Monday, August 13, 2018

McNaughton launches write-in campaign

George McNaughton has launched a “write in” campaign asking for voters in the Springfield Windsor 3-2 District to write his name in on the ballot for State Representatives.

While the request is for all voters of all three major parties to do so, a special request is for Republicans to do so.

McNaughton envisions a Progressive Republican campaign that avoids the culture wars and focuses on what can be done, or avoided, at the State level to help in the revitalization of Springfield.

"After considerable deliberation, I am asking Republicans, Democrats, and Progressives to write me in as a candidate for State Representative. I do not believe an Independent can win a seat in the local State Representative race without the support of the Republicans. So I am in particular asking 25 Republicans to add me as their 2nd candidate for State Representative. Springfield has been struggling to change at the local level, but we need Representatives focused on what will help Springfield for the next couple years. I promise to oppose things that will hurt us competitively, and push those things that will help our Town, our Citizens, and our School District."


  1. "Provressive Republican...that avoids the culture wars?" What does THAT mean? Supply-side economics without morality? Sounds like Ayn Rand!

    1. Before the wingnuts jump on me, I meant Progressive!

    2. wow i cant believe you. you must have missed when the democrats joined in supply side economics. let me help it was wild billy.

    3. Still haven't found that shift key, eh, 4:14? So, you're a Bernie Sanders supporter? He's definitely not a supply-sider! No, you're just a finger-pointing hypocrite! President Clinton may have been more conservative than some, but he RAISED taxes on the wealthy, and used the money to pay down the National Debt. Republicans CUT taxes for the wealthy, and explode the deficit and debt by doing it! Not the same at all!

    4. 4:38, do you have to turn every article about local or statewide elections into a forum on national politics? Don't say you were only responding to the remarks made by 4:14 because you are the one who started the comment section with a blast at Republicans on a national level.
      By the way, your desire to make a point by using the caps key (constantly) gives you away every time. There is no need to shout. You don't get extra points for doing it.

  2. chuck gregory8/9/18, 7:30 AM

    6:45, it was 4:14 who began the trolling.

  3. George T McNaughton8/13/18, 12:03 PM

    Please remember to vote, regardless of what party you are voting for.

  4. You have my vote, George.

  5. George..."avoids the culture wars and focuses on what can be done, or avoided, at the State level to help in the revitalization of Springfield."

    Well, George, would you please remind us all of the revitalization of Springfield that you accomplished while serving as a selectman?

    1. George T McNaughton8/14/18, 9:12 AM

      Blight ordinance passed, vacant building ordinance passed, spearheaded drive to get funding to actually tear down dilapidated buildings that had been sitting burned out for years, rooming house regulations passed, got Selectboard and School Board members sitting as advisors on each others boards, got the vacancies on the Planning commission filled, and advisory Selectboard members appointed to Planning Commission, fought to get a code enforcement officer appointed to enforce the nuisance ordinances, did significant drafting of the new Town Plan, served on the Energy Committee, Ordinance Committee, Advisory member of School Board and Planning Commission. Fought for greater urgency in getting dilapidated buildings down. Testified before legislative committees in favor of greater authority in the enabling statutes for collection of demolition liens and blight reduction.

    2. While I applaud your efforts at blight reduction, the implementation seems a bit slow. We need stronger laws, and better enforcement. I was the first poster on this topic. The snark was intentional; I'd hoped for a more immediate response from you! Ok, George, you took a while, but you've convinced me! You'll get my vote!

  6. Thank you, Gerorge, for your years of service in helping to make Springfield a better place to live. Your mild manner, integrity, and intelligence is much appreciated. You've garnered my vote.

  7. George T McNaughton8/15/18, 4:28 PM

    I want to thank those who supported me in the write in campaign, I did not get quite enough write ins to get a Republican nomination for their 2nd candidate, but I will still be on the General Election ballot in the fall because the Progressive Party's District Committee unanimously nominated me for State Representative. I had hoped to be able to run as a Progressive/Republican candidate for State Representative since when we focus on local issues party affiliation fades away and I wanted to be an emblem of the fact that common ground can be found. Thank you again for your past support and future support in the General Election this fall.


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