Friday, September 28, 2018

These Are The 10 Most Dangerous Cities In Vermont

FBI crime data identifies the most dangerous places in Vermont.


  1. The most "dangerous places" in Vermont are pretty safe compared to most other "dangerous" places. A bit misleading, to say the least!

  2. Lovely! No wonder that Springfield IS DANGEROUS with the PRISON!

    1. Oh Please! The prison has NOTHING to do with the danger in Springfield. STOP blaming the prison for the ills of this town. The prison actually contributes to this town by the amount of money spent in local business by the employees eating at local restaurants, using the Holiday Inn, and the prison itself buying all sorts of goods and services from local businesses. It is documented. Ask the town manager!

    2. I really DOUBT it! Town manager? Got to be kidding me! Stick to myself, thank you very much!

  3. In most huge cities in the country there are streets you could drive (with VT plates) down and get in trouble. Not very so in vermont.

    1. In many places, having VT plates on your car CAN get you in trouble, especially if the people there have been through Vermont with out-of-state plates!

    2. Ya man, like Holyoke at 2am on Friday night, where you might be from. Our green plates stand out. No sir officer sir we are looking for Mcd's.

  4. The article says that St. Albans is in the "southeast corner of the state, on the Atlantic coast"! Hard to take it seriously...

    1. George T McNaughton9/30/18, 2:17 AM

      Good point. Looks pretty much like a list of the urban centers and the list of less affluent medium sized Towns. Vermont is a pretty safe State compared to much of America.

    2. According to multiple sites on the net, vermont is 1 and maine is 2 as the safest states.

  5. Gang activity has increased in small towns along and near the Canadian border. Including vermont. St Albans and many towns in NY.

  6. Interesting demographics. The 56% adult population without a diploma explains all the tattooed, slack-jawed, mouth breathers I see. A population that's voluntarily chosen to condemn themselves to a lifetime of unskilled, low wadges.

    Shrewdly, politicians like Sanders recognizes this ignorant, gullible, desperate, majority electorate as an untapped resource. Bottom line, all of us that pursued an education and/or trade, worked hard, sacrificed and saved are screwed! Their demigod Sanders has them convinced we have their share of deserved wealth and they have the votes to take it.

    Time for a civil war.

    1. Funny, I do not think the population you are referencing are actual voters. The only people I see when voting are concerned citizens exercising their right to vote. Not "The 56% adult population without a diploma explains all the tattooed, slack-jawed, mouth breathers...".

      And why are you calling for civil war? Are you serious? In saying that, in my opinion you do not deserve the right to have a gun or the right to vote... BTW - you are by no mean a "Patriot" (which you probably call your self).

    2. Wow, 2:10, that's the best description of a Trump supporter I've heard in a while. What did he say during the campaign? "I love poorly educated voters!" And you love him. The last "skilled Trump supporter" I saw was too stoned to draw (or cut) a straight line. He knew all the latest conspiracy theories, though. As far as a "civil war" goes, be careful what you wish for; you're only about 20% of the population!

    3. Well said on all counts, 5:10. Like the fizzling Tea Party, with 100% of them now being Trump supporters, they are a small minority who think the are all "Patriots".

      The World is literally laughing at us, I just want to make sure they know Trump is the minority. And the majority of Americans will make it right soon.

    4. George T McNaughton9/30/18, 9:07 PM

      I agree with 4:00 pm. I didn't see any Bernie supporters waiving Confederate flags. We do have a demographic problem in Springfield, but I don't think that Bernie has much to do with it.

  7. Can this Study even be trusted, here is what they quote in the article about St Albans.
    "Located in the southeastern corner of the state, on the Atlantic coast, St. Albans ranks 1st for its danger." Really?

  8. Amazing, just read all the comments, a bunch of Darts, and Spears, and some blaming Trump...LOL, but nothing to fix the problem. The problem starts and ends with the LIBERAL Court System in VT. Look at the News Line just posted on here this morning "Springfield man strikes plea deal to resolve several cases" There in a Nut Shell is the problem, all though I hate the local Prison being here in Springfield, I think they need to build another one, and get some Judges with some Back Bone and keep these people until they are rehabilitated, 1 Year is not going to rehabilitate this guy, he is sitting there today waiting for the day he gets out to get is first fix. Liberal Judges are killing VT.

    1. Roger, I noticed that you gave the Trump supporter who advocated armed violence against his fellow citizens a free pass in your condemnation. Care to explain that?

    2. I re-read an see no one saying that they are a Trump Supporter nor advocating for gun violence, if they are then I disagree with that stance.
      Are you Spinning words again?
      I see others assuming they are a Trump Supporter, just because they are not a Bernie Supporter does not make them a Trump Supporter nor does it say anything about Guns.

    3. There you go again, Roger. Quibbling over words, diverting attention, lying by ommission, and minimizing. Just what part of "civil war" did you not understand? For most, it means the violent overthrow of a country and its government, and that involves weapons of every kind. It's pitifully easy to spot a Trump supporter, you all read from the same script. The same, tired cliches every time. We're all wise to you, your BS isn't working!

    4. Can you at least change your Name from Anonymous to Blog Troll so we all know who you are!

    5. Roger, it's not my fault that your arguments are so weak that they can't stand even a bare minimum of scrutiny! Attempting to divert attention from that by quibbling over words and introducing irrelevant issues doesn't help your case!

  9. Harness the hydro power from the river. Energy is wealth because it can be used to make things. Indoor farming ? recycling of metal and other things ?


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