Thursday, October 25, 2018

Forguites, Emmons look forward to next Vermont House session

Democrats Robert Forguites and Alice Emmons have represented Springfield in legislative district Windsor-2 for several years now, and are looking forward to serving two more years, if voters support them again.


  1. I had to laugh at Bob Forguites' plans to solve the financial problems Vermont faces. Mega Millions? It's just another reminder that Forguites has no real answers.

  2. chuck gregory10/25/18, 8:44 AM

    The knowledge of all the buttons, levers and relationships among agencies and entities that facilitate or impede progress is bred in Bob Forguites' bones as a result of having served as town manager for so long. For example: He was the only person who knew that for the town to have its employees covered by a single payer health care plan would save us $500,000.

  3. If you always do what you always did….you will always get what you always got. Remember this when you vote Nov. 6th

  4. George T McNaughton10/25/18, 11:11 AM

    Interesting that they are looking forward to the next Senate Session while running for the House of Representatives. Bob Forguites works hard at what he is asked to do by constituents, the problem is he has to be asked. Alice Emmons demonstrated at the last candidates meeting that she basically has no grasp of the effects of the legislation which she supports, so its sort of hit or miss. If the Democratic leadership happens to support something that helps Springfield then she supports it, if it happens to adversely affect Springfield she will still support it. When the adverse impact then becomes public like it has with Act 46 then the response is always well we intended to tweak it, or when the concern regarding Act 250 starts to become a roar then the answer is a prolonged recitation of past history with no specific or real proposal for reform. The result being that the tweaks and specific reforms come from Representatives of other Towns, and Springfield just follows along in the train whether the change is what is needed in Springfield, or something that fits a City up north.

    1. To be fair, George, I think referring to the legislative branch of government as "the Senate" is a typo on the part of this sites author, or someone else. At least Alice Emmons understands the difference between alcohol and drugs. What say you, Chuck?

    2. This error originated at the Eagle Times not this blog. See:


      Apparently no one there noticed the error until it was too late to stop the presses but they were able to correct the online version at least.

      To be honest, the editor of this local news blog more or less just mindlessly copies headlines and opening lines from other news sites so nothing wrong was noticed until it was pointed out above.

  5. Seeing that there has never been any positive strong movement in Springfield speaks volumes of what these two have not done and will not do in the future. They are both just go with the flow, smile, glad hand and pass the buck democrats. Make your votes know on Nov 6th.

    1. George T McNaughton10/27/18, 10:33 PM

      Roger and I do not usually agree, but I agree with his analysis on this one. There is no good explanation for their votes on Act 46 other than Alice was following instructions from the then Speaker of the House who was an ardent supporter of Act 46. It may prove a costly move to Springfield.


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