Thursday, October 25, 2018

Message from a candidate

With this year’s mid-term elections almost here, I ask all of our citizens to look closely at our state incumbents and candidates. Local government has a much more direct effect on all of us, and our state elections are of the utmost importance.

There has been much discussion of a carbon tax (carbon pricing) at our recent forums. I oppose a carbon tax for the following reasons: a carbon tax would be detrimental to our already struggling seniors, young families and further discourage business and economic growth in our state.

Our Vermont Health Connect is a disaster; the current legislature has decided it’s best to penalize those who can’t afford healthcare. I will work with others to find affordable solutions.

Waste water spewing into our lakes and waterways is unacceptable. There is little point in cleaning our waters when we continue to pollute them. Farmers are already taking action, why aren’t these municipalities?

I will introduce solutions like lowering the business tax, tax free start-ups, reducing or eliminating the sales tax, welcoming a secondary vocational school to Windsor County and lowering utility costs.

I promise to work with others to find better solutions to education funding, revamping or repealing Act 46 and Act 250.

Improving our current drug programs with better prevention, treatment and eliminating lax punishment for dealers.

An unbalanced government benefits no one. Government works best with checks and balance. I ask for your vote on Nov. 6. Every vote counts.

Randy Gray
Republican candidate for
Windsor district 5 senate seat
North Springfield, Vt.


  1. I recall Randy calling himself a tea party patriot. No thank you Randy!

    1. No Trump supporter (Randy) will get my vote.

  2. Our state needs Tea party patriots and Trump supporters. Randy has my vote

    1. How does one reconcile the Tea Party's willingness to shut down government in order to balance the budget with Trump's unprecedented deficit levels?

    2. 5:29 - You are redundant, all tea baggers' are Trump supporters, no need to write "and Trump supporters"... we get it.

  3. chuck gregory10/26/18, 7:29 PM

    It is the GOP's job to create deficits by shifting money to the 1%.

    It is the Democratic Party's job (if they listen to the Progressives and Democratic Socialists) to clean the mess up while the out-of-power Republicans blame them for the mess....

  4. I like how the T- baggers' refer to themselves as patriots. What a joke, I think "nationalist" is more appropriate.

    1. Calling themselves "patriots" is a tipoff that they're teabaggers. Real patriots-- and Patriotic Millionaires is a group that agrees with this-- pay taxes. We very often have local candidates who don't get the connection between taxation and quality of government services.

  5. To me. calling yourself a patriot is like calling yourself a hero. I like modest personalities.

  6. George T McNaughton10/27/18, 10:29 PM

    I don't see Randy Gray as a Trump Supporter. I do think that he has tried to focus on issues important to Springfield. He does not appear to be as ideologically driven as the other two GOP candidates. We have at least one Senator, Alyson Grayson, that needs to be replaced and I believe Randy would make a good replacement.

  7. Important stuff, does anyone else support the idea that church goers carry side arms while in church, TRUMP DOES.

    1. That's a good point for the 2nd Amendment, if there were just every day people carrying, it might make the deranged psychopath that wants to go shoot up think twice, "who has a gun here" like the father that took out the psychopath at the McDonald's in Alabama the other day.

    2. Anonymous 4:48, some how in your comment, you're spinning the fact that a deranged psychopath shot up the Jewish Church to what Trump thinks is the best way to protect the people. If Psychopaths wore a sign around their neck so we knew their intentions then we would not need this. Until we can pluck them out of society then we have to have protection plans.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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