Sunday, September 30, 2018

First Friday Film: “Beyond Our Differences”

With all of the problems facing the world today — war, poverty, weapons, environmental degradation, starvation, overpopulation and severe desperation among millions — people are longing for meaning. Many find answers in religion or spirituality, but as a result faith and religion are often hijacked by those seeking to enhance their own power at the expense of others, often all in the name of God.

With this dichotomy in mind, we call upon key religious leaders, politicians, and luminaries in their fields to tackle the toughest and most complex issues in the modern age, and we ask what inspires them to affect positive change. We hope that by sharing their personal experiences, each person will provide a unique perspective on how to support and strengthen compassionate and non-violent activism when resolving difficult disputes.

Beyond Our Differences provides a tapestry of distinct voices and viewpoints regarding spirituality, woven with one universal expression of hope. By providing such a variety of experiences in such an accessible format, we hope that individual viewers will understand this unified message of hope and will become empowered through their own expressions of faith to impact positive change in their lives and the lives of others.

Friday, October 5th, at the Unitarian Universalist Meetinghouse. Free admission and popcorn. Doors open at 6:45; movie starts at 7 pm. All welcome!

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