Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Legislative candidates meet public in Springfield

Four candidates for state House seats, and seven candidates for state Senate seats, met the public in a forum last night at the Hartness House. Among the topics were the T.I.F. (Tax Incremental Financing District) program, which is intended to spur economic development; Act 46, which may force some school districts to merge with each other, and Act 250, which deals with development.

1 comment :

  1. George T. McNaughton10/24/18, 10:48 AM

    I want to thank those that attended. The questions asked were cogent questions that pertained to Springfield. It is important that the voters are exposed to whether the State Representatives actually know and understand what issues affect Springfield and how the legislation they pass actually works, rather than just either taking credit for beneficial legislation they don't understand and trying to give feeble answers for why they voted for legislation that hurts Springfield.


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