Friday, April 13, 2018

Vermonters have protest planned in case President Trump tries to end Russia probe

Hundreds of Vermonters say they’re ready to mobilize if President Donald Trump tries to end the special counsel’s Russia investigation. A rapid-response protest is all set up to go into action in Springfield.



Trump Backing Away From Attack on Syria
Phone calls to White House 202-456-1414 overwhelmingly opposed to strike


  1. ok baby boomer cry babys. let me explain something to you. you lost get over it. you ran a nasty woman who thought she could get votes by calling anybody who didnt agree with her names. celler dwellers and my favorite the taco bowl.

  2. This is rediculous. The Russia probe is a joke and there's no collusion. Trump is being wrongfully targeted and now has lost attorney client privilege. This will all backfire. If the shoe was on the other foot - if this happened to a democrat - they would be unhinged. Yet democrats and the ACLU don't care about rights when it comes to the current president. Guess what folks? His rights do matter.

  3. I'm getting a wealth of enjoyment out of these butt hurt liberals. The intolerance, bitterness and hate they exude is eating them alive. Meanwhile, Trump's popularity continues to grow as his policies prove successful. His popularity poll is well beyond Obama's for time-in-office. A second term is all but assured. Oh,
    Ramlah & Susan, Please consider for self-immolation at the local protest. Always attracts a crowd, you'd be martyrs and I'd be a LiveLeak champion! This is going to be great!

    1. Suggest you do a little research on Trump's popularity polls....try about a 40% approval rating right now....BFD. He'll never come close to Obama's numbers.

    2. I am getting similar enjoyment out of watching these butt hurt conservatives not getting their way on gun laws.

    3. Anonymous 6:10 AM, calling for two fine people to burn themselves to death? Dude, why not have some breakfast instead? Have a couple of those cups of coffee with Chuck? Read the New Testament?

    4. Really his popularity growing you must be stuck on fox news. He is a sleeve ball.


  4. "Hundreds of Vermonters say they’re ready to mobilize if President Donald Trump tries to end the special counsel’s Russia investigation. A rapid-response protest is all set up to go into action in Springfield."
    What a Friggen Joke, I don't want him to only because it will make him look like he is hiding something, but this investigation has no merit, so Muller and his liberal team is trying to save face taking it in a different direction.
    But to see a bunch of clowns mobilizing in Springfield ready to ponce, it might be worth it, I can see them planning now and can envision their texting back and forth and face booking all night long getting ready for a rapid response.

    1. Too bad they don't mobilize their butts to a job.

    2. Some of us have worked all our lives and paid more taxes than probably you.

  5. The next step is to go house to house and take your bump stocks away. And I am for that.

  6. HUH?! PROTEST?! The fact is Liberals don't protest! They riot,they loot, they burn, they assault the opposition, they flip automobiles, they smash windows and they leave a path of destruction and trash in their wake......calling it a protest! So, let them mobilize!

    1. There's a huge difference between liberals and anarchists.........

    2. Anarchists is the Left wing of the Democratic Party it's well know... all working for the same thing...

    3. Much like the white nationalists are the right wing of the GOP. They run people over with cars.

    4. Anarchists are not the Democratic Party's base. Abortionists, gay rights advocates, radical feminists, yes! But not anarchists. I DO know that fascists are the base of the Republican party. That's EASY to see; torch-lit parades, anti-semitic slogans, Nazi salutes, Confederate flags, and on and on!

    5. What is wrong with a Confederate Flag, part of our history, and we really see the others listed running the street everyday don't we? Never seen any of it.

    6. Thanks, Roger! As usual, you make my point for me. Saying the Confederate flag is a part of our history is EXACTLY the same as saying the Swastika is a part of Germany's history. You don't hear many Germans bragging about it. As far as "running the street everyday," they actually do, every day, somewhere in America. In order for you to see it, you would first have to remove your head from your butt!

    7. Apples and Oranges my man, twisting words again as usual.... and showing your true liberal colors just like all liberals, name calling and riots etc, typical... I can have a discussion without calling names and turning over cars and burning buildings, and breaking windows... just like Roy pointed out... The main issue with the confederate flag is slaves and the main slave owners were actually Democrats... it happens America learned and moved on... move past it it's over we don't have slaves...

    8. Oh, no! That's the problem you on the far right face today; I'm not a liberal! Not even a Democrat! Whan pro-life, pro-family, pro-gun moderates like myself can't stand you anymore, YOU'RE TOAST! To say that slave owners were "Democrats" ignores the history of both parties. There hasn't been a Democrat of that kind since George Wallace, and even he repented! No, people like that are all Republicans now, GONE is the "party of Lincoln!" As far as name-calling, I will refer the reader to your past posts, where the cheap insults abound!

    9. I'm Toast? What does that mean? Sounds like no one is as smart as you, you seem to know it all and have all the answers!

    10. Toast politically. There are people in the world smarter than me; you're just not one of them, Roger! Of all the people that I routinely argue with, your arguments are usually the easiest to dismantle. Even Chuck G. puts up a better fight most of the time!

    11. I don't see a winner in your arguments. All I see is you saying "I'm right and you're wrong".

    12. Well, Roger, you sure as shoot don't have the accuse ordinary Dems./left-leaning moderates of being radical anarchists rioting, burning buildings, etc. I am a liberal and have never destroyed property or rioted in my life, nor have any "liberals"/Dems. I know. As far as Mueller and his investigation, you have no idea what is going on other than what everyone else knows: Mueller's either indicted or gotten guilty pleas from 19 people + 3 companies....4 of those people happen to be Trump advisers....and looming in the background...the possibility of potential obstruction of justice by the Trump administration. We'll wait and see if the investigation has any merit. Your opinions aren't facts.

    13. You need to get out more instead of watching fox news or should I say fox tabloid news.

    14. Anonymous 4:40... That's a sure way to allow us to all work together and to make this one Country Great, always look to dismantle your opponent that's a good way to make our Country a great one... that makes my point complete I'm confident you will be in that group waiting to pounce with your little protest if Trump Fires Muller... he is a smarter man than you for sure the best you got is to protest him... he made it to President when all odds including the FBI, CIA, Liberals and 80% of the Media against him.... all you can do is sit on this blog an post to dismantle people... The is obviously a smarter group than you that voted him in... I am one...

    15. As usual, Roger, you make MY point better than I can!

    16. Roger.....M.A.G.A.= Mueller Ain't Going Away. Deal.....

    17. Ooooooh! Nice burn! I wish I'd come up with that one!

    18. Roger, are you confusing yourself as being smart? You are a right winger extremists... you are in the minority for a reason, you are a follower, easily confused by your innate alt-right beliefs. No one is coming for your guns, you are an idiot.

      BTW: Black Lives Do Matter, it's a movement, not meant to mean Other Lives Do Not Matter. The Confederate Flag is history, nothing to be proud of!!!

    19. I said Black Lives Matter when I said All Lives Matter, but when you say Black Lives Matter only, you don't say All Lives Matter see it is discriminatory to say.
      When they do come for the Guns it will be to late to refute you at that time, because then we probably won't be writing on this blog, as the free speech rights will go by the way of the guns as well. And I'm not an idiot!

    20. I really don't worry about what Muller will find or has found, if he has not found much yet, these just not much to find. I'm not here defending Mr Trump, I'm here defending "Witch Hunts" Yes Trumps words but I feel they are appropriate, it's not a Witch Hunt against him, it's a Witch Hunt against Republicans, it's all the Dems have they are still crying over the election and can't move on.

    21. You have the gall to complain about an investigation against Trump that has been going on less than a year, but didn't have a problem with the months/years of REAL witch hunts against HRC that came up empty time after time? Ex: Benghazi from start to final report was 4 years. That's just one of many that the Republicans tried to nail her on but couldn't. Are you defending that?

    22. Gall really, if that is the word you wanted to use, yes, the true facts are the FBI, (at the direction of the Democrats running the FBI) started before Trump was elected and had enough facts that they did not want to use to shut it down. Ignored all that then started the Mueller investigation later. HRC was clearly tied to the Russians (ignored) And I think they white washed the Bengasi Cluster F for sure.

    23. Roger....not sure I understand your mumbo-jumbo.

  7. You mean the Vikings were democrats? From the east,they came to this land first.

  8. chuck gregory4/13/18, 8:25 AM

    Well, for those of us who don't want America to be the leader of the Free World, Trump has already delivered. So, life is simpler in that regard. His son-in-law threatened Panamanian leaders with US retaliation if the family name didn't stay on a hotel there-- so Trump knows how to use his position for personal gain. Other countries-- e.g., India, Indonesia, the Philippines, Hungary-- have learned how to manipulate their populations and maintain control by fomenting racism and chaos. And the same guys who gave us the Wall Street meltdown are now in his Cabinet.

    Excuse me while I riot, loot, burn, assault the opposition, flip automobiles, smash windows and leave a path of destruction and trash in my wake. It's nasty work, but we liberals have to do it.

    1. Chuck must have eaten his Wheaties today, sounds like threats to me...

    2. Be sure to look under your bed from now on!

  9. Listen to all these conservative voices. You know what I hear? FEAR! Mueller's getting closer, and the GOP rats are jumping ship! Paul Ryan is the most recent. Pretty soon, there won't be ANYONE in Washington who's willing to defend Herr Trump, AND THEN IT'S OVER! Crawl back into your bunkers, burn your MAGA hats, and hope everyone forgets!

    1. And QUIT watching the fricked up show FOX NEWS. Just for FUN I watched some of to last night to see if any of the REAL Trump news was on it and NO NO NO NO. MSNBC was reporting all the NEWS that happened that day. SICK SICK FOX NEWS IS TRASH.

    2. Try OAN it is much better than all the other propoganda stations.

    3. Speaking of Fox, I haven't watched them since the 2000's, when they had all those phony "terror alerts." Funny thing, they didn't coincide with ANYTHING happening around the globe. The only connection to them was Bush's approval rating taking a dive. It would drop below 40%, then there'd be a "terror alert," and then his approval would go above 40% again. This explains Trump's 40% approval rating. Since 40% of people get their news from Fox, and believe what they say, Fox is able to maintain the approval of ANY President at 40%. Without them, it's toilet city for The Donald!

    4. If you hate Trump you watch msnbc, that is all they talk about.

    5. fear? i dont think so. im just sick of the cry baby boomers.its hard to be a moderate today with all you extremist out there.

    6. Ah, the new tactic. I'm seeing this more and more, lately; right-wingers pretending to be moderates. If you support Trump, you are NOT a moderate, or even a conservative. You're a radical, period. YOU are the one making it tough to be a moderate! Don't try hiding among us, we can spot you a mile away!

    7. well im not a right wing nut im just sick of listening to the whining spoiled brat generation that has destroyed america.your parents handed you a fine country. well you guys left us 20 trillion in debt. now ride off into the sunset and let us clean up your mess.

    8. REAGANOMICS destroyed this country! I'm only sorry I was too young to vote in 1980! MY parents voted for Jimmy Carter. I'll bet your parents (or probably grandparents) voted for Reagan, SO BLAME THEM! Clean up the mess? You're still messing it up! Clinton would have had us debt-free by 2008; Bush's tax cuts killed that, and now Trump is putting the final nail in our coffin!

    9. i think you forget that the clintons embraced trickle down economics and the democrats still do. nafta the china favored trade agreement and the kicker tpp. both parties have abandoned the working class.

    10. The Clintons embrace trickle down economics? And Democrats still do? Where do you get your info?

    11. 539 you are so right. Millennial BRATS are destroying America and it will take a Millennium to fix it. Give me give me give ME that's their slogan.

    12. 1:15: Although the Clintons were hardly Great Society liberals, Bill Clinton RAISED taxes on the wealthy, and used the budget surplus to pay down the national debt. Ever see a supply-sider do that? NO! They cut taxes for the rich, and explode the defecit, EVERY TIME! All we would have had to do is stay on the fiscal path the Clintons put us on, and we would have been debt-free by 2008, instead of entering the Great Recession. And now, MORE tax cuts for the wealthy, under Trump. Even conservative economists like Ben Stein say we should be RAISING taxes on the wealthy right now. While it is true that many Democrats have caved in to the Republican economic agenda, there are still a few (Bernie, and Elizabeth Warren, for example) that get it. We need more of them in Washington, and not more what we have now!

    13. murdering? must have him confused with the former president. yemen, syria, and liyba. i'm not quite sure how the democrats became war hawks.

  10. "President Donald Trump slammed James Comey on Friday as a "weak and untruthful slime ball"" NOW THAT MY VERMONT FRIENDS IS HOW TRUMP TALKS. Using BIG words.
    How Presidential and professional can you get. Those words must be from the GOP dictionary.

    1. Oh, and the hands,my God did you see his hands, oh my god what tiny hands.

  11. Comey has more honesty and integrity in his little finger than Trump has in his over-inflated body. He's running scared and his only defense mechanism is to call names and try to cast you can see on here, his die-hards lap it up.

  12. Looks like the bed wetting liberals are melting down. Springfield on the Move

    1. Throwing more gasoline on the liberal burn pile. Burn baby burn!

  13. Once upon a time there was a boy, little Donny, who lived in the biggest house in town. He was the boss of a club in which all white members had to pledge to be nice to him. If they weren't then little Donny would call them names and would kick them out . South of town lived a family of Mexicans who he did not like and he wanted to build a fence around their house. At school he was the bully too. If some kid scraped their knee, little Donny would not let them see the nurse. Some of the kids did not have money for milk and little Donny would not let the school help because he was the richest boy in town and wanted to stay that way. Sometimes little Donny would pick on the girls and be naughty. He thought he could get away with that until one girl complained. Then more and more did. A tall man found out and decided to help . Little Donny thought he has mean and called him names. Once upon a time not to long ago just south of here....

    1. Hogwash!

    2. 642 644 are you Donald. From your literacy skills it sounds like you are.

    3. They're an example of Trump's low/no information supporters. Anyone who would defend Trump's lack of integrity/honor and condone it are as pitiful as he is.

    4. Chris Mathews said it best: "Trump is what you get when people living in trailer parks win the lottery." Rich, but still trashy!

    5. Sounds like Chris Matthews is way off base with his quotes. He also said when Obama got elected, just to listen to him speak he said and I quote "and I felt this thrill going down my leg" Lets use some more of his quotes why don't we... If that's what he gets a thrill from He's a Redneck!

    6. No, Mathews has Trump dead to rights on that. I worked at the Drake Hotel in 1980, when Trump first came on the scene. Almost without exception, the REAL billionaires considered Trump to be scum. They said he was crude, boorish, had no class whatsoever. Worst of all, HE LIED ABOUT HIS WEALTH! This was from people who actually knew him. Trump hasn't changed a bit in 40 years, and now the liar that they wouldn't give the time of day is President. A sad day indeed for America!

    7. I recognize you with your "Donny" monalog. Watch your Step or I will unmask you!

    8. Woooo trying to be bully are you.

  14. not hard to tell how many on here voted for the lying,cheating,murdering,thieving,dishonest loser of the presidential election

    1. No, it isn't. We're the ones who can spell, use proper grammar, and create complete sentences.

  15. Sounds like the Democratic Minority Leader the House's Alzheimer's is getting worse, She thinks Trump Fired Mueller. What a Wing Nut She is. Next thing she will think we want to remove the border between Mexico and the US completely.

  16. It all boils down to the fact that DT is not qualified to be the President of the USA. It is like having Rodger claim he is a brain surgeon and actually operate on Chuck. You end up with a mess.

  17. To not pick on you, I'll just say he is clearly qualified and I'm happy to have him in the White House.

  18. Boy he sure is acting like a cornerd rat.

  19. Trump never laughs.

    1. Would you if you knew how despised you were, not just in the US, but worldwide? No wonder he stays up all night tweeting BS.

    2. Not all Despise him.


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