane Andrew when the Habitat-built homes did not (Habitat volunteer Jimmy Carter joked, "We used nails.") They need to clearly explain what they intend.

  3. Our legislature is legislating VT out of economic viability, working age population shrinking taxes among the highest in the country. Whatever we are doing isn't working. Time for a change.

    1. Yeah, the citizens of Germany and Russia said the same thing a while back, and look what it got them. Be careful what you wish for. Vague generalities that sound good are the hallmark of demagogues and con artists.

  4. When I hear groups like this looking for support, I'm reminded of something that that happened to my parents in the 80's. One day, two fresh-faced young people came to their door, looking for donations to fight the War on Drugs. My dad wrote them a check. Only after reading the literature they left did he realize he had just donated money to Lyndon LaRouche! BE CAREFUL, read the "fine print" FIRST!


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