Friday, November 9, 2018

Help light a pole for the holidays

Every year the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce decorates the lamp posts on Main Street in downtown Springfield with banners and white lights to bring twinkle and cheer to the neighborhood during the winter months.

Every year the Springfield Regional Chamber of Commerce decorates the lamp posts on Main Street in downtown Springfield with banners and white lights to bring twinkle and cheer to the neighborhood during the winter months. This tradition helps to create an inviting avenue for visitors passing through our lovely town, and creates a sense of warmth and community for all who live here.

We’re busy making arrangements for this year’s holiday program, but we can’t do it alone! Many of the strands of LED lights we used last year are now worn out and need to be replaced. The cost of buying new lights is significant, but if we work together, we can make it happen! We are looking for businesses, organizations and individuals who might be interested to sponsor a pole lighting, to assist us in continuing to bring this special tradition to Springfield. The cost to light a single pole is only $25, and we would love your help! Sponsors will be recognized via social media and a press release, and you will have the warm fuzzy feeling of contributing to our beautiful community in a meaningful way.

We appreciate any and all support! Anyone with questions about Lighting A Pole, please contact Caitlin at the Chamber: 802-885-2779 or Checks can be made payable to “Springfield Regional Chamber” and sent to: Springfield Regional Chamber, 56 Main Street, Suite 2, Springfield, VT 05156. Thank you!

1 comment :

  1. Maybe ask the liberal moon bats to borrow their Klansmen torches.


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