I believe in Springfield and North Springfield, we can make this area prosperous again. While high paying jobs are ideal, let’s get jobs in that may not be high paying but offer benefits that are 100 percent paid for by the employee. Businesses can get better deals on these benefits packages than an individual can.
I left the area in 2008 and returned home in 2015. I came home to towns I barely recognized. Empty, abandoned homes and for sale signs wherever I looked. I know we can make our community strong and great again.
I am well versed in immigration, Act 250, and Act 46. I am more than willing to hear what you; the voices of our towns have to say. I want to be your voice.
I am not afraid to rock the boat and work with constituents to make things better.
We need to boost our economy, which will lead to lessening the opioid situation. Lessening the opioid situation will further boost the economy.
The opioid crisis and healthcare issue need to be addressed. Opioid addicts need a structured treatment. I have a Bachelor of Science in Psychology with a focus on substance abuse and violence. I worked at an in-patient treatment center that was long-term. When the client had proven to the counselors there was positive change in their behaviors, the client then moved upstairs to transitional housing. The client had to earn the right to go out and get a job, go to AA (even though there were in house AA meetings), etc. It was a highly successful program I was proud to take part in.
Nobody should be penalized for not having insurance. If you have a pre-existing condition it is still a challenge to get healthcare coverage, and it is more expensive and you can still be dropped. Things have to change.
I have a lot more to say but I would like you to ask me questions.
I will not accept defeat. I want to make our towns successful again.
Thank you for your time and know i am true to what I say.
Beth Gray, Candidate for State Representative
North Springfield Vt.

Low paying jobs with benefits paid for by the employee? I sincerely hope that's a typo! Crap jobs with zero benefits are the kind we DON'T need; we have too many of those jobs now!
ReplyDeleteRE: "I have a lot more to say...."
ReplyDeleteYeah Beth we all have a lot to say, but talk is cheap. And, a BS in psych from a third tier liberal arts school wont get you into a Mensa meeting. What Springfield needs is proven leadership with a track record of impressive accomplishments. Beth, please tell us what you have accomplished that deserves my vote.
Yeah, because the "leadership" we have now is so great.
DeleteAnonymous 11:33, you might have to explain what Ms. Gray's done to deserve your rudeness before she agrees to your demands. It's hard to come off as the one cutting through the crap by just flinging more -- not to mention avoiding accountability by posting anonymously.
ReplyDeleteSpringfield is the product of administrative and legislative do-gooders unwittingly socially engineering a majority demographic of low income residents. All I see in Ms. Gray's posted CV is more of the same. Me? Just someone that's heavily invested in bettering the economy here and worked endless hours to improve my neighborhood.
DeleteThe way I see it, although many of the liberal policies haven't gotten us where we need to go, it was the conservative policies of the past that got us here. What this town needs is a pragmatic, centrist approach without the radical political litmus tests. Right now, it's just "hippies vs. rednecks," and neither side seems to have any realistic solutions.
DeleteWell, Fox Mulder, although 11:33's comment was a bit snarky, the poster makes a point; a thorough resume should include a list of accomplishments related to the job. As far as posting anonymously, I'm sure Fox Mulder isn't your real name (I used to watch the X-Files, too) so you're no better. If by "avoiding accountability" you mean avoiding the harrassment, vandalism, and physical violence that often accompanies political statements, I'll refer you to the Founders of our country, who often wrote anonymously!
Delete"Realistic solutions"? Okay, how about these: For "Nobody should be penalized for not having health care," how about universal, affordable, accessible and equitable single payer health care? Do we have a candidate who will fight for that? It's a realistic solution in 36 other countries, some of them small and all of them poorer in per capita GDP than Vermont. For "I am well-versed in immigration," what should we do to welcome immigrants to our community and help them develop their talents for our town's betterment? Where do our candidates stand on that?
ReplyDeleteFor one, Chuck, I'm not the candidate in question. Sure, universal healthcare would be great. In those other 36 countries, it's not a political issue. Both liberals and conservatives overseas and in Canada have told me we're nuts for not having it. As far as welcoming immigrants into our community goes, that's one of the political litmus tests I was referring to. If I say that we should educate and develop the talents of people who are already here, (who are mostly white) I will be accused of being a racist bigot by many on the left, since most immigrants nowdays are people of color. The Far Right is no better; be pro-life and pro-family but support Unions, public schools, and Keynesian economics and see how much crap you get! In 55 years of living, I've witnessed both liberal AND conservative ideas fail miserably, (public housing and supply-side economics, to name but two) but neither side is willing to admit it. Neither side has all the answers, you all just think you do.
DeleteSo, 3:12, We don't have a candidate with a position on those issues? What about other issues?
ReplyDeleteWhy are you asking me, Chuck? I had no gripe with Gray, except the part about low paying jobs, which I hoped was a typo. The reality is, other than that one issue, she really didn't say much!
Deletewhy do we only have one place to buy food, one fast food place , why is the plaza the only place to really do any shopping? I go to Claremont or Leb for better choices. I would love to be able to this in my own town.
ReplyDeleteWhen McDonalds first came into town an agreement was made between them and the town or someone in the town that they will be the only fast food establishment permitted. This might or might not be true.
DeleteReally, 8:06? That may be true, but I doubt it's legal. It would be nice to have alternatives, an Arby's or Wendy's maybe!
DeleteI agree, more people might come off the interstate to eat and hence see Springfield. If the rumor that the town (or someone in the town) is true it should be stopped. How do we find out?
Delete10:47, people coming off the interstate and seeing Springfield may not be the best idea, at least the way it looks now. Although I've seen many improvements since I moved here, I must admit that I nearly walked away from the downstroke on my house (I bought it sight unseen) when I first saw this town. I bought it anyway, and hoped for the best. As one of the "educated professionals" this town says it hopes to attract, I will tell you that priority one should be fixing up downtown, and getting rid of the low-income rentals, rooming houses, and abandoned factories that surround it. People like myself are horrified by these types of properties, and will avoid living near them like the plague. Anyone coming from a larger metropolitan area will see them and immediately think "Ghetto," and leave as fast as possible. You may think I'm an elitist snob if you like, but I speak the truth.
DeleteWell having a Wendy's (whatever) replace the old Bryant building would be a start at fixing up the town, don't you think 12:41. But you want to know what, it cannot be yours or my idea, it has to be dreamed up by someone important in town.
DeleteJust exactly where is the old Bryant building? I hear it mentioned all the time, but I have no idea where it is. It isn't just a couple of fast food places that are needed, but more mainstream retail options in general. Shopping in Claremont is a hassle, and it takes money out of the local economy. Bad all around.
DeleteOn Clinton street across from JandL. If were to be renamed Trump street then then we would see MSGA.
DeleteOf all the unused factory buildings in town, that one at least LOOKS in decent shape. If so, rehabbing it would be a more cost-effective alternative to new construction on the J&L site. (I like the idea of a park there.) If we're going to do something with it, better start now before it falls apart like the J&L did.
DeleteI worked there, only the new section has value. The old parts have roofs that continually need repairs,always have, and are not insulated. Why the town spends 50k to repair them is beyond me. Not to mention the inside. I say bulldoze it DOWN.
DeleteAnybody who thinks we need more fast food places in town needs to see "Supersize Me." Scary!
ReplyDeleteI doubt that many people would eat the equivalent of 9 1/2 Big Macs every day for a month, as the filmmaker did. C'mon, Chuck, most people are more sensible than that.
DeleteSays the guy whos tricycle is parked outside of McDonald's almost daily.
DeleteActually, 1:53, I suspect most people are not. I know I wasn't until I'd seen the movie. Can you name the only two things you can buy at McDonald's that don't have sugar added? (Water doesn't count.)
ReplyDeleteBusiness is needed in this town. It's not so much a matter of fast food. Anything to occupy buildings and create jobs. It's not rocket science people. We have overwhelmed this town with dreams of parks and businesses but wont allow business
ReplyDeleteAaron, with few exceptions businesses can not thrive here. Care to list all the enterprises that have closed shop or moved in the last 20 years? It's a big list. Before prosperity can gain a foothold, need to address why, then elect politicians that will enact legislation to make Vermont competitive. But that will never happen because Vermont's electorate is hugely selfish. It's all about what's in it for me.
Deletetwo areas that have had the same issues as Springfield have made major improvements; (The White River Jct and North Adams MA) The old factories in North Adams are now Mass MOCA (museum of contemporary arts), the businesses in WRJ are thriving. Both needed leadership, vision and investment...oh wait...now I get it