Monday, August 13, 2018

He’s running for six different offices on the same ballot

H. Brooke Paige is running to become the Republican nominee against US Senator Bernie Sanders. And to take on US Representative Peter Welch. Also for secretary of state, treasurer, AND attorney general. He’s running for state auditor as well.


  1. Ha! What a character! Not sure about his politics, but he sounds like he'd be an interesting person to know. Since he doesn't actually WANT to win, I wish him success at failure!

    1. Just another attention seeking clown. This is the kind of guy who gives states like Vermont a reputation for "fringe" candidates.
      His chances of failure are 100%

    2. I'd say it's this state's screwy election laws that are responsible for fringe candidates. (A 14-year-old Governor? Really?) Since Paige is running to highlight the flaws of the system in order to change it, I give him credit for doing it! As I said, I hope he succeeds at his failure!

  2. Is he from Mayberry or He Ha.


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