Monday, July 2, 2018

Top things to do in Springfield


  1. I don't live in Springfield but close, and for all the negative comments on this site about the town, it's really not a bad town nor a bad area to live in. There are much much worse. But this list is weak, when the #1 item is a 2 screen movie theater, every decent town has a movie theater.

  2. chuck gregory7/2/18, 5:57 PM

    Oh, thank you for your wonted level of civic support!

  3. I leave town every chance I get. There is NOTHING entertaining here for ambitious, socially inclined, young professionals. Do-gooders have driven off everything that remotely offends them.

    While they still exist here, Springfield On The Move needs to get their ass in gear and roll out the red carpet or Stellafane, Steam Punk the aerobatic air meet, bass tournament and car shows. These events could be a huge draw for new visitors, but SOM repeatedly proves clueless. Let's have a family winter carnival! La-De-Frign'-Da.

  4. chuck gregory7/2/18, 9:14 PM

    Ambitious, socially inclined young professionals need to get together to decide what to make happen in Springfield. They are professionals, after all. It's what they're supposed to do.

    1. Chuck, just so you understand, the do-gooders have put road blocks in front of every popular venue. Think not, try staging another large concert like was held at the airport 15 years ago. Can't even host a street dance around here. What about the wildly popular snowmobile drag races at Riverside? Don't forget the giant crowds for the mud runs on Route 5. Hell, they even did away with the soapbox derby races down Main Street 40 years ago. The do-gooders now have a boring utopia they can be proud of. This place sucks to live in if you really enjoy life.

    2. Thanks 9:38, you brought back some very fond memories. But all is not lost! I do enjoy sitting out front of Shaw's and watching the 'Strolling of the Heiffers' and their string of ducklings every can even play "Name the New Tatoo" as they lumber in to buy their stack of EBT financed lottery tickets.

    3. @4:44, sadly your perspective of the majority demographic is dead accurate. Alternatively, we should host a junkie fashion show, prison ink art fest, Narcan Olympics, Scamming Disability Con, HCRS client spelling bee, U-Turning Point brew fest, welfare mom multi STD competition, culminating with a Springfield Democrats primary rally. Get to know your next hand out enabler.

    4. On man 5:55, you should have your own blog! Doubled over laughing here. CLASSIC!......unfortunately, when I stop laughing I might start weeping for the situation we have to live with today. :(

  5. Springfield is, and always will be, a vacuum of innovation and future prosperity. Toolshop mentality will hopefully die with the few remaining acolytes. "Hey! let's design and fabricate a turret gear for a battleship that has been out of production for 60 years!!!!"

    1. One minor correction 9:40. Springfield's 'shops' weren't known for creating the parts used in those battleships, they were known for building the machines that made the gears in the M1A1 tank. Oh, and ground the bearings in the Norden bomb sight. Just sayin.

    2. Thanks for your correction 6:45, I did not know that and stand corrected, love history. But to 'correct the corrector' :) ....I believe the Abrams M1A1 is a later model tank, still in theater today. My buddy in the VT National Guard will be glad to show you ours deployed in Rockingham, VT if you just call and schedule.

    3. Hi 7:18. Just so you know, the turret ring gears are still 'repaired' on 100" fellows machines at General Dynamics Land Systems outside Scranton. So, technically, those old beast of a gear shaper are still pounding out the product your buddy uses today.

    4. Very cool 8:10!

  6. The reason there are no major events here is that there's NO PLACE TO HAVE THEM! Forget about trying to bring back Precision Valley, and turn the J&L site into a park! It's close to fire and law enforcement, the Toonerville Trail, and the river. Easy access to I91 makes it the PERFECT SPOT! Fireworks, car shows, live music, the possibilities are endless! There is plenty of empty real estate around here for new businesses, BUILD SOMETHING FOR THE PEOPLE!

    1. Oh my goodness 7:04, please stop being a visionary! has 'SAWTOOTH SKYLIGHTS' for heaven's sake!!! We could even level that eyesore appendage to the health/swimming pool center for additional parking. Oops......I'm starting to sound like you! heh,heh. ;)

    2. Oh lord, you can't take down a historic building, please keep sending money to keep the roof half as fixed.

    3. I have to agree that one of the worst mistake I've seen in the 30 years I've lived here is that pool building and it's adjoining building, could not have been put in a worse location, no room to expand and the adjoining building is a hazard site. Why not something more of a community building next to a park or something else, it's land and river locked in, never have and never will go there. more wasted money that was free from the state for another huge mistake of a prison right next to a town to let the families of these transplant prisoners in.

    4. 7:32, that's an excellent idea! Connecting the rec center to a park with a central parking lot would work! See Roger, there's plenty of room to expand the rec center; we just have to tear down ugly, decrepit buildings to do it. Sounds win-win to me.

    5. But the town leadership around here want nothing to do with that philosophy, stuck in the past, they had their chance to do these things, and look at what the town has now. instead they are going to stick money into fixing up the Park St School which should just be imploded and hauled away.

    6. Roger, I have been saying exactly what you just posted ever since the whole rec center was proposed. There are numerous problems with this center and they haven't held up to the agreement made between the town and the prison. I've approached the town manager on several occasions just to be told it is not the town's problem anymore as the hospital now owns the building!(Don't get me going on how this happened without a town vote) And let's not forget, a permanent parking problem was suppose to be solved PRIOR to the building of the rec center and it never was. AND, the interest from the prison money is going to the Board of Directors. This was NOT the plan! I could go on but it falls on deaf ears............

  7. A pedestrian overhead steel truss walkway (not like the 'shovel ready' Obama minority contractor run catastrophe in Sweetwater, FLA that killed 6 people) is simple and cheap to connect the Rec center to a beautiful river walk once the useless J&L anchor to our past is demolished! Go to Keene and look at the pedestrian bridges they just put up for walking, biking and connecting Keene State College to their athletic fields.....not fancy 'Signature' bridges, but cheap, simple and serve their purpose.

    1. Not a bad idea, but that bridge would have to be pretty high, as Bridge st. is a CDL route. Putting up crosswalks with button-operated crossing signals might be easier, and less costly. Loving this discussion, but it is all moot, unless we can get the town to actually do it! SRDC has its sights set on the J&L for commercial development. Money talks; WE MUST SPEAK LOUDER!

    2. Yes, you're right 1:16 for sure, much less expensive. My daughter attends Keene State though and those walkways cross major thoroughfares, Rt 12 and the other Rt 101. I actually asked her about this (she lives here at home) given your comment, and her reply: "Nobody wants to have to stop when they're running"...ha, I wouldn't know. :)

  8. Now that the EPA no longer really exists there should be no problem with the hazardous waste under the J&L building. Everyone just take a shovel/bucket full and spread it around town. Get Pruitt to support the operation.

    1. Normally I would join in a political "discussion," but can't we all focus on what's good for Springfield, for once? I think a park would be a great use for the J&L property, and some of the other ideas were good, too. I haven't seen a productive, civilized conversation on this blog for awhile, let's not screw it up with politics!

    2. You are 100% correct 1:53, and I pledge to follow your sage advice.

      But 1:23 started it! hahaha :)

  9. Hey 1:23, if Pruitt arrives in town I'm sure you'll be one of the first facist d-bags to interrupt his dinner at the Black Rock....assclown!

  10. SRDC is more about commercial projects, and tying it to some grant money, cause it puts money in their coffers, can't believe that it all goes to the projects that it is suppose to.

    1. What I'm saying is I think SRDC owns the J&L property, and so they will have to be dealt with, although I could be wrong on that.

  11. The polluted waste under the J&L building is still there. Left by those out for the big buck. But there is a solution, same as the gas station across the road which is on top of the "gas plant". That being Black Top or Concrete.

    1. That won't solve anything. The toxic waste will still leach into the river. The only solutions are to dig up and incinerate the polluted ground, or use injection and recovery wells. I've seen both done for a variety of cases. Both could be used; dig down to the water level and incinerate, then use injection/recovery for the rest.

    2. Guess that put this J&L discussion to bed. Those other anons should have known this "old" problem.

    3. I guess Mr. Know-It-All 4:30 hasn't been paying attention to all the Hazmat testing that's been going on for the past several months. Cripes, those people are parked right there on the front lawn. Hey 4:30, open your eyes and read what's written on the sides of their trucks....dope!

    4. Listen, you can't just 'cap' a brownfields site with concrete or blacktop....the pollution needs to be mitigated. Example: Gas station with leaking underground storage tanks needs to have ALL affected materials (dirt/gravel) removed and placed in an area open to the atmosphere, tested regularly by the State until the pollutant contained therein falls below acceptable limits. Believe me, I've jumped through these hoops before.

    5. Dope here, glad to hear They are Doing MORE tests that You are paying for AGAIN. Glad I Don't pay taxes anymore in SF. Good luck J&L, see u still there in 10 years. Unless of course if trump says the dirt is OK to eat. Wash it down with flint h20.

    6. 6:46, I remember when gas stations dug up their tanks and incinerated the dirt. The incinerator was a semi trailer with a conveyor belt. Contaminated dirt was loaded into one end, was incinerated, and came out the other end, clean. They then put the dirt back in the hole. I saw it done many times. Was this banned? It was a simple, cost-effective process.

    7. Yup 6:46, the good old days when NOX was released to the atmosphere all at once or gradually released while baked out in the what's the difference? The difference is that we have to PAY FOR every time these professional 'sniffers' drive by and go back to their offices and write a 20 page report on something that is clearly evident to a 10 year old child!

    8. .....responding to 7:15, sorry.

    9. The difference is that incineration breaks the chemicals down to their basic elements. Simply letting them evaporate into the air is much more toxic. Hard to believe they don't understand that!

    10. I agree with you 9:44. Maybe they do allow incineration in certain instances. I only have my experiences with the State to base my comment on which was to spread the material over an open area, run snow fence around it, pay an environmental engineering firm to test it every 6 months, submit the results and then wait to hear back from the State that it was OK to remove the fence.....usually a couple of years later.

  12. chuck gregory7/4/18, 8:51 AM

    I think we should update that list of 10 things. Most of them are not in Springfield, and one of them is closed. Springweather should be on the list; maybe the Toonerville Trail. The food co-op, the Hartness House bar. The Copper Fox. The path from Porter Road to Rockingham Gorge. Cathedral Rocks. Muckross. Other suggestions?

    1. Historical society display. Would like to add the river thru downtown but the buildings look quite ratty.

    2. Chuck, The Food Co-op as something to see... LOL really.

    3. chuck gregory7/6/18, 7:57 AM

      Roger, they did put at least one commercial business (now closed) on their list. The co-op is not only very good, but it is one of the few businesses where the customers have a say in the management!

  13. I see all these comments and suggestions about the J&L building, SO what is the Springfield "whoever committee " planning on doing with it. I mean long enough is long enough. Do something. Deaf ears I assume until so and so can come up with a brilliant idea and call it their own. Get big pat on the back.

    1. The SRDC owns the J&L property. Their website says they plan to develop it for "future business use." Business, business, business. As if that's all there is. Look at this town, with all the crumbling "businesses!" Did the owners of those businesses care about this town or its people? HELL NO! They worked you all like slaves, polluted the land, let it all run down, and then sold out to the highest bidder! THEY GAVE THIS TOWN NOTHING! They took and took, until there was nothing left, then left us to deal with the mess! If we let SRDC do it again, without giving something more than a few crappy jobs, we are the biggest fools on earth! BUILD JONES AND LAMSON PARK!

    2. wow the educated idiot is clueless. so the water,sewer,and roads just appeared here. you do realize that these shops built springfield and funded the whole town. you must be a former public servant or a non profit person because private businesses is what pays property taxes which fund the town. non profit equals all of us blue collar workers that are left paying your companies share of property taxes. not to mention the burden some of these non profits put on our police and fire and dont contribute a penny towards the cost.

    3. Sure, 6:28. Forget the fact that those factories left decades ago, and left THE TAXPAYERS to clean up the mess. I wouldn't be bragging about the roads and sewers around here either. And there you are, still kissing the butts of the people who screwed you, long after they've gone. Are you just too egotistical to admit you're wrong, or just too dumb to know it?

    4. wow you dont have a clue do you. private businesses equals tax base. so it means lower property taxes for everyone.

  14. ^ More words of wisdom from the unemployed, Trump Derangement Troll. Calm down, your SSI check will be here any day.

    1. More stupidity from the Demented Avengers. SSI checks come out on the first of the month. I know this because the lazy Trump supporter across the street gets them, not me. Is this who I'm speaking to? Sober up, get off your butt and MOW YOUR YARD!

  15. Hey 7 3 18, 1 50 pm, your buddy Pruitt quit. If he shows up a the black stone I will sit next to him and make his meal the worst he ever had.

    1. Yeah, and he's being replaced by a coal executive. Out of the swamp and into the sewer!

    2. Exactly 6:13 guy who doesn't know how to spell. Pruitt was always a wounded duck. His replacement is his 2nd in command,Wheeler, former coal industry lobbyist! HAHAHAHAHAHA....careful what you wish for snowflake!

    3. It's good to see a lot of people writing these comments rather than beating their children in order to vent.

    4. Exactly, let the grandchildren deal with the more polluted air, water and land that the GOP intends to leave them. Kind of like the landscape in the mad max movies. So delay the beating for the future.

    5. Pollution? You mean like the hundreds of miles of Animas River that the EPA turned from pristine to ORANGE with mine waste of cadmium, arsenic and lead? Oh, and then refused to pay the $1.2 billion dollars in damages to the farmers and Navajo nation peoples that depend on this river for survival? That pollution 9:09?

    6. well your generation screwed everyone. you destroyed america through your unions and failed trade policies. you gave the country to the bankers and said good luck everybody who comes after us. heres 21 trillion because we didnt want to pay but you will for us. you guys took real good care of your selves.

    7. You Millenials can't even spell or use proper grammar. How do you expect to be succesful when Tweeting and video games are all you know? No problem-solving skills, no moral or ethical foundation, no education. My generation didn't have it any easier; we just knew better than to think it would all be handed to us! Some of us fought for economic justice, while you sat on your butts crying about gay marriage and legal pot! Pokemon won't save you, and the world is under no obligation to change in order to suit you! GET USED TO IT!

    8. Let me guess the far future, since this a texting society babies will no longer be taught to talk. Look at a middle schoolers hand writing. You must be kidding. I was taught to print well in second grade, not anymore. So my guess is that the writen word will disappear. Maybe some of you millennials and newer generations have already morphed into such a being. Have you? By the way look up. I know of a job opening where you just sit and text and play games all day. Can you help me find the pig turd in farm land?

    9. Last week, doing a walk-through before submitting a bid on a small renovation project for the Vermont Dept of Labor, I could hardly believe my ears as I listened to two of their millennial employees loudly advocate 'guaranteed annual government support' between themselves. Never had to bite my tongue longer! Finally walked out and don't plan to submit a bid. My crew would get locked up if they had to listen to that garbage! Bernie World!

  16. Some of you kind-of missed the point that this is a trip advisor list, meaning it was algorithmicly created, based on people who have visited town (or live there) and have posted on the site about an activity or place and rated it. No one person created this list. If you want to affect change in the list, go to trip advisor and start adding & reviewing things. This is a great way to attract people to places & events in town.

  17. chuck gregory7/6/18, 4:42 PM

    How can I possibly vent on this blog if I have to think about the quality of experiences that might be available to visitors? You realize you're putting my spouse and children at risk, don't you?


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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