Library to install new mobile shelves and family room Family Meeting Room Young visitors play recently in the Children's Room at Springfield Town Library, which will soon add a Family Meeting Room. COURTESY SPRINGFIELD, Vt. — The Children’s Room in the Springfield Town Library is getting a new lease on life with upgrades and the addition of a newly-constructed Family Meeting Room. The library has served the community well for many years. Spurred by community conversations about children birth to age six, the library and many community partners are offering new services with the Promise Community Grant. For the library, the grant improves library spaces and programs for families and children for years to come. Beginning in late May, the library will suspend regular programs while installing new shelving, carpet and paint in the Children’s Room. Color and modern design will effectively engage children and highlight a key local element, the circus mural by Springfield artist Stuart Eldredge (1902-1992). Staff look forward to moving shelves to the room’s edge, for space to welcome Paul and Norma Ippolito, Dinoman, Music with Martha and the crowds who come regularly for Story Time. Families in the library often need a safe, private space to meet. The Promise Community Grant includes the Family Meeting Room, new construction on the second floor of the library with a window that overlooks the river. Families and individuals will be able to book the Family Room for get-togethers, confidential meetings or other activities where privacy is helpful. The library will still be open while it is under construction — in spite of dust and noise, staff will welcome visitors, and help themfind books, DVDs, puppets and tech help. Youth Services Librarian Michelle Stinson is working on an amazing summer reading program for July, “Libraries Rock.” Programs like Baby Bootcamp and 1,000 Books Before Kindergarten help new parents and children thrive. The library is expanding the annual pass program to offer inexpensive entry to new partner organizations, including the Edgar May Health and Recreation Center, The Southern Vermont Natural History Museum, Wonderfeet Kid’s Museum, and the Cheshire Children’s Museum. The library is also buying extra passes for Vermont State Parks. All Springfield Town Library programs are free and open to the public. Member library services such as borrowing items, downloading books, and online classes are available for anyone with a Springfield Town Library card. Springfield residents and all children and teachers in Springfield schools are eligible for free library cards. Residents from neighbor towns pay $50 for annual membership. For more information about the Springfield Town Library, call (802) 885-3108 or visit www.springfieldtownlibrary.org.

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