Sunday, September 23, 2018

The place where roosters get rehabilitated

Roosters get abandoned in the forest or left by the roadside, if they’re not dumped on some unsuspecting farmer. However, Patrice Jones, co-founder of VINE Sanctuary in Springfield, wants people to know there’s a better way to deal with roosters.

In Remembrance of Roosters - A Fundraiser by Patrice Jones
Every year, hundreds of roosters die because there is no room for them at sanctuaries. The Rooster Project will start saving lives immediately by helping sanctuaries welcome more roosters. The Rooster Project's educational efforts will save lives into the future by both increasing the expertise of sanctuaries and reducing the number of homeless roosters facing euthanasia due to stereotyping, cockfighting, and backyard hen-keeping. A leader in rooster rescue, VINE is ready to go but we need you!


  1. Does anyone have a good rooster recipe, I want to make sure I have one in place before I reply to the Craigslist ads. Maybe we can get them high like they do the lobsters in Maine before we enjoy the flavor of Rooster Stew.

  2. Roger: What a really sarcastic, unnecessary response. We are lucky to have the VINE Sanctuary in Springfield. If you took the time to read about VINE, you'd know it's a great group doing very good work in which they believe. And since they are vegan, your comment is offensive to them.

  3. Vegan diet is offensive to me, so then the entire article is offensive. Freedom of choice, but meat and vegetable eaters came first.

    1. OK, then. Let me rephrase: What a really sarcastic, unnecessary response. We are lucky to have the VINE Sanctuary in Springfield. If you took the time to read about VINE, you'd know it's a great group doing very good work in which they believe.

    2. Maybe go to Shaw's or any regular grocery store, the chicken is sold in the a similar cooler space as the veggies I like them both. And we both have our opinions.

  4. Roger is a narrow minded fool. He will defend Trump to his grave. It is clear as day he was bullied as a kid, so now he likes to bully others from his Anonymous posts. It's fair to say Roger is not forward thinker. Redneck comes to mind.

  5. So ANONYMOUS pops up again as a Blogger Troll, changing the subject to the only thing he or she knows is to bash Trump when the subject has nothing to do with Trump speaking of narrow minded and bully!

    1. By ridiculing VINE, you are the troll.


  7. Vine is such a great place ? go up on the hill across town from them and see how they destroyed the hill side by having it clear cut,what about all the wildlife that used to live there,now they have nothing,just to save a few chickens

    1. @ 7:58, I grew up hiking and hunting that ridgeline. Had great respect for the generous land owners and unspoiled hemlock forested, hill top ledges. Now, it's a posted, clear cut, rutted, muddy, eroded, eye score. Nothing lives or ventures there. For reference, look West off White's hill on Summer Street towards Craigue Hill. Tells you all you need to know about their motivations.

    2. Hate to say it (well, no I don't) but there is such a thing as property rights here in America. What always amazes me is how when a corporation pillages the landscape, the Right in this country staunchly defends it. When private citizens do what they wish with their own property, and it's not "conservative" enough, the howling begins. I'm more concerned with the blight that we all have to look at; the dive rentals that encircle downtown, and the garbage-strewn, weed-choked private residences. The Vine Sanctuary is out of plain sight for most people, and I'm sure it's reasonably sanitary, which is more than I can say for some of the "Redneck Sanctuaries" around town!

  8. RE: "I'm sure it's reasonably sanitary,......."

    As usual, boviating about something you know little or nothing about. Just may want to check out the wood shavings and manure dump in the brook gully. But what the hell, that's property rights in your book.

    1. I'd rather have wood shavings and a little chicken crap than old cars, piles of tires, washing machines, etc., not to mention the chemical sludge seeping from old factories and toxic waste sites. Are there trees growing out of the leaky roofs there? I doubt it. You people on the right need to clean up your own act before you condemn anyone else!

    2. Where did Right and left or Conservative and Liberal come into play. I consider myself a Independent leaning to the Conservative side, and I don't like to look at any of that stuff and would call the chicken crap just as bad to look at. People should keep their property fairly managed and looking respectful just out of human and earth decency no Politics involved in that.

    3. Roger, it isn't very hard to see the political undertones (and overtones) in everything you, and your kind, have to say. It all comes from the same far-right place. No one in their right mind gets "offended" by someone else eating only vegetables, or using their own property to save abandoned roosters. A lot of people in my neighborhood have chickens, or are vegans, and neither one bothers me. It's nice that you maintain your property, as most of us do. But to claim, as conservatives tend to do, that the blighted properties around here are the result of "liberalism" flies in the face of reality. When there's a Confederate flag in the window of a decrepit property, or a Trump sign in a weed-choked yard, (as I've personally seen) I doubt the occupants are Lefties! Having met some of them, unfortunately, confirms this!

  9. What a warped interpretation to what I had written. Nothing that I wrote has a political undertone, and to say "your kind" could be spun as discriminatory.
    I think I'll go have some chicken and veggies for dinner tonight, because I'm all inclusive.

    1. Roger, right now I'm laughing hysterically. You really are a funny guy!

    2. No, that was not funny. Roger has jested this "joke" every time VINES gets press. He enjoys bullying those he does not agree with. He is literally a small, tiny, little man.

    3. 6:41, I wasn't laughing with him, I was laughing at him. Sort of like the world laughing at Trump's ludicrous claims this morning at the U.N.! Sorry for the confusion.

    4. You mean the jerk president with little hands like roger?


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