Police looking for help in locating missing Springfield resident Report Vermont News Submitted 15 hours ago Subscribe Created by Eric Francis Last contacted his family in Chester back in May SPRINGFIELD, VT - The Chester Police Department has listed a 20-year-old Springfield resident as a missing person and is looking to the public for help in locating him. Brandon Adams-Smith has had no contact with his family in Chester since May and was last seen in Springfield in early June, police said in an appeal for help issued Friday afternoon. Advertisement: Content continues below... Want to see your ad here? Adams-Smith has a four leaf clover tattooed behind one ear and cross on the underside of his right forearm. He is just over six-feet-tall and weighs 150 to 170 pounds with blue eyes and brown hair. Chester Police have entered Adams-Smith into a national missing person database and are asking anyone who has come into contact with him to call their department at either (802) 875-2233 or (802) 875-2035. Back in June of 2014, when he was 16-years-old, Brandon Adams-Smith was the youngest of several suspects involved in a series of events in Springfield that led to a home-invasion and the shooting of a teenage drug dealer on Summer Street. In February of 2015 Adams-Smith struck a plea deal that saw him plead guilty to felony counts of burglary of an occupied dwelling with an intent to assault and aggravated assault with a deadly weapon as well as to misdemeanor counts of providing false information to police officers and violating the conditions of his pre-trial release. The agreement was contingent upon Adams-Smith eventually “testifying truthfully” at the subsequent trials of two older men accused of actually plotting and carrying out the attack upon then 19-year-old Joseph “Black” Atkinson who survived being shot once in the stomach. Adams-Smith was to receive what is known as a `mixed disposition’ or `blended sentence’ designed for youthful offenders. At the time, Judge Karen Carroll told Adams-Smith from the bench, "I really hope you understand the gift you are being given here.” “I do, your honor,” Adams-Smith replied. “You heard me read all these potential penalties? Scary stuff,” Judge Carroll continued as Adams-Smith nodded his head in agreement. During that 2015 hearing, then Windsor County State’s Attorney Michael Kainen recommended the plea agreement to Judge Carroll, explaining that Adams-Smith had been “essentially homeless” from the age of 12 on when he “fell in with a tough crowd” in the form of two older African-American men with reputed ties to drug gangs from New Jersey which have been active in southern Vermont in recent years. Kainen said the events of June 11, 2014 came about because, in his view, one of those men, “Mr. (Leon) Jiggetts came into possession of some heroin which may previously have belonged to Mr. Atkinson and Brandon may have been selling some of that heroin (and so) Mr. Atkinson was displeased with Brandon because he had heard that Brandon might have been selling some of his heroin.” Kainen told the court that Adams-Smith explained to Jiggetts and (his associate Jabbar) Chandler that Atkinson was telling people he was angry and “the decision was made that the three of them would go up (to Summer Street) and confront Mr. Atkinson. Brandon had a baseball bat with him and Jiggetts had a gun…and shot Mr. Atkinson in the stomach and Brandon hit him in the thigh with the baseball bat.” Speaking after the hearing, Kainen said that he was impressed with the efforts that the teen, whom he described as “polite and thoughtful” in meetings with authorities over his case, had made in the months since his arrest. “This kid was obviously doing some way wrong things,” Kainen said, stressing, “He had a pretty troubled childhood and in some sense he was living on the street. These other characters sort of turned him into a junior gangster; however, since then he’s been trying to fly right. He’s burned his bridges with them and agreed to testify truthfully (against Jiggetts and Chandler). This way he’s got a shot at having a life and if he messes up he’s facing heavy penalties.” Missing person Brandon Adams-Smith seen in 2014 file photo

He has been located and He is fine.