Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Laura Cody McNaughton Scholarship established

Laura Cody McNaughton lived her life in service to her family, her community and the well-being of all of those around her. She was taken from us in a tragic car accident on June 28, 2018. In order to commemorate Laura’s life and to support young people pursuing the principles of service to family and community, the family is establishing the Laura Cody McNaughton Scholarship.

This scholarship will be awarded annually to a graduating senior who exemplifies Laura’s leadership and giving spirit, and, is pursuing further education and training in a field where these principles may be put into practice.

Springfield Medical Care Systems Development office is the 501c3 host of this effort. This allows for every penny of your contribution to go towards this scholarship free of any administrative fees.

All donations are tax deductible as allowed by law.

Donations can be made by using the following link:

In the "Designation field, choose "Other" and enter into the comment field, Laura Cody McNaughton Scholarship


Mail a check, made out to:
Laura Cody McNaughton Scholarship and mail to:

Springfield Medical Care Systems Development Office
PO Box 2003
Springfield, Vermont 05156

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