Friday, June 29, 2018

Mosquitoes in Springfield test positive for West Nile

Mosquitoes in Springfield, Vt., have tested positive for the West Nile virus, Vermont Health Department officials announced this morning.


  1. These skitters illegally imagrated across the border from the west, nile. Have a great GOP idea, build a big bug zapper along our borders. Coal fired of course. Gee I could be the WH engineer. Would fit right in.

  2. Ahhhhhhh....probably not. I believe a WH engineer would be required to know grammar, punctuation and how to spell. You're out!

    1. I will have to blame it on my fake auto correct.

  3. C'mon, be honest and blame it on your wet brain.

  4. There must be some evidence based or science based reason why these skitters are here in vermont. Woops, can't use those two words, last December Trump banned the CDC from using them.

  5. All the more reason for the standing water in the trenches on Fairground Road be scooped out. There is smelly pools of water, some parts of the trenches are completely blocked, the culverts are partially blocked and the mosquitoes are loving it. When I contacted the road department I was told they don't plan to do anything about this. Next contacted the select board who forwarded my letter to the town manager. We'll see if Springfield takes West Nile seriously.

  6. Good for President Trump! CDC spews FAKE BASED news in order to perpetuate the faucet of taxpayer funding of their 'hot button' studies. The naive sheep just open their wallets and bleet happily all the way to the slaughter.

    1. Right On Anonymous 7:42, many of these "departments" need to go or down sized, waste of Tax Payers dollars. Can't believe how a Mosquito coulomb got political, but it did, so I will perpetuate the conversation. OH I know how, because everything is Trumps fault, because Lying Hillary is bye bye.... bye bye

  7. I'd say you're all in de-Nile on this issue!

  8. A little climate change, global warming brings new spices to new places. Ah the tropics, let's fire up some coal to cool off.

  9. Question 7:43: Were you pie-faced when you posted that?


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