Saturday, July 7, 2018

New assistant principal in Springfield: ‘This is where I can develop’

The Springfield School District Board withdrew a job offer to an assistant principal hired in May. The board resumed their search and recently hired a new candidate. Donna Bazyk of Manchester, Vermont started her new position this week. She will split her time as assistant principal at both Union Street and Elm Hill elementary schools.


  1. Hot For Teacher!

  2. The assistant principal position is a new position created to boost academic achievement.we have academic coaches in all the schools,2 at the H.S,we have David Cohen at park st,who can't get our test scores up,do they really think this women will make a difference,just more money going out of town

    1. This woman (not "women") might benefit many people. Take you, for example. She might have been able to teach you how to use proper English, grammar, and most definitely, the ability to type.

  3. a little off this article,but why does the school district need a assistant superintendent ?

  4. Probably because "we the people" do not watch close enough, I have to agree with you, good point, probably with benefits, pension and salary cost $125,000 or more per year.

    1. With a salary of $75,000, I'm quite sure the benefits and pension you think she'll "probably" get won't come close to another $50,000 per year.
      Besides, what she accomplished at Arlington bodes well for Springfield, but sure, keep on complaining. It's what most of you do best, and there is no "probably" about that.

    2. how about showing some results instead of talk. i mean how many more teacher coaches do we need. i mean if they cant teach then what are we paying them for. imagine if your roofer showed up but had to hire a coach to mentor him or her. i know i wouldnt let that person anywhere near my house.

  5. Good point 8:16am??

  6. I have met a few teachers from Union Street school. No amount of coaching will improve their performance. Some individuals even lack basic social skills! In any other enterprise testing results would have need critically reviewed, improvement objectives set, and termination upon failure to meet goals. Because of the union, incompetence is tolerated and rewarded! Our children deserved better than this.

  7. Do some administrators who have a 'calendar year' contract take the entire summer of like they had a 'school year' contract? Since there is Federal money involved, wouldn't this be a violation of the Federal False Claims Act?

    1. According to the National Center for Education, the employment contracts of most school administrators specify a 20 percent to 30 percent longer work year than do the contracts of most teachers. Teachers spend an average of 187 days on duty during the year. Elementary principals typically work 223 a year, and middle school principals spend 228 days on the job.
      The number increases with each supervisory level, up to an average of 238 work days a year for superintendents.

  8. chuck gregory7/12/18, 4:17 PM

    As a major spokesman for the world's best school system said, "If you put a great American teacher in one of our schools, you will get great results. If you can put a teacher from one of our schools in an American school, and you will get American results." We shouldn't continue to labor under the impression that throwing more of the same spaghetti at the wall will produce different results. When taxpayers and parents in Springfield want better results for 30% less cost, they'll start looking into how it's done it the best school system in the world.

    1. Let me guess Chuck, it's in a socialist country and their best students strive to attend an American university?

  9. I'm not interested in general stats compiled by some national data miner. What I am interested in is the SPECIFICS of Springfield school administrator contracts and if/if not they're being adhered to. I have a very strong interest in hearing the answers.

    1. If you have a very strong interest, it's simple. All you need to do is ASK someone who knows instead of looking here for the answers!

    2. Sounds like you're a bit afraid of the spotlight there Dave. Why so?

    3. Sounds like you're too lazy to do your own research on something that is of such INTEREST to you. Why so?


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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