The Election Fraud Reporting Hotline for Vermont is 800-439-8683 . More...
- Vote more than once per election, either in the same town or in different towns.
- Mislead the board of civil authority about your own or another person's eligibility to vote.
- Socialize in a manner that will disturb other voters.
- Offer a bribe, threaten, or intimidate a person to vote for a candidate.
- Hinder or interfere with the progress of a voter going into or out of a polling place.
Video: Howard Dean hacks a central vote tabulating computer
Video:Bernie Sanders: The Myth of Voter Fraud

Did you fact check or at least look at the Youtube page for the first video? It's a political campaign series created by a Rep from Orange County. This is not "real VT news" - one could argue it's barely a step removed from political propaganda since it's masking itself as a legitimate news agency. The CNBC and C-SPAN clips are at least attributable. If you are trying to inform citizens you would do best to research and present the news pieces Bob Frenier discusses - if they are actually factual. It's important to inform people, but you're doing the community a disservice by promoting a video masquerading as legitimate news.
It's not "barely a step from masking itself as political propaganda." It IS propaganda.
ReplyDeleteI've been reading Kurt Anderson's book, "Fantasyland." I recommend it as a guide to understanding wingnut behavior. Anderson argues that basically the Enlightenment gave the mass of people permission to question authority, but in America it warped from "And prove to me what you say is the way it has to be" into, "If I believe something hard enough, it will be true."
Anderson further says that we are easily swayed by appeals to emotion rather than logic and thus highly susceptible to flimflammery of all sorts. Hence, you will find people arguing heatedly over whether Timothy McVeigh was an American hero or just a tool of the Illuminati when he blew up the federal building in Oklahoma City.
Truethevote is just another wingnut whack job.
It's not so much about believing their own lies as it is bending and twisting reality to fit their lies. I've been watching this madness unfold for decades. If you want, you can trace it all the way back to the Civil War. The televangelists of the '80s brought the antebellum mentality to the masses, and it spread. The Bible verse "Speak things that are not as though they are, and they shall come to pass," is the foundation of their "reality." They actually believe that if they speak untruths often and loudly enough, that God will make them true. As such, they have turned The Almighty and His Son into nothing more than partners in crime! The worst perversion of Scripture that has ever existed! They can, and do, rationalise ANYTHING this way! There is no law they will not break, no amount of suffering that is unnacceptable, no injustice that is intolerable; they believe that everything and anything they do is part of "God's Plan." They are delusional and extremely dangerous!
DeleteThis is the stuff that Keith Stern's and Trump supporters eat up to rationalize their wing-nut positions.
ReplyDelete...and it's why we can't extricate ourselves from Afghanistan and the Middle East....
ReplyDeleteAnd the aged, lonesome, embittered, lifetime under achievers look for someone to hate. So tell us, having achieved nothing of substance your whole lives with no legacy to benefit the community, why should anyone give a rat's ass who or what you blame for your own misery? Oh, by the way my life ROCKS, and I'm voting for Stern and Trump! (me, just another person you hate.)
ReplyDeleteI'll speak for myself, and say YES, I DO hate you! The same way my ancestors hated the Nazis. They fought and killed a few, too. You're the living embodiment of all that is corrupt and evil. The only way your life "rocks" is at the expense of those you have cheated and exploited. The only legacy you'll leave is one of pain and misery. There will be no monument to you other than a weed-choked, forgotten headstone. The monuments will be dedicated to those who fought you!
Deletesounds like you just described your heroine hillary.
DeleteWow, so when my crazy Trump-supporting neighbor starts walking up and down the street with his gun, telling everyone about the "bad things" that will happen to us if we don't vote Republican, (like he did in 2016) I can have him arrested? COOL! Wish I had known this then....
ReplyDeleteTrump! Make America Great Again MAGA! The past 17 -18 months are the best these United States have been in a long long time at least since the early to late 80's and then some lingering time...
ReplyDeleteHope that makes some of these anonymous commenters love me, love not hate!
You are anonymous too.
DeleteDid anyone even listen to that Bernie Video, he is spinning and spinning the fraud, just because one of his lazy poor constituents did not vote, somehow that is the rest of our faults... he's a fraud. Why is it that he can have a comb to the from and not get made fun of but Trump has a comb over and he does... but then I guess it does not bother Trump cause he is a bigger man anyway.
ReplyDeleteRoger, I don't hate you, I just think your a fool. Obama handed Trump a healthy economy. Bush left Obama a great recession.
DeleteRegarding Trump's hair: Are you serious? It bothers the hell out of Trump that people question hair. Bernie does not care about his hair... maybe if he claimed he had great hair, maybe then people would call him out.
And lastly, why do you call the poor, lazy? Does it make you feel better? There are people working two or three job that are poor.
Trump inherited this economy, and his policies have stalled the stock market below 25,000! Wages are stagnant, and the Trump tariffs are already sending American jobs overseas! Can't wait for the price increases of the trade war to wipe out those measley tax cuts, if they haven't already! You guys are living in a fantasy land! Voter fraud in Vermont? There's no voter fraud here, THE DEMOCRATS WON! Ohio, Michigan and Pennsylvania are where the voter fraud is!
Deleteyou lost get over it. if you run the same type of campaign you'll lose to trump again.
Delete12:59, To Lazy to go and vote... that's Lazy!
ReplyDelete1:00 We'll he took it up from 20,000 when he took over, so once it gets down that low then you can talk, but it's not expected. You and Bill Maher want us to lose just to spite Trump now that's American values for you, Liberal Way or no way does not work.
ReplyDeleteOh, Roger! I can talk anytime I want; that's an American value that you don't seem to understand! I notice you didn't respond to the rest of my post, because there's no arguing with it, IS THERE?
DeleteNo idea what your referring to because you hid under the Anonymous label, so which comment are you referring to.
ReplyDeleteNo different than "hiding" under Roger, IF that's your real name. If you had any sense whatsoever you'd know I was referring to my 1:00 post, since you responded with the stock market bit. Context, Roger, CONTEXT! Now that I've explained it all to you, how do you explain the lack of wage growth, the job losses and price increases that are already happening, and will only get worse? The discrepancies in the votes in the battleground states? You know, Hillary underperformed the exit polls by 7% in those states, but only where there was computer voting; where there were paper ballots, the polls were spot-on. VERY SUSPICIOUS, since that's statistically impossible! Explain these things Roger, if you can!
Deletefirst hillary lost. the dems ran a candidate so weak that it couldnt beat trump. second you baby boomers destroyed skilled labor in this country. third the debts you people ran up that we are going to have to pay. it worked out good for you guys. mom and dad took care of you early and now your children and grandchildren are stuck taking care of you. one thing to remember is we will right your history.
DeleteSure, 6:35, you'll "right" our history, you just won't be able to spell it! Get an education, then get a life!
Deletelol the grammar nazis. so nothing to say about your generations failures. figured as much. you guys just cant handle the truth. nasty little liberals. wait i cant call you that because liberals are tolerant.
DeleteMight want to read the news before you spout off!
ReplyDeleteU.S. Adds 213,000 Jobs in June, from the Wall Street Journal below, Google it.
Last Updated Jul 6, 2018 at 9:57 am ET
The U.S. added 213,000 jobs in June, topping economist forecasts of 195,000. The unemployment rate ticked up to 4% from 3.8%, and average hourly earnings rose 2.7% from a year earlier. Follow along as we dig into the numbers.
Hillary lost get over it, move on quit living in the past, the news todays says she might run again in 2020, she will make a fool of herself and her party.
Wages rose 2.7%? Well, guess what; inflation rose 2.8%! So much for wage increases! I'm sure the guys from Harley-Davidson will be glowing with pride at the 213,000 jobs created, as they head to the unemployment line! The auto industry's also going to take it on the chin, as is the single largest producer of nails in America, now struggling to stay afloat with the steel tariffs. Nearly everything people buy will become more expensive. Layoffs are on the way, America, and this is just the beginning! Tariffs are just a sneaky way to raise taxes on everyone by effectively taxing everything! But hey, they've got to offset the tax cuts for the wealthy somehow, right? It's a house of cards, Roger, and it's going to collapse with the first little breeze! Hillary didn't lose, she got scammed! It'll happen again, too, if we don't stop the corrupt GOP (and the Russians) from rigging our elections! Here's another mathematical impossibility: There's no way 1/3 of the population can control the government, without cheating!
DeleteSupport for or butt-hurt over Hillary Clinton is not needed to feel dismay over some of the current administration's policies and practices. If she'd never run, they'd still be questionable. It was too bad the Democrats couldn't field a better candidate, but it's even worse that Trump won his primaries. But the election is over, Clinton has nothing to do with anything any more. I don't think there was significant voting fraud: voters wanted Trump, so he won. Meddling by Russia is probable, maybe without favoring either candidate, it's hard to tell, but I doubt any big collusion will be discovered. However, it's in the best interests of the current admin to let that investigation play out, to bolster legitimacy in doubters' minds.
DeleteIt took no crystal ball to foresee the immediate economic benefits if policies were enacted to give the biggest businesses everything they wanted; any recent administration could have chosen that path, but there were good reasons not to. I liked the early '80's too, but what is happening now is different than anything I've seen or read about.
Sorry, Phil, but the voter's DIDN'T choose Trump! I find it hard to understand how some people can be so cavalier about the world's greatest democracy being corrupted. Sure, Hillary would not have been my first choice, but she WAS the country's choice. To say anything else is to accept Trump's propeganda. It's a VERY slippery slope! All of our intel agencies (including ones headed by Trump appointees) have concluded that the Russians meddled in our election to benefit Trump. Period. I'll paraphrase you: The Russians wanted Trump to win, so he won! Makes more sense than the false claim that the American people voted him in!
DeleteNot "period". No investigation denies that the votes that elected Trump were cast. If someone decided how or whether to vote depending on some newly created "news" outlet or what someone yelled on Facebook, it's really bad, confirmation bias etc., but the fact is people voted how they wanted and, per the rules, got it. And nobody is claiming (yet) that Russians helped Trump win the Republican primaries. Trump and Clinton was a woeful choice.
DeleteTrump got 2.8 million votes LESS than Hillary, and only 46% of the votes cast. THAT IS NOT A MAJORITY, NOR EVEN A PLURALITY. Saying the people elected Trump is an outright lie. The Electoral College gave him the Presidency. He took the electoral vote by less than 1% of only 3 states. You may not understand how easy it is to influence 1% of the public, but I do. A few tens of thousands out of 100 million is child's play. The Russians influenced our election, and got the result they wanted. That is not in dispute. We may never know exactly how many switched their votes, or just stayed home, but the fact that it happened at all is enough to seriously question the legitimacy of the Trump Presidency. Add to that the Russian ties to far too many people around Trump, and the number of lies told by them about it, and I'd say it's a done deal. Bill Clinton got impeached for cheating on his wife. What's the penalty for cheating on America?
DeleteThe Electoral College was a given; debate about that system's validity has nothing to do with the legitimacy of any past election. A candidate won more votes in key states. No doubt people had various reasons for voting for him, and any foreign influence needs to be exposed and prevented as much as possible. However, if anyone believes a presidential candidate ran a pedophilia ring in a pizza place, there's no fix for that.
Deleteso youre blaming russia. so let me get this right. russia made some funny cartoons and that cost that woman the election. ok
DeleteAnything you can do to bash Trump and the Conservative Party you will, live in your never Trump World, it's an ugly place to be.
ReplyDeleteThere is not Russian Collusion, they have been digging for a year and a half, and spent more than 2 million dollars.... so come out of the dark and into the real world.
I can honestly say that when Obama was in charge, I took my medicine and left him and the liberals alone, I let them spend and spend and spend my money and hated it, but never bashed the other side publicly, so get on board for a good ride or get your liberal friends out to vote next time.
Having no rebuttal for the truth, you retreat back into your fantasy land, don't you Roger? We all got out and voted the LAST time; 3 million more than voted for Trump. You guys cheat good! To bad you can't do it honestly! This conversation reminds me of the early Bush years, before the inevitable collapse. SOME of us saw it coming, but you couldn't tell a Bush supporter that! Oh no, you guys knew EVERYTHING. It was somewhat gratifying to watch conservatives take a beating; too bad Obama bailed you out. So, you "took your medicine" during the Obama years? I doubt that, but any "medicine" you had to take was well deserved! Obama saved this country; like going from Calvin Coolidge to FDR, and skipping Herbert Hoover. I only hope there's a country left to save when Trump is done.
Delete^ Give it a rest. You're a far more obnoxious troll than CG ever was. Damn, chill and enjoy life. Is it really that bad?
DeleteDear Anonymous Roger: There were something like 14 Benghazi investigations and Gowdy's lasted 3 1/2 years and a hell of a lot more than 2 million dollars were spent. You should be ashamed.
DeleteRelax, everybody; it's just fascism! I mean, how bad can that get?
DeleteGET YOUR POPCORN READY!!!! NEW SJC JUSTICE ABOUT TO BE PUT FORTH IN 35 MINUTES!!!! .....Oh, and don't sit beside a liberal, wouldn't want to get brain matter all over that popcorn when THEIR HEADS EXPLODE!!!
ReplyDeleteCheck worries about sitting beside a liberal after all. They're BRAINLESS!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's interesting that the Founding Fathers put in an Electoral College to be a check on the impulsivity of the masses who might choose a fraud or knave for President. Unfortunately, they never took into account the possibility of political parties controlling the entity, which was how our Russian-Employee-in-Chief got elected. Rather than uphold the Constitution, they did the bidding of their parties. The one elector who said he would not be bound by his state's results was threatened with a $10,000 fine for being "faithless." Kiss the Constitution goodbye....
ReplyDeleteBoo boo hoo, Chuck didn't get his way. Boo hoo hoo.
DeleteYes, Chuck! Back in the '70s, I remember my 7th grade social studies teacher explaining the Electoral College to us. He told us about the Founder's concern that the public could be tricked by a liar, who did not have the Nation's interests at heart. The Electors would presumably see the truth, and elect a better President. He even explained how a candidate could lose the popular vote and still become President, and that it had actually happened! I remember arguing that it seemed un-democratic; that either way, it defied the will of the people. Well, I've now seen it put two loser Republicans in the White House, with disastrous consequences. Un-democratic, indeed! Funny though, Trump supporters I spoke with before the election wanted to abolish the Electoral College; they feared Hillary would lose the popular vote, and win the electoral vote! I wonder how they feel about it now......
Deleteactually it was so every state had a voice. kinda like vermont used to be until the supreme court tore up the vermont constitution. 1 town equaled 1 rep. the senate was based off county population. now all of us live under the tyrannical control of chitteden county because a judge decided that it all had to be based off population.
DeletePlease don't even TRY to explain the electoral college to these crybaby liberals.....they understand why it makes sense, but because their Crooked Hillary lost, now they play dumb. You lost liberals, fair and square. NOW EAT IT! HAHAHAHAHAHA
DeleteLaugh all you want, wingnuts! It'll just make the inevitable payback that much sweeter! You can't push 3/4 of the country around forever, without consequences! You're already dead, the only question is the cost of the funeral!
DeleteYes, 6:13 AM!!! I miss the days of the old "one town, one vote" system the Vermont Founding Fathers gave us. Houghtonville (population: 20) had as many votes as we did (population 10,000 or so back then).
DeleteChuck The Constitution is alive and well, it's about to become stronger and stronger once Kavanagh is sworn in! MAGA MAGA MAGA
Delete10:29 first your not 3/4 of the country. 25% voted for trump and 25% voted for hillary. that means that 50% of the country is sick and tired and has been totally disenfranchised. when the 2 partys have the same economic policies they show who the are beholden to. both sides hate the pesky worker.
Deletechuck you missed the part about the senate being based off population. checks and balances. just like the electoral college it made sure every town had a say. now you have half of fairground hts in springfield voting for a rockingham rep. its not even the same county. but thats just the way it is right.
DeleteOh Swampy, so delusional.....might be from lack of oxygen. Clean out your gills.
ReplyDeleteCorrupt and biased FBI operative Lisa Paige was supposed to testify before Congress today, but she woke up a little horse! heh,heh,heh Haven't seen a grille that wide since my dad's 1949 Desoto! :)
ReplyDeleteLisa Paige what a joke, from what her text read, sounds like she has no clue about justice nor about what she was hired for at the FBI, following in the footsteps of her mentor Crooked Drunk Hillary, like one like all in that bunch!