Tuesday, October 23, 2018

This Year in Politics is Really Different

Jon Margolis, a Vermont journalist, will present the OLLI-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute program Tuesday, Oct. 30. “This Year in Politics is Really Different (and That’s Not Fake News)” will be presented at 2 p.m. at the Nolin Murray Center next to St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Pleasant Street in Springfield.

Jon Margolis, a Vermont journalist, will present the OLLI-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute program Tuesday, Oct. 30. “This Year in Politics is Really Different (and That’s Not Fake News)” will be presented at 2 p.m. at the Nolin Murray Center next to St. Mary’s Catholic Church on Pleasant Street in Springfield, Vt.

While candidates usually claim that each election is unique, this one is really weird – a president with the lowest mid-term approval rating ever. We’ll discuss issues in Vermont state political news as well – a Vermont Democratic Party that dominates the state with a Republican governor. Margolis says, “And who knows what other oddities we will examine? All happening amidst confusion over what is fake and what is fact, if there still is any such thing as fact!”

Margolis is the political columnist for VTDigger.org. His articles have been published in The New York Times and Esquire. He reported for the Chicago Tribune as their chief national political correspondent covering presidential elections and national stories from 1976–1988. He has reported on sports, covering events from the World Series to the Iditarod dog sled race. He has taught at the University of Vermont and Lyndon State College.

OLLI-Osher Lifelong Learning Institute, affiliated with the University of Vermont, is a local membership program geared towards seniors 50 years and older who want to engage in meaningful learning “just for the fun of it!” People of all ages are welcome to attend.

The OLLI series programs are selected with input from the local members and carry varied themes from semester to semester including history, art, music, literature, health, nature, science, and current events.

Programs are held at 2 p.m. Tuesday afternoons and last about an hour and a half.

Membership for the semester includes nine programs. Non-members are encouraged and welcome to attend individual lectures for a single program fee. Memberships, as well as single program fees, may be paid at the program.

The following OLLI program will be two weeks later Nov. 13, and will be “I Could Hardly Keep From Laughing: Vermont Humor From Coolidge to Trump” presented by Bill Mares, author, teacher, and legislator.

Brochures have been distributed throughout the area towns at businesses, the local libraries, town halls, and Chamber of Commerce offices. The complete Springfield and statewide program list is available online at www.learn.uvm.edu/olli. Choose statewide programs from the menu, and then scroll to Springfield.


  1. A Republican governor with a Democratic State Legislature isn't weird. Illinois does it all the time. That state votes reliably Democratic for President, then turns right around and elects the most conservative Republican governor they can find, too. I always thought they just wanted to have it both ways; get the benefit of federal programs, but keep state and local taxes low. (It never works.) If that's weird, Illinois has been out-weirding Vermont for a long time!

  2. Latest news is that the middle class will be getting a huge tax cut after congress approves it next week, says trump.

  3. chuck gregory10/24/18, 8:42 AM

    Love your irony, 7:55!


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