Northwest Access TV has been providing residents and organizations of Highgate, St. Albans, Sheldon and Swanton, Vermont with opportunities to express their opinions and reach out to their community since 1999. The program Sound Off is hosted by Linda Kirker.
You can watch the whole interview here:
President Coolidge said, "I want the people of America to be able to work less for the government -- and more for themselves. I want them to have the rewards of their own industry. This is the chief meaning of freedom.” Fellow Vermonter’s we have lost our freedom!
I am a life-long Vermonter. I graduated from Johnson State College, and have been married for 34 years. My wife and I have built a successful business and have raised our family here. It is here, in Vermont, that I have become a Conservative Republican.
For 35 years my wife Judy and I have been the proud owners of Stern’s
Quality Produce in White River Junction. We are pleased to have been
able to make a comfortable living while at the same time helping so many
people bring affordable, high-quality fresh fruits and vegetables to
their families year around.
Recently on social media, one Vermont resident accused me of running for governor for the money. In a round-about way, he’s correct… although not quite in the context he intended.
In all honesty, it is the number one reason I am running. My desire is to stop the financial bleeding. In essence, I am running to SAVE the money…
The money we Vermonters send to Montpelier in the form of excessive taxation.
It’s about the high cost of public education from kindergarten through grade twelve.
It’s about the rising and unaffordable costs of health insurance coverage.
It’s about the lack of housing options resulting in unaffordable rental rates.
It’s about the high costs associated with affordable childcare options.
It’s about the astronomically high costs associated with heating and powering homes and businesses.
It’s about the money that a bloated government, created by our elected officials, burns through on an annual – and increasing – basis.
When we stop and think about it, it seems as though we are nothing more than cash cows who exist solely to offer up the fruits of our labor to finance a swollen, bloated state government. President Reagan said tongue in cheek, “The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it, and if it stops moving, subsidize it.” I believe that someone in Montpelier took Reagan’s tongue in cheek statement quite literally, to heart. It’s as if Reagan’s statement has become our unofficial state motto. That model of government CAN come to an end in January of 2019 with the swearing in of a new, fiscally conservative, Vermont State Governor.
With your help we can start something amazing in this state, but it won’t be easy to accomplish. It will take a lot of work, and I need your support to make it happen. Students, educators, business people, stay at home parents, anyone who wants to make Vermont the best state in the country. Together, we can make improvements, attract more opportunities, and make Vermont affordable and desirable once more.
Recently on social media, one Vermont resident accused me of running for governor for the money. In a round-about way, he’s correct… although not quite in the context he intended.
In all honesty, it is the number one reason I am running. My desire is to stop the financial bleeding. In essence, I am running to SAVE the money…
The money we Vermonters send to Montpelier in the form of excessive taxation.
It’s about the high cost of public education from kindergarten through grade twelve.
It’s about the rising and unaffordable costs of health insurance coverage.
It’s about the lack of housing options resulting in unaffordable rental rates.
It’s about the high costs associated with affordable childcare options.
It’s about the astronomically high costs associated with heating and powering homes and businesses.
It’s about the money that a bloated government, created by our elected officials, burns through on an annual – and increasing – basis.
When we stop and think about it, it seems as though we are nothing more than cash cows who exist solely to offer up the fruits of our labor to finance a swollen, bloated state government. President Reagan said tongue in cheek, “The government's view of the economy could be summed up in a few short phrases: If it moves, tax it. If it keeps moving, regulate it, and if it stops moving, subsidize it.” I believe that someone in Montpelier took Reagan’s tongue in cheek statement quite literally, to heart. It’s as if Reagan’s statement has become our unofficial state motto. That model of government CAN come to an end in January of 2019 with the swearing in of a new, fiscally conservative, Vermont State Governor.
With your help we can start something amazing in this state, but it won’t be easy to accomplish. It will take a lot of work, and I need your support to make it happen. Students, educators, business people, stay at home parents, anyone who wants to make Vermont the best state in the country. Together, we can make improvements, attract more opportunities, and make Vermont affordable and desirable once more.
– Keith Stern
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