Friday, November 9, 2018

Torchlight protest in downtown Springfield

More than forty-five Springfield area citizens turned out last night to protest President Trump's ouster of U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


  1. So more than 45, that is less than .01% of Windsor County, keep the rallies up you could expand to 1% of the population someday. You have to have Goals.

  2. Although I support free speech, and have no problem whatsoever with people protesting Trump, the torches were a little disturbing. Let the Nazis have that one, guys!

    1. A little disturbing? When I saw the above image, the first thing I thought of was the KKK. Why are they protesting while holding torches?

    2. Well, the protesters don't look or dress like the Klan, or any of the other Alt-Right groups I've seen. Stupid move with the torches, though; any resemblence to any Alt-Right group is counter-productive.

    3. Democrat Party spawned the KKK a book for once in your life!

    4. I see you know nothing about U.S. history, 8:24. Why don't you open a book, and spare yourself an embarrassing history lesson.

    5. George T McNaughton11/13/18, 2:32 PM

      While the KKK did come into existence during Reconstruction and persisted later as Democrats regained their voting privileges after the Civil War. The Conservative wing on the Democratic Party previously known as the "solid Democratic South" left the Democratic Party for third parties after the Civil Rights Act was passed and eventually joined the Republican Party to become the "solid Republican South" under Reagan. You have to remember that the Republican Party used to have "liberals" and the Democratic Party used to have "conservatives". In fact the Democratic Party was at that time so ideologically split that wits used to say it was only one party every 4 years. The modern KKK infiltrated the Republican Party in Indiana in years between the World Wars and won the Governorship. The modern base during the 20th Century was actually Muncie, Indiana, although they are not as active in Indiana as they used to be -- at least not overtly.

    6. Thank you, George. You saved me the aggravation of trying to educate a Trump supporter. Truth is, I've had this very same argument with this individual before, to no avail. The "Party of Lincoln" has morphed into the party of Jefferson Davis, especially in the last 50 years. The "Dixiecrats" have taken over.

  3. Of the many faces I recognized there, not one contributes to the local economy.

    1. All that is required to understand conservatives, and their agenda, is to listen to what they accuse others of.....

    2. Don't delude yourself . Eventually you will no longer be contributing to the local economy. Then what? When that happens are you going to commit suicide so that you are no longer a drag on the economy?

    3. 3:13, what makes you think they're contributing anything now? When you consider every economic factor, most small businesses take more from the local economy than they give, especially if they're in retail. The products they sell are purchased from somewhere else, and that's money leaving. Any profit they make that is invested anywhere but here (mutual funds, stocks, etc.) is also money leaving. The wages they pay are the only real contribution, since taxes are figured into the cost of their products. At the end of the day, the customers pay that. Unless you are making something here, and selling it somewhere else, a business takes more than it gives. Conversely, people on public assistance, (aka welfare) bring money into the community from federal taxes, which everybody in America pays. That's outside money coming in! Bizarre, isn't it? The people who complain about "moochers and takers" are the ones bleeding the economy, while the "bums" are actually bringing money in!

  4. The picture quality is such that I couldn't recognize any, let alone "many" faces. Some people see what they want to.

    I wish protesters would pick their causes more critically. Getting rid of Sessions by itself means little; if Mueller's investigation gets shut down, that would be important - but it hasn't happened. If it does, then a protest might mean something.

    And the torch thing is stupid, and raises only negative associations. Probably some town ordinance against it too.

    1. There's an old saying: Put a frog in a pot of boiling water and it will jump out. Put a frog in a pot of cold water, and slowly turn up the heat, and you will boil it. That's what I see happening. Trump will slowly "turn up the heat" on our institutions. We'll keep getting used to the temperature, until it's too late to jump out of the pot.

    2. @12:03, something I have wanted to ask and perhaps you can enlighten me. Specifically speaking, exactly what policy or act has the current administration done to negatively impact you? By impact I mean a tangible loss including your personal security. Not a perceived belief or objection to style. Please explain.

    3. Well, that's the problem, isn't it 12:48? As with the frog in the pot, by the time you feel the heat, it's too late. You have to see it coming, and stop it before it "boils" you! Everything Trump has done so far has eroded the Constitutional foundation of this country. Every day, the rot gets closer to the heart. Our Founding Fathers designed a pretty good system; all that is required for you to triumph, is for the rest of us to do nothing. Oh, and we're not accountable to you, either. Your movement is already dead, the only question is the cost of the funeral.

    4. So if I hear you right You have lost lost nothing including any constitutional rights under this administration. Your only objection is an undefined, perceived fear of something coming. A paranoia of sorts.

      Yet for many of us we're enjoying a great economy, a tax cut, near eradication of Islama terrorists, a coming peace on the Korean peninsula, and enforcement of illegal immigration. A needed move that will much help stem the flow of opiates and meth across a dangerous, remote border. A crisis that's tragically ended too many lives right here in Springfield. That's my tangible assessment. MAGA

    5. Tangible assesment? That's absolute, unadulterated hogwash! Here's a realistic assesment: Continuous, escalating attacks on journalists, free speech, and the rule of law. Demonization of immigrants, and people of color. Calls for violence that are being answered. A stock market that's on a roller coaster, wages being eaten by inflation, and tax cuts for billionaires that have exploded the defecit, but did nothing for working people. North Korea is still producing nuclear weapons, and Islamic terrorists are still killing our soldiers in the Middle East. The Russians are still meddling in our elections, and the Chinese are still stealing our intellectual property. The list goes on, and on. That's not paranoia, that's reality! Trump has done nothing but stir up the most virulent forms of hatred here at home, while our adversaries abroad continue to make fools of us. Is that tangible enough for you, or will you continue to live in your delusional fantasy land?

    6. Philip Caron11/9/18, 4:49 PM

      I like how when people praise the economy, they don't include the deficit.

    7. They don't include inflation when they talk about wage increases, either. Wages are up 3.1%, but inflation rose 2.87%. So much for wage increases!

    8. RE: "Trump has done nothing but stir up the most virulent forms of hatred here at home"

      Yes, I have witnessed the hate you speak of. Be it threats to blow up the White House, shooting of congressmen, harassment of their families at public restaurants and theaters, club swinging protesters, destruction of historical monuments, burning of police vehicles, and the endless spewing of raw hate towards those with an alternate value system on this forum. So much hate and envy of success and the fruits of sacrifice, education and hard work. MAGA

    9. Oh, please! You equate bomb threats with actual bombs? Angry words at a restaurant with mass shootings at one? People being gunned down as they worship, or at school, or any other of the multiple, and multiplying, mass deaths that the Alt-Right are responsible for in the last two years? Sure, there was ONE Bernie supporter who went nuts, but if you go back and look, Bernie NEVER advocated violence against ANYONE! Nor did Hillary, for that matter. Trump has no problem inspiring acts of violence; he offers to pay their legal fees! As far as "violence" on this blog goes, Trump supporters have no problem dishing out cheap insults and vague threats. (You DO realize that these pages are all archived, don't you?) I no more envy you than I do a junkie on a street corner; I wouldn't be you for all the tea in China!

  5. let's have a protest to protest the whiny protesters

  6. Nice timing..when everyone is trying to get home from work and paying no mind to any of you. Hysterical and pathetic....A+ for trying to change the world because you have no control over your own lives!

  7. chuck gregory11/10/18, 7:50 AM

    The citizens of ancient Athens were expected to participate in the democracy in order to make it work for all of them. There were some who would not, who only attended to their own business and preferred to concentrate on the bottom line.

    The Athenians had a word for such a man: "Idios."

    An idiot today is one who would take seriously the question, "Are you better off now than you were four years ago?" Anyone who participates in democracy knows that it's not how one person feels that proves the system's health; it's how all the pieces work together that matters.

    A participating citizen understands the links between the firing of Sessions and the consequential shutdown of the Mueller probe.

    I have participated in nighttime protests before and have driven past them. My reaction was always, "What was that?" I would unexpectedly encounter a crowd of people in the dark flashing white pieces of paper with unreadable messages. That illumination was very much needed for both safety and efficacy.

    1. Chuck That might be a problem, the United States of America is one person added to one person, and so on.
      Trump is asking each of us if we are better off today than 2 years or 4 years ago. Then each person votes as one, as one person their vote, and that's democracy. Should I vote based on someone else's position No, my vote is my vote as is yours.
      I and my family are better off, and I see globally the USA is in a better position than we were when Liberals we're trying to make it one world not a world of country's working together.
      Then calling Conservatives Idiots is part of your other problem of thinking.

    2. Yes, we the American people asked ourselves if we were better off now, than two years ago. We then voted for Democratic control of the House of Representatives. I think that says it all.

    3. When you talk about the good economy it's all mirages! Mirages! It's robbing Peter to pay Paul. As far as how we are seen overseas if you look at something beyond American tv news you would see that we are the laughing stock of the world. Trump is seen as a "dangerous idiot." They laugh at Trump and us. Trump is an idiot Putin loves him. Trump has made Russia great again.

  8. And in answering the question, we blocked the "Blue Wave' and hold the Senate and White House, That does say it all.

    1. Uh, holding the White House was never in question. Holding the Senate, with only 1/3 of seats in play, and the map skewed heavily in favor of Republicans, was no big trick, either. The House was the only true national election, and you guys lost. You can keep pretending you won, but 2020 is only two years away. You won't do so well, without the wind at your backs!

  9. Always and excuse, 6 months ago, the Democratic, Schumer and Pelosi pretty must guaranteed taking over both the House and Senate, now the excuses come out. Why not say that the Republican Voters stood up and held the Senate. Talking about wind at your back, history says they both flip in this situation of mid terms, and the wind must have blown you over, call it a loss cause it really was for the Liberals.

    1. Ok, Roger. Republican voters stood up and maintained 1/3 of one chamber of Congress. That's all you did. Relish it, savor it. You won't get another one. It goes in cycles. Remember '08? 2020 will be a repeat. The problem for you is that there won't be a Tea Party wave in '22. Too many Republicans will have gone to their graves four years from now, and will have been replaced by Democrats. IT'S OVER.

  10. OK Nostradamus, what other predictions do you have in your resume that have come true? and not just in your fantasy world, real life!

    1. It's really not very hard to make accurate predictions, Roger. You just need a brain, and an education. You appear to have neither of these things, so it's not surprising that you're wrong so often! This one is easy. The House seats come up every two years. The Senate turns over once every six years, with 1/3 of the seats every two years. The same seats come up every time. 2006 was 12 years ago, (6×2) and the Dems won the house, but the GOP kept the Senate. In 2008, the Dems took both houses, and the White House. Twelve years from 2008 is 2020. Trump does not have the luxury of a war to keep him in his job, the way W. Bush did. This is known as the "rally around the flag effect." Without some catastrophic national emergency like 9/11, Trump's approval rating will never be high enough; he will be a one-term President. That's if he even survives his first term. His continued unpopularity will pull the GOP down, and the Dems will take both houses of Congress, and the White House, just as they did in '08. Simple mathematics, combined with intro-level political science.

  11. Be honest! How many of you depend on government for services? Everybody does! Everybody! When everybody talks about how Trump and the Republicans are bringing prosperity to this country think again.
    Trump passed the largest tax cut in history and it all goes to the rich. Furthermore the Fed has come out and said that when the recession/depression comes the government will not have the money to pull us out of it because of the tax cut.
    Mitch McConnell said before the election that during the next term the Republicans plan to cut entitlement programs such as Social Security, Medicaire, Medicaid, Education and a whole host of other programs. They justify this because the they are too expensive and the government can't afford them. If you are retired or planning to retire and your benefits are cut don't blame the Democrats. If you still support the Republicans and Trump you have the intellectual capacity of a flea.

  12. chuck gregory11/10/18, 6:15 PM

    Americans' support of the wealthiest no matter how trying their own condition is a wonder to behold. We have all been sold on the fantasy of being on the verge of becoming one of them. As John Steinbeck observed, "Communism will never take root in America as long as the majority think they are temporarily embarrassed millionaires." So, who's to complain about the Trump tax cut???

  13. chuck gregory11/10/18, 6:22 PM

    3:42, locally-owned businesses, big and small, contribute more to the town than do others. "Local" means the money stays in town longer-- the owner banks here, builds here, pays taxes here, employs other locals who own or rent, buy groceries and gas, get their car fixed, and so on. It's called the "multiplier effect." In general, if I recall correctly, one dollar spent in a local business provides an additional 48 cents spent locally by those working in that enterprise.

    But the big box stores take the money out of town. Store managers might be required to move on at a moment's notice; management sees no profit in investing in the community's activities or institutions. The multiplier effect is basically zero.

    1. Local manufacturers and other value-added businesses bring their profit in from outside the local economy, and therefore contribute to the economy. Service businesses take money that's already here, skim off the top, and then pass on what's left. Don't get me wrong; many services are necessary, and worth the money. I'm just tired of the local wingnuts constantly deriding those who "contribute nothing," while they suck up the money, and produce nothing. Without seniors, the disabled, and "welfare cases" bringing in federal dollars, this town would dry up and blow away. It stinks, and I don't like the situation, but that's how it is.

  14. Look you fools, there isn't a big dial that anyone "president or otherwise " can turn to make the "market" or "employment" go up or down. It is the economic "wave" created by all the citizens of the usa.

    1. Actually, the Federal Reserve is one "big dial." There are others, but this is the biggest. Keynesian economics uses this dial to infuse "cheap money" into the economy to stimulate growth. At some point, the business community is supposed to start reinvesting, and thereby avoid the deficits, debt, and inflation that always happen. Unfortunately, supply-siders get addicted to the easy money, and keep milking the system until it crashes. They get rich, and we pick up the tab.

    2. This so called "boom" economy was not created by the arrival of Trump. If anybody deserves credit it's Obama because, taking into consideration he had to deal republicans in Congress, he did implement some sound economic policies.

  15. chuck gregory11/11/18, 8:54 AM

    7:47, a local businessman once remarked to me, "This weekend's going to be pretty busy for me." I asked him why, and he said, "The end of the month checks come on Friday, and Monday's a holiday, so the beginning-of-the-month checks will be arriving also."

    I said, "So your business depends on federal tax dollars?"

    He said, "No."

    1. Yeah, that's typical. Apparently, they don't teach economics at business schools....

  16. chuck gregory11/11/18, 8:58 AM

    actually, 7:20, there is a big dial that can turn the economy up or down-- government spending. It pulled America out of the Great Depression, especially when the government poured billions into WWII.

    Conservatives have always derided it, but they were more than happy to apply government spending to rescue Wall Street with $23 trillion after the banksters' greed caused the meltdown of 2008.

  17. It's people like this carrying torches that start forest fires. If California had taken care of their woods the state wouldn't be burning. There is gross mismanagement of the forests. Trump should stop giving money to them.

    1. Tell that to the Trump supporters at Charlottesville. At least the protesters here didn't kill anyone....

  18. I wonder how many of those in this pathetic liberal MOB are the same ones protesting the HIRING of Sessions just two years ago.....such hypocrites! We laugh at you....HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  19. Nothing freaks Trump supporters out more than the rest of us exercising our rights under the Constitution. Notice the panicked, manic responses? Keep up the good work.

    1. Believe Us, It's not Panic, It's Laughter and a Joke, look up at the picture, notice how they spread out to make it look like a real protest, less than .01% showed up out of Windsor County, and supposedly been planned for a long time.

    2. I don't believe you, Roger. I know you too well. Funny you should mention crowd size, since Trump protesters usually outnumber Trump supporters at his rallies. I didn't see any of you downtown.....

    3. First you don't know me at all! Second, I went out for dinner Friday night which was more enjoyable than this waste of time protest! I don't need to protest, what protest the protesters?

  20. Did they leave all their trash behind on the ground? TRUE evidence of a liberal snowflake gathering. JOBS NOT MOBS!!!

    1. Freak out, Trump supporters, freak out! Constitutional Democracy is coming to get you!

    2. Hold on for a long 2 years, with Dems in the House, the best part will be they won't be touching any of the great improvements trump has made, they are going to be all about Investigate, Investigate and Investigate and nothing else will get done. Just Hate Trump and investigate him. In the mean time our country can't move forward, it will be a stalemate, and will eventually lose them future elections because of their hatred.

    3. No, it'll be another two years before we start undoing the damage caused by Trump. We'll survive, now that the GOP agenda has been stopped dead in its tracks. Enjoy it while you can, Roger. You have two years more to delude yourself. Time flies.

    4. Difference of opinion, I like mine, and I vote mine. "Continue to make America Great" will be the new motto in 2020!

    5. Roger....did you have a problem when Darrell Issa, former Republican Chair of the House Ovesight Committee, initiated 100s and 100s of investigations of the Obama adminstration malfeasance? Don't think he found much. Big waste of $$$ and time, but you're probably okay with that.

  21. George T. McNaughton11/12/18, 3:47 PM

    Democrats have been in an awkward position with regards to Jeff Sessions. He was an individual who never should have been appointed Attorney General (not for the reasons which 45 has since given, but for general reasons), but because he recused himself which he was pretty much obligated to do -- the Democrats who loathed the man, as most right-minded persons should have, felt compelled to try and protect him. That he was removed for the reasons he was removed, seem almost unbelievable, but it is hard to imagine many politicians in either of the dominant parties particularly happy about it except for 45. On the other hand, so far the cannabis industry is rejoicing.

    1. Sure, the Democrats didn't want Jeff Sessions there in the first place. I don't blame them; I've never been a fan of his. But, to everyone's surprise, he did the ethical thing and recused himself. He may have just known it would all go badly, and did it to save his own skin, but he did it. His replacement choice is even more astounding than his termination. This will end badly, and the longer it takes, the worse the end will be. The Trump administration has created some interesting bedfellows; when have you ever heard the GOP saying nice things about Russia, or the Dems defending the FBI, and Jeff Sessions? It truly is an upside-down, ass-backward world these days.

    2. Sessions didn't really have a choice in recusing himself. He neglected, under oath, to disclose to the House Judiciary Committee during his confirmation hearing that he'd met twice with a Russian Ambassador during the campaign. Also, several high-level Republicans called on him to recuse himself. I doubt it was out of patriotic duty that he did.

    3. No, I don't believe it was, either. Sessions was just saving his butt, or his legacy. Other Republicans will not be so lucky, although most of them are not as high-profile as "good old" Jeff. Paul Ryan was smart enough to bail before he got thrown out. It will be interesting to see what happens to Mitch McConnel before this is over. Maybe he'll play the Barry Goldwater character in this drama...


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