Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Video: Puggy's Corner – Beth and Randy Gray

Get to know the North Springfield husband and wife team running for state offices.   Host: Ernest "Puggy" Lamphere.   Produced by SAPA-TV

More video:
Puggy's Corner - Beth Gray


  1. I read on this blog that Puggy Lamphere was one who let the shop owners leave town without cleaning up their mess. If true, I'd say that this reveals a lot about the two candidates on his show. Birds of a feather......

    1. LOL. If something critical of a public figure posted anonymously on this blog were true, then what, the candidates would let shop owners leave messes? LOL.

    2. Spare me your sanctimonious crap, Phil. You only have the "guts" to use your name because of your political connections. I must have hit a nerve.....

    3. Ah. :-)

  2. Hah. Phil has political connections? The Grays are responsible for Goldman's shenanigans? I think there's an alternate universe leaking in here.

  3. Somebody let Goldman get away with it. We'll be cleaning up that mess for generations to come. The Gray's may not have been involved, but they are of the politics that would have. All one has to do is look at the current "shenanigans" by the Trump administration to see that. Birds of a feather. Posting anonymously helps insure that I don't get a nasty surprise in my mailbox.......

    1. George T McNaughton10/29/18, 10:29 PM

      While I agree with you about Goldman. There is bipartisan blame to go around. But I am not sure that it makes sense to focus on what the National Party is doing when it comes to the legislative elections. That is part of the problem when we get so caught up in what is going on Nationally that we lose sight of what the local issues are. I heard a recent commentator indicate that one of the problems that we are experiencing now is that it used to be that all politics was local, but now all politics is National and all National politics has become polemic and ideological. We have to get the legislature to somehow start focusing on local problems again.

  4. chuck gregory10/27/18, 9:29 AM

    Phil Caron has political connections?????

    The same outfit that raped our capital base when it took out Precision Valley is the same outfit the Grays don't believe should pay higher taxes--The Wall Street crowd. the GOP credo is, "The money money you have, the more sacrosanct you must be." The idea of reducing taxes 65 to 100 percent for everybody making $1 million or less sounds nice to the GOP-- until they hear it means raising taxes on all those making over $1 mil.

    I pointed out early in the first Obama administration that 18 key White House positions were held by Wall Streeters. The only difference under Trump is the addition of some TV celebrities.

    1. By "political connections" I meant that by virtue of his having been born and raised here, any threat against him will be met with a strong response from law enforcement. We "newbie flatlanders," not so much. Same with you, Chuck. You may not be a native Springfielder, but you've been around here long enough. Don't try to deny it, I've experienced it firsthand. Maybe one day, if I stay here, I'll warrant the kind of security you all enjoy. Until that day, I'm on my own here, and I know it.

    2. Anonymous 9:54 AM, apparently I have more respect for the Springfield police, most of whom are not from Springfield, than you do. Maybe specific experience has undermined yours, but I think they're generally doing a good job under difficult conditions. Police or not, I understand assuming you are on your own, and basically I do the same.

      However, opinions mean little if their author is unwilling to stand behind them. Further, one shouldn't publicly post anything that they wouldn't publicly say, or say to someone's face.

      It's all about respect. Sorry for pontifying.

    3. Well, Phil, maybe I jumped on you a little hard, and for that I apologize. You do make more sense than most on this blog. Maybe that's the problem; I read this blog too much. I will say this: In all of the many places I've lived, I've never experienced as much hostility as I have here. None of it was "to my face," at least in the traditional sense. Being treated like a criminal suspect by everyone from the police to the local clergy, businesses trying to rip me off, insults shouted from speeding cars, etc. Roger used to flip me off every time he drove past me, for no reason I could ever understand! (Never knew who he was until someone on this blog described his car.) If posting criticisms of this town and its people anonymously is "gutless," it's no more so than some of the treatment I've recieved. You said it's about respect; yes, I suppose it is. I'm being completely serious; you can't treat people that way and expect anything other than utter contempt from them. Things have improved a little over the years, but I do still have some pretty bad days. Again, I apologize if I took it out on you, Phil.

  5. 9:54, some of the good old boy network-- including Puggy, sadly, but he probably didn't know he was being used-- went after me and broke a state law in doing so. Some of them are still after me. I don't think Phillip has any more protection against them than I do, except that he's probably a lot more diplomatic.

  6. George T McNaughton10/27/18, 10:24 PM

    I don't think the Grays should be lumped with the National Republican Party policies. I have spent a lot of time talking with them. Although I disagree with them on some issues, and do not understand the conservative attacks on Phil Scott, I do appreciate the fact that they are trying to focus on Springfield issues. Much of our legislative delegation appears to have lost contact with Springfield issues, some do not even understand Springfield's proposals or needs, and at least one Senator appears to not have any understanding of Springfield whatsoever. So we could use some form of jolt to the legislative delegation to give them a warning shot that Springfield cannot be taken for granted.

    1. Thank you George. I am so confused as to how Randy and I are being tied to things we have never taken a part of.
      Clean your mess up.
      Not sure how you tie into this Carla. This was about Randy and I, not Puggy or anyone including the Koch Brothers.
      Randy and I believe in Springfield and all it has to offer. Randy and I were born raised here lived here almost our entire lives. 2 of our grandkids go to school here and 3 out of 5 children live here. It's not about us, it is about a family based community caring and being concerned for each other.
      I am sorry you have a strong dislike for us. We are honest and genuine people caring for our community. If you took the time to know us as many others have since 1969 and 1970 you may hold a different opinion
      Beth Gray

    2. Who's Carla? Plausible deniability is a wonderful thing. Republicans have been doing it for years. New faces, new names, same policies. Although you and your husband were too young to have been directly involved in flushing this town down the drain, being involved with, and having the same basic ideology as those who did, makes you no better. It's not personal, I just don't believe that the same pro-business, anti-labor policies that got us here, will get us out. I was not born here, nor raised here, and I don't believe that makes a difference, either way. What happened to Springfield happened to every manufacturing town in America. This town is not unique. I do live here now, and therefore have a vested interest in the success of this town. I've been around long enough to know that phrases like "family-based" are code for hard-right, authoritarian governance. Being admitted "Tea Partiers" and Trump supporters only confirms this. I do not suffer from amnesia. Running from your ideology because it is becoming increasingly unpopular, and presenting yourselves as "local" with no ties to national politics, will be seen by most as being disingenuous enough.

  7. chuck gregory10/28/18, 9:56 AM

    As horse-trading is an inescapable component of legislating, anyone who goes to the Legislature expecting to work a deal for Springfield will be expected to give something in exchange.

    I do not want to see representing Springfield anybody who will take away from women the right to determine how many children they will raise and bear; who will deny all Vermonters the opportunity to have worry-free health care coverage for themselves and their families; who will not ensure that gun owners in Vermont are responsible gun owners; who will disempower the most important workers in our public schools-- the teachers-- and who will stifle the quality of life in Vermont for all by opposing taxation for the public good, such as the $21 million needed to fix Springfield's streets, roads and sidewalks.

    Where do the Grays stand on any of these?

    1. Chuck, well said on all points. At least George T (as a candidate) answers directly to posts on this site. Where are Randy and Beth Gray? I wish they would address Chuck's questions. I care about reproductive rights, healthcare costs. It is my understanding that Randy thinks trickle down economics is great. I understand if Randy and Beth want to address this post independently or probably not at all.

    2. I am a 6 day a week, 60 hour work week woman. I dont mess around with the internet or social media much. I gave my cell phone number out on numerous occasions. I got home at 830 tonight. I left home at 7 am today because my grandkids overnights and we had to get costumes together. My cell is 802 376 9169. I wont reply tonight as I am exhausted but will tomorrow on my breal

  8. Claiming to care about "local issues" has always been a way for local politicians to distance themselves from unpopular national parties, and their philosophies, which they often agree with. Randy Gray branded himself a Tea Party member and Trump supporter in previous election cycles. No one put that label on him. Comparing him to people that he previously aligned himself with is absolutely fair game.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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