In Springfield's Copper Fox restaurant yesterday, State Senator Dick McCormack talks briefly about the election campaign season ahead and then Vermont Lieutenant Governor David Zuckerman has more to add.

Senators Alison Clarkson, Dick McCormack and Alice Nitka will be available to talk about their position on issues important to you at their election year kickoff event, Sept 13th 4:30-6 pm, at The Copper Fox, 56 Main St, Springfield.

Looks like an empty room, more politicians than voters anyway.
ReplyDeleteDick McCormick's great philosophy " Looks like I'm preaching to the Converted" My take away from that is not very many new sheep showed up to pay the bill tonight!
That video had more jokes than any substance at all, Great Job Windsor County Democrats Great Job, but what else would be expected from that group!
Well, the LG has inspired me to not be complacent. I'll definitely be motivated to vote republican.
ReplyDeleteI cannot believe Lieut. Gov David Zimmerman, a PONYTAIL! GOOD GRIEF! All I can think is "hippie-do-ponytail" picture at the State of Vermont Lieut. Governor! GROW UP LIEUT. GOVERMAN DAVID ZIMMERMAN! My advance in the future, get yourself an excellence haircut and get some suit and tie with the State and STOP PRETENDING planting a farmer.
ReplyDeleteAre you just discovering this? He had the same hair when he was elected in 2016 ... and take this to the bank, he will still have it in November and he will be reelected.