Left to right: Gloria Gunn, Elk member; Josh Sorrell, Meals on Wheels personnel; Jacqueline Langevelv, chef; Richard Cummins; Vicki Siliski, Springfield Elks Past Exalted Ruler; and Eugene Siliski, Elk member.
Recently, Springfield Elks Lodge 1560 received $2,500 from the Elks National Gratitude Grant to be used for Springfield community organization.
Springfield Meals on Wheels received $275 from this grant fund. Richard Cummins accepted a check for $275 on behalf of the Meals on Wheels director, Marie Contro. Other community projects receiving funds from this grant were the Springfield Senior Center and the Elks Dictionary project, which gifts all third graders in the Springfield school system with dictionaries each year.

just so you know. Richard cummings passed away 2 days ago. he was an integral part of meals on wheels. And will be missed by all.