Springfield woman waives extradition to New Hampshire to face heroin and bail jumping charges Report Vermont News Submitted 3 hours ago Subscribe Created by Eric Francis WHITE RIVER JUNCTION - A Springfield woman has waived extradition to New Hampshire and will be arraigned there early next month on charges of heroin possession and bail jumping. Jewel Breed, 24, who’s last known address was on River Street in Springfield, was spotted September 15th at the intersection of Main and Park streets in Springfield by Officer Anthony Leonard who wanted to question her about a larceny case in which she is a suspect. Advertisement: Content continues below... Curious about DailyUV ad rates? Officer Leonard said that while he was talking to Breed it was discovered that in early August police in Claremont had issued a nationwide warrant for her after she failed to show up at the Sullivan County Court in Newport. Breed was arrested on the spot and she subsequently waived extradition to New Hamsphire where she is now due to be formally arraigned on October 3rd in Newport. The heroin possession charge was filed against Breed by Charlestown Police Officer Denis O’Sullivan who explained in his report that he’d responded to the Tall Pines apartment complex because of a report of a suspicious looking person. O’Sullivan wrote that when he arrived in the area just after midnight he spotted Breed walking along Lovers Lane Road and the officer said that he “noted she was having a difficult time standing still and had an abundance of what appeared to be ‘track marks’ on her arms,” which he took to be indications of intravenous drug use. After learning that the Lebanon Police Department had a warrant outstanding for Breed on a theft charge, O’Sullivan arrested Breed and searched her. Officer O’Sullivan reported finding “numerous needles and a dime-sized bag that contained suspected heroin,” on Breed and he wrote in his report that she allegedly admitted to him “that she used 6-to-10 bags of heroin a day.” Vermont News can be contacted at vermontnews802@gmail.com
Last known address was on River St.? That wouldn't be those "wonderful" apartments across from the clinic, would it? How many drug addicts and criminals have to be allowed to live there before this town does something about it? The landlord should be held accountable!
ReplyDeleteI don't know about this particular person or this particular house, but the SPD has a policy to routinely send notices to the landlord regarding potential forfeiture. However, although I beg the State's Attorney and the U.S. District Attorney to start forfeiture proceedings against another property -- they refused to do so. Eventually in that case the Town health officer condemned the property. The Town has considered adopting an ordinance to try to do something at the Town level since the State and Feds will not act, but there is a question as to whether a State Statute that the State Health department never enforces pre-empts the field. The State Reps have not tried to get the enabling statutes changed so the Town could act without taking over all the health department duties. You might want to ask the candidates for State Senate and State Representatives whether they will sponsor bills that authorize the Towns to proceed against landlord who are chronically housing tenants involved in drug use and drug trafficking.
DeleteCouldn't the town sue to force the state to act? In this case the properties are owned by a well-connected family, and that may be the reason nothing happens.
DeleteGeorge, thank you for the meaningful contribution to this forum. Springfield badly needs your non partisan representation and leadership in Montpelier. Regarding asking incumbent candidates about forfeiture proceedings, I'd be wasting my breath. Many of us would rather not see negative campaigns, personal attacks and political mud slinging. That said, Emmons, Forgites, and McCormack are beyond useless. I closely follows legislative proceedings. They side exclusively with partisan legislators to be rewarded with advantageous committee assignments. Assignments that carry significant spending influence. Such influence seldom goes unrewarded. That is why term limits are badly needed. Emmons has been in Montpelier about 35 years and what has Springfield got to show for it? Past time to call out and hold accountable the cronyism, deadwood and blatant corruption Vermont is suffering thru. Best of luck in November!
DeleteMost of us couldn't agree more. The owner of these bed bug infested bungalows reaps a handsome profit while his welfare scamming tenants place a heavy burden on community services. Time to publicly call out these wealthy slum loads and make them pay their share.
ReplyDeleteThis slum lord business is usually a triangle (three parties) involved. The heroin addict, the heroin dealer, and the owner of the rental. They are all in bed together bugs included.
ReplyDeleteIt's the A-frame in back owned by Tom and make Bishop. That's the junkie spot. The police sit a Ross and watch it all the time. It's disgusting that the Bishops are allowed this because of who they ate
ReplyDeleteSeems the Bishop family owns A LOT of the blighted, drug infested properties around here. Deep pockets.......time this town grew a pair and lightened their load!
DeleteLots 64 & 71, AKA Ma & Pa Apartments are a plague on the community. Owner Thomas Bishop bears responsibility for the chronic drug problems there.
This is a very dangerous and slippery slope, there are both poor and wealthy drug users, tying this to the to people who run low income housing does not always mean they are drug users. Nor should any landlord be held responsible for their tenants short comings, this become an invasion of privacy, It goes back to Liberal Judges letting these people off with long list of drug problems that are documented, and the Judge has the history when they let them off. I put just as much or more blame on the Low Life Lawyers and Defense Attorneys (most that tax payers pay for) for making plea deals.
ReplyDeleteAs usual, Roger, you are willing to ignore the problems caused by conservative "business" owners, and blame everything on the Left. Invasion of privacy? As if anyone has a right to use, manufacture, or sell drugs! Slumlords profit from these operations, and are therefore complicit in them. I've heard you, and many others, condemn the liberal "do gooders" who run rooming houses in town. But, I guess if you're a wealthy conservative, it's OK to break the law, right Roger? I say hold them all accountable, regardless of politics!
DeleteSPIN SPIN SPIN my words.
DeleteSpin? You describe the illegal acts of dope dealers and criminals as "short comings." That's spinning like a tornado! It would be laughable if you weren't serious!
DeleteDo what China does...bang. no tolerance.