Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Facebook slammed for 'censorship' of new patriotic song

Here is the controversial music video:


  1. Hard to see why Facebook would censor this. I don't necessarily agree with certain elements of the song, but I get the point. Overall, I'd say it's a positive message in a time of much negativity!

  2. They would prefer us to continue hanging on to the red-neck stereotype as intolerant, with no love for other races. Keep us divided.

    1. Racism does not require hatred of other races, only a belief in the inherent superiority of one race. Some of the worst racists I've ever met didn't hate racial minorities; they only hated when minorities got "upitty" and considered themselves equal. If you're as socially tolerant as the group in the video is, I'd say you're not really a redneck, anyway.

  3. chuck gregory7/4/18, 7:33 PM

    The wingnuts have quite cleverly diverted the public's attention from the reason African-American football players knelt during the National Anthem-- to protest the police murders of people who happened to encounter the police while committing the crime of being black. "I Stand for the Flag" is bound to be a feel-good song for anyone who enjoys being an American but does not know why anybody would kneel during the National Anthem. Facebook was a little more perceptive about this than some.

    1. MAYBE they're serious, Chuck; there's a difference between being "country" and being a redneck. I remember the Dixie Chicks catching a ton of crap for speaking out against Bush! To your point, I am a bit suspicious, though. Almost looks like all those '70s TV shows like BJ and the Bear, or Dukes of Hazzard. Just an attempt to portray Southern rednecks as honest, decent people after all the ugliness of the '60s. (It was those OTHER rednecks who did it!) I even bought it, until I moved down South and discovered first-hand that the evils were still alive and well! Still, I'm not a big believer in censorship; it's what Trump would do if he could!

    2. Would it make any difference to you if it was written and performed by a country music star of mixed race?

  4. chuck gregory7/5/18, 7:25 AM

    No, it wouldn't, 1:27. Misdirection is still misdirection.

  5. Philip Caron7/5/18, 12:10 PM

    There's no obvious reason to read into this that the song is in any way related to the NFL players' kneeling during the anthem. I support the protests against racism, and I also like the message of the song. Don't invent unnecessary conflicts, there's enough already.

  6. Chuck You have to remember that people are people and cops are people, I don't have a clue how many cops there are in the United States of America today but Hundreds of Thousands, and the number of black killings are small, and be on that the number of black killings unwarranted are even smaller, but then there are whites that are unnecessarily killed as well, you don't hear anything about those people, more rhetoric than is required about black killings. Just a cause for all the liberals to jump on board about, now lets get rid of ICE, give me a break. ALL LIVES MATTER!!! we are suppose to be equals, get on board. Leave our Flag and Star Spangled Banner Alone it has nothing to do with blacks being killed

  7. Looks like Facebook (a disaster by the way, never have never will) might have done this band a favor, I'll be watching out for them and help defend them if I can. Even buy their albums and products!

  8. How about everyone relaxing and getting the story straight. Facebook did NOT censor the song. The band planned to promote the song using Facebook's paid promotions tools and it was the PROMO that was rejected.

    1. Ha! Something told me we weren't getting the whole story! Come on, Springfield Blog; you're putting out fake news! Putting the word censorship in quotation marks to decieve us is dishonest! I guess we can't trust YOU anymore! SHAME!

  9. Facebook is still a disaster, and if allowed Google and Facebook will transform this wonderful country into Sheep land.
    Keep giving them all your personnel information and then when they use it complain about it.


    Lets get it straight they did try to censor it, Anonymous 1:25 is still not telling the whole story, there a super left wing people that work at Facebook, and the company will continue to hide what they want and don't want on facebook, then when called out they play dumb!

    Below is their reply:

    Facebook replied: our bad. By late Tuesday, a spokesperson for the company said, “We recently announced anyone running ads about political or other major national issues must include a ‘paid for’ label. After looking again, we determined that this ad doesn’t need the label.

    1. Yeah, get it straight, Roger. Facebook admitted they initially tried to ban the AD, not the song. What part of Song vs. Ad don't you get? Don't you read what you write, or are you too lazy to do that?

    2. I just state facts, and for this blog, I write what I write, it's not brain surgery, no one is going to die from a few mis-worded comments, get a life.

  11. Philip Caron7/5/18, 2:59 PM

    The percentage of blacks killed in police shootings seems well above the percentage population of blacks in those jurisdictions, and the difference seems greater than for corresponding percentages of white people in the same jurisdictions. However, the percentage of cops shot by blacks seems about equal with the black population percentages, so police perception of greater risk when dealing with black suspects seems misguided. "Seems" because few (or no) broad and fair studies can be found to have been done, in part perhaps because pertaining federal agencies such as the CDC are prevented from systematically studying the topic of death by gun. Racism has never gone away in this country; it's debatable that it's appreciably lessened amongst whites at all.

    1. Well, one thing the Obama Presidency proved is that over 50% of the voting public were able to, at least, put aside whatever racial prejudices they had, and vote for a black man. The backlash proved that racism is still alive and well, and although not a majority opinion, is quite intense among those who still believe in it. Years ago, I saw a study that tracked racial attitudes of both Blacks AND Whites, beginning in the 1950's. It showed that while racial bigotry was decreasing among Whites, it was actually increasing among Blacks. Combine this with the increasing level of racist intensity among Whites, I can only see the situation getting worse before it gets better.

    2. I've been around for quite a while, attended High School in Boston during the bussing crisis in the 70's. Even today, this situation was and is mis-reported as a racial issue when the fact is, yes, some of it was racial but just as much had to do with parents didn't want their kids have to sit on a bus for over two hours when they used to just walk across the street to go to school. I can confidently say that too many people only look at ONE SIDE of the story. Never in my days on this earth have I seen a more polarizing, enflaming or dividing President than Barrack Obama....thank God for our Nation that Hillary was defeated soundly!!!!

    3. He was only inflammatory to racists who thought a black man should have never been allowed to be President! Conversely, Trump has unified this country in ways I could never have imagined; Conservatives are now calling for a Democratically controlled Congress in order to save the GOP!

    4. 5:41, Thanks for your FAKE go away to your safe-space and suck your thumb for a few days!

    5. 6:04, are you an actual 5-year-old, or just a Russian troll pretending to be a 5-year-old? No need to answer, it really doesn't matter!

    6. Giving up so easily 7:09? Figures, just like your brethren antifa jellyfish who only attack little 16 year old kids sitting in a restaurant! Swim home little spineless jellyfish, go home now!

    7. Really, 8:11? All you've got are juvenile insults and ridiculous B.S. I'm not "giving up," I'm just not wasting much time on you! Go away, junior, the adults are talking!

  12. chuck gregory7/5/18, 4:08 PM

    Well and concisely put, Philip!

  13. And yet while bewailing the lack of statistical information, you Caron
    cite unattributed statistics! C'mon man! So I'll cite a clearly evident and easily verifiable fact......MORE MURDERS ARE COMMITTED (black, white, latino, police) IN HIGH CRIME AREAS! Do you dispute that?.....OK, now ask yourself WHERE ARE THE HIGH CRIME AREAS???? Figure it out yet?

    1. One more thing Caron, DEC does report gun deaths, problem is, they include self-inflicted suicide deaths! Which the anti-gun snowflakes conveniently fail to mention.

    2. In the high poverty areas, that's where...

    3. chuck gregory7/5/18, 5:19 PM

      4:50, rather than make bald statements, why not link us to the data supporting your claims? The data, not the news stories.

    4. Philip Caron7/5/18, 6:20 PM

      Trying to research the questions of whether police are really racially targeting blacks, and whether they have plausible reasons to, was very frustrating. I found partial information here and there online and had to correlate pieces myself. The results were grossly incomplete and only indicative, certainly not conclusive. No doubt relevant data is out there, but it's beyond my amateur ability to obtain it, check it, and correlate it. These questions deserve thorough expert study and publication.

      This is only one part of the problem of American racism, which has continued throughout our country's history. Anyone why thinks racism isn't still widespread is in willful or disingenuous denial. It's useless to blame the victims, and yes, high crime happens in poor black areas (and poor white areas,) but improvements in the situation are hard to imagine. "A level playing field" is easy to say, but the time for any implementation to succeed fills in with problems, reactions, and inevitable exacerbations.

    5. Correct-o-mundo 5:17, high poverty is the result of the welfare state as planted by LBJ's 'War on Poverty' in the 60's. Generational poverty will always persist if you INCENTIVISE PEOPLE TO BE POVERTY STRICKEN!!! Further, if people don't (in this high employment economy, more like DON'T WANT TO) work, then in many instances their lack of desire for gainful employment will invariably lead to drug and alcohol abuse....which equals...HIGH MURDER AND VIOLENT CRIME RATE! Face it appologists, there ARE JOBS OUT THERE for those that want to work!

    6. Crime isn't always higher in poorer areas, and lower in wealthier areas. Take Springfield, VT for instance. The crime rate here is nearly HALF of what it is where I came from, despite the relative poverty here, and the relative wealth there! Then again, central DuPage Co. IL is largely conservative!

    7. Give me the city you hail from there 6:42....then I can check your facts on

    8. Not much point to that, it's the suburbs of Chicago. There are no "cities" there. There's no distance between towns, either; walk across the street, you're in the next town. School districts overlap, etc. It's one large, relatively homogenious area, known as Chicagoland. A county-to-county comparison should be good enough. Oakbrook IL is home to a large number of corporate headquarters, including Ace Hardware and McDonalds. Wheaton is the county seat, home to Wheaton College. (Several of their alums were in the W. Bush administration.) It ranks as the 22nd wealthiest county, (was #2 when I was a kid) out of over 1500 counties nationwide. And the crime rate is higher there than here. If you look, the number of racial minorities is increasing; they're mostly Asian, and drive Benzs and Bentleys. The criminals? Mostly blue collar whites, left behind by the tech revolution. SOUND FAMILIAR?

    9. Raum Emanual would be proud of you sticking up for the murder capital of the WORLD!

    10. .....I do appreciate your reply though.

    11. What a joke 7-5 6:42 and 7-6 12:35.
      No mention of South Chicago, Blacks killing Blacks and Blacks killing cops and Blacks killing innocent people! Nor St Louis or Baltimore where the same things happen!

    12. There's no mention of Chicago, because I wasn't TALKING about Chicago, only the upper-class suburbs! As run-down, poor and "liberal" as Springfield is, it STILL has a lower crime rate than one of the wealthiest, most conservative parts of the country! You just can't see past your own prejudices! It gets "darker" there every year. The difference? The immigrant racial minorities have MONEY; native-born, blue-collar Whites are the "scum" that everyone wants to be rid of! But that's why you all voted for Trump, isn't it?

  14. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  15. It never ceases to amaze me how easily you clowns get off-topic. We went from Facebook supposedly banning a song to Obama to crime rates. Well played, boys.

  16. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  17. Boy, it sure looks like trump is bringing America together again. Can't wait to see the baby balloon in London. Hope they give him a big boot in the acc. Next he will see putin to discuss the future of their world and their GOP cult.


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