Friday, September 21, 2018

Vermont officials urge schools statewide to replace fixtures after testing finds lead

During the “first draw,” a test that is taken before the water is allowed to run, 27 of 46 of the faucets and drinking fountains at Elm Hill showed at least 1 part per billion of lead, with the highest concentration 8 ppb in a sink.

Fluoridation bill offers pause for study
The resolution aims to put the state of Vermont in a neutral position on public water fluoridation, in contrast to its present role of promoting fluoridation. Vermonters are entitled to the truth about fluoridation, including its unproven effectiveness, its health risks and its obvious violation of informed consent.

Newsweek Magazine: Fluoridation May Not Prevent Cavities, Scientific Review
There is little recent or high-quality evidence that fluoridation reduces tooth decay, according to a review.

There are four main arguments against water fluoridation:
  1. Any purported benefits of fluoridation are in scientific controversy. Studies from 60 years ago do not pass muster under today's standards for safety or effectiveness. Research from the same era also "proved" cigarettes don't cause cancer. Even the AMA concedes that no studies were done to determine any side effects caused by fluoridation. [letter]

  2. The fluoride used for water fluoridation does not have FDA approval and is considered by the FDA as an "unapproved drug". The proper use of any drug requires an understanding of how much is too much. Since fluoride is already in many foods and beverages, an estimated total intake of existing fluoride amounts is imperative. Research shows fluoridation is unnecessary since we're already receiving 300% or more of the American Dental Association's recommended daily amount.

  3. Constitutional and Civil liberty issues regarding the forced mass medication of the population when alternative means of reducing cavities are easily available, such as tooth brushing. Even so-called mandatory school immunizations provide exemptions for parents who wish not to participate. 

  4. The chemicals used for fluoridation are not high purity, pharmaceutical quality products. Rather they are byproducts of aluminum and fertilizer manufacturing and contain a high concentration of toxins and heavy metals such as arsenic, lead and chromium. All proven to be carcinogens.


  1. This can be found in any home where brass or copper faucets are in use.

    1. If the faucets and plumbing are old enough, yes. Modern faucets and plumbing are lead-free.

  2. OMG, I am still alive w/o brain damage. Drank out of the school fountains all the time. Sounds like a get rich scheme for some plumber. Parents please don't let your kids get dirt on their hands. It is poisonous. Keep them inside on the couch getting health concerns from staring at their smartphones.

    1. You believe you were born that way?

    2. Please name us one person or child that you believe or have proof of being affected by lead in water from school fountains. However Lead in paint or other sources can be a serious problem. Kids don't lick the fountain bowl. Teachers please clean them of gum and who knows what.

    3. Uh, maybe kids in Flint, Michigan....

    4. Have you ever been to Flint? I have, a lot. The water is the least of their problems.

    5. Flints water came from a polluted river. Prior to that it came from the lake.

    6. No, 7:46, it was lack of water treatment of that river water that left the water acidic. It then eroded the lead piping of the water mains, putting lead into the water supply. The state and local governments went cheap, and knowingly poisoned thousands of innocent people. We need stronger EPA regulation and enforcement, not less. But that wouldn't be "Great," would it? Whether we allow toxins in our water, or put them in, it's a crime! I grew up drinking fluoridated water. I've had few cavities, but my teeth are brittle, cracked and chipped. Not worth it.

  3. oh fer cripes sake.....

  4. Does anyone in Montpelier have an ounce of common sense?

  5. The answer to that question is nothing that would benefit any Vermont Tax Payer no.


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