Tuesday, November 27, 2018

The truth about the migrant caravan at our border

An0maly is a world-renowned news analyst, hip-hop artist, activist, and social media influencer. With a network of over 250 million video views, An0maly is leading the charge to restore common sense, truth, knowledge, and wisdom to the media and entertainment world.

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US Illegal Alien Crime Report
Updated daily with the crimes usually only local media will report. 


  1. Sure, some of them will throw rocks. Desperate people do desperate things. They're trying to get arrested by ICE, so they can sit in a federal jail while awaiting asylum. Better there than on the streets of Tijuana.....

  2. Watch It, sounds like this kid is on track, Not hearing any Fake News here, sounds like real facts that I've seen in the News and listen to from our Politicians. Lock Down the border if need be, it's ours and our country to protect, watch the news clips, the one thing missing it the pictures and videos are large groups of women and children, it's thugs and 90% men.

    1. It's called editing, Roger.

    2. No, it's call putting you head in the "sand"... last word was chosen to keep it clean on this site.

    3. You mean as oppposed to where you normally keep yours?

  3. chuck gregory11/26/18, 4:47 PM

    Here are reports on some of the paradises those refugees are fleeing:

    El Salvador:

    Anybody want to take their place in one of those countries?

    1. Back in the 80's, me and one of my friends went on a trip to Mexico. We didn't think it through very well, and we would up at the Salvation Army in Mexico City, along with several Guatemalan refugees. They were on their way to the U.S. in search of a better life. I was as sick as a dog with dysentary, and one of them went out to the drug store and got me some medicine. I gave him the money, and he came back with the medicine, AND THE EXACT CHANGE. It was more money than he had ever seen in his life. I hope he made it here.

    2. Chuck, this is a profound teaching moment I hope many simpletons can learn from. The immigration issue clearly illustrates the self serving ideology of liberalism. Doubtfully you and your ilk have ever been so driven as to volunteer for the peace corp. So convenient to wring your hands and profess sympathy for these people when you have no investment or backlash. Then sit back and feel good about yourself as a humanitarian.

      As someone that has had the misfortune of spending time in such s____ holes and much worse, one comes to the stark realization the majority of people in this world endure such plight. However, if we were to open the gates to every soul wanting a better life, we would soon assimilate to exactly what they profess to be escaping. Alternatively, for 130 years we have had an immigration system your an my ancestors participated in. That system has served well and is still available to all that resect our laws.

    3. 7:42, people like you said the very same things about the Irish, Italians, Chinese, Eastern Europeans, etc. The country didn't fall apart, or "assimilate to what they profess[ed] to be escaping," whatever that means. You want to talk about migrants throwing rocks? My grandfather had bricks thrown at him by first-generation Americans who told him to "go back to where he came from." He was a legal immigrant from Denmark. We can either honor the traditions of this country, and be a beacon of hope to the world, or we can become a brick-throwing mob of bigots. It's up to all of us, not just you.

    4. People like me invested their life savings in a viable enterprise. An enterprise that offered gainful employment immigrants like your grandfather flocked to so he could participate in the American dream.

      Certain your grandfather immigrated legally per, The General Immigration Act of 1882, or later legislation. That being the "tradition of this country." That is all we ask of the caravan. MAGA!

    5. Well, if that's all you're asking, then what's the problem? Most of the migrants are in compliance, and are peacefully requesting assylum. No, that's not what you want. You want them to "go back to where they came from," but you're using tear gas instead of bricks. My grandfather was a businessman too, so you can stop patting yourself on the back. The bricks were thrown by other businessmen......just like you!

    6. @ 10:15, if "peacefully requesting assylum (sic)," the proper channel is through the American embassy in Tegucigalpa. Those amassed at the Tijuana border are not in compliance with, https://www.uscis.gov/humanitarian/refugees-asylum/asylum/obtaining-asylum-united-states


    7. Under UN law, an asylum seeker can present themselves at, or near, any U.S. border. (I know, you wingnuts don't believe in the UN, but that's just too bad. The rest of us do.) They have up to one year after entry into the U.S. to do so, and have a right to be in the U.S. during that time. Choke on it!

    8. @ 2:33, RE: "They have up to one year after entry into the U.S. to do so, and have a right to be in the U.S. during that time."

      Please reference the statue. If accurate, there would be no arrest and deportation of felons or exhausted tourist visas.

      Oh, I'm not legally allowed in Canada due to a couple, harmless DUI convictions. Damn Biggots! How about we storm the border at Highgate and hit the gentleman's clubs in Montreal? We have rights!

    9. Yes, there would be deportations, if they were convicted felons, or had overstayed their visas beyond one year without applying for asylum. Nice try; when you can't argue the facts, divert attention by introducing irrelevant material! That's what this is all about, anyway. Trump is creating distractions from his lack of accomplishments, the GOP losing the house, and the Mueller investigation. Just another red herring, and you suckers are eating it up!

  4. 9:11 You are comparing today to the late 1800's and early 1900's, it's a different world we live in. I vote close the border until the caravans that rushed the border Sunday get the message, find the legal door, use it, and once here, live freely and help us to Continue to Make America Great.

    And Chuck we get it the world has some horrible place, one point is some of those people can get off their a-- and work to make their countries better, but like 7:42 already said we can not help everyone, then we become just like them. We must defend what we have.

    1. chuck gregory11/27/18, 3:08 PM

      So, you're telling us you're not going to read either one of those books, Roger. Good to know you're satisfied with an understanding of how Mesoamerica operates that ended 400 years ago.

  5. 7:42 and Roger.....you're wasting your breath trying to convince these idiots, but please keep trying as I too was once as idiotic as they are. Then I grew up.

    1. 7:57 you are correct, Soon Anonymous Anonymous, will chime in and let us know how smart he is, how educated he his, how many people he has personally helped, how much in taxes he pays, and pound his narcissist chest a few times, then throw out a few Liberal taking points, and then let us know how wrong we are, bash trump and then hopefully go back to his basement to watch some cartoons.

    2. Ah, there's the Roger we all know and loathe! Just couldn't keep that facade of civility going, could you? That's OK, I never expected any more from you!

  6. Underlying a lot of the cruelty endemic in those Central American countries is what we have let our country do to make them miserable! We wouldn't have desperate people banging at our gates if we hadn't imposed "business-friendly" leaderships on their countries.

    I recommend Anonymous read "Confessions of an Economic Hit Man" and "The Brothers" to see how much we have damaged many second- and third-world countries around the globe.

    Osama bin Laden tapped into a very deep and broad undercurrent of resentment against us, and we need better leadership in our country in order to end and replace the damage we've done.

    1. Chuck
      Always the US's fault, you have the wrong Osama, it was Obama not Osama, Barack Hussein Obama went on his apology tour abroad and told the world and us Americans how horrible we are as a people. But then came home and stirred more dissention in the race and political wars than anyone in history, divide and conquer did not work for him, but he tried.

    2. Chuck, perhaps as a student you were too focused on anti America liberal studies to open a history book. The indigenous people of Honduras were forever subjugated with the arrival of Dávila in 1524. Prior to that, the Aztecs administrated a regular ass-kicking with the taking of slaves. How the United States takes any responsibility in such history escapes most educated and well traveled persons.

    3. Oh sure, 1:49, a history of oppression is ALWAYS a justification for continuing it. The CIA spent most of the 1950's overthrowing elected governments and installing "business friendly" dictators in Central America. Actions taken by our government on behalf of The United Fruit Company (aka "el pulpo") were particularly oppressive. The Reagan drug cartel known as Iran-Contra didn't help, either. Just a brief history lesson. Don't tell me you were there, because I don't believe you. Roger, President Obama wasn't apologizing for us, he was apologizing for you. Most of us were glad he did.

  7. chuck gregory11/27/18, 3:05 PM

    Maybe we should re-think our reputation as a good-hearted and generous people. And maybe re-think our attitude towards Abigail Nussbaum's grandfather and his people. Read through all the tweets:


    1. Trump supporters have already re-thought our reputation. They've decided that we should model ourselves after Europe in the 1930's.....

    2. We are a good hearted and generous people, 100's of 1000's of people cross the border everyday. But 90% of the ones trying to get in are not, they are coming here to take our welfare, live lawless lives because that is what they know. Proof is by they way they are trying to enter under false pretenses and lies, and if and when deported they will come back again. It's a cycle they have learned it happens over and over and over. When are we going to learn, OH that's right Trump, Mattis, McAleenan and Haley have and they are fighting for our Country, For that I Thank Them.

    3. You really take the cake, Roger. First you say how kind and generous you are. Then, without any proof, you call 90% of immigrants (whom you don't know) lying, lawless, welfare cheats! You really should listen to yourself; it would be laughable if you weren't serious!

  8. Again, Get your Head out of your ... because this has been happening for years and years and years, Illegals frauding our government, killing our Brothers and Sisters, Driving Illegally, Raping Women, BREAKING THE LAW BY COMING HERE AND RUSHING THE BORDER. Barack Hussien Obama also deported people by the 1000's and Sprayed them with Tear Gas as well. Same old song and dance for years and years, Close the Border!

    1. always bashing Obama, Talk about getting your head out of your... The rich or stupid voted for Trump which are you

    2. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-6426033/Immigrant-bond-illegally-killed-young-teacher.html

      Enough Sad, explain your point of view to her father Dan and all the other families!

    3. Immigrants "killing our Brothers and Sisters," Roger? Really? The last time I heard that it came from someone with a Swastika tattoo. It begs the question: Are you insane, or just a Nazi? Here's an idea, why don't you explain to the families of the 168 people who died in Oklahoma City how immigrants caused their loved ones to die? You can't. It was native-born, right-wing, white trash that did it, along with most of the more recent mass-killings. Got an explanation for that?

  9. I'm sitting here LMAO at all you IDIOTS LIBERALS professing you have even the SLIGHTEST CLUE about American history of the allegiances of the Democrat Party.....which was the KKK and Nazi's. Anybody with even the SLIGHTEST knowledge of history easily takes you apart!

    Maybe I'll give you my 12 year old niece's telephone number so she can SCHOOL YOU on the truth! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHANAHA

    1. So THAT'S what an empty head sound like when it explodes!

    2. 7:25 - That is the old Democrat platform, the party's have since flipped. Learn to put your history into context. It will make you "sound smarter".

    3. 8:48, this topic always comes up whenever anyone mentions the Alt-Right connection to the neo-Nazi movement. It's always the same person bringing it up. So, in an effort to educate anyone who might believe this nonsense, I always provide a brief history lesson: While the Democratic Party was the conservative party during Reconstruction, by the early 20th century they had become predominately liberal, with the southern "Dixiecrats" being their conservative wing. During that same time, the Republican "Party of Lincoln" became more conservative, but still had the "New England Liberal Republicans" as their liberal wing. As the Civil Rights Movement progressed, the parties became more polarized, and by the 1970's, the remaining Dixiecrats had become Republican, and the Liberal Republicans joined the Democrats. The Democratic Party never had any association with the Nazis, as FDR was definity a Democrat! Lesson concluded.

    4. 9:30 - Thank you for the context. It makes me cringe when I hear Republicans compare themselves to Lincoln. They are the ones how self declare them selves as "Patriots" because they walk around with guns (literally scaring everyone around them for their own pleasure).

  10. Roger - Why is this your cause? This impacts you 0% and if anything, "illegals" help support our local Vermont farms (one reason why we need real immigration reform, in which your position is killing). Why are you always the first to comment on immigration with your spoon fed talking points often provided by infowars? Why Roger? Please, please tell me why you are so obsessed? Your FAKE scare tactics are laughable. Why don't you drive your old junky van to the boarder and help defend us. That would be great.

    1. I would contribute to GO FUND ME for oneway gas money for Roger. He would be more at home in the deep South. "maga"

    2. Let me know where to get the funds, I'll donate it to help build the wall! MAGA Truly Great!

    3. chuck gregory11/28/18, 3:43 PM

      Here are two groups, Roger. Send the gold coins you bought from Glenn Beck's grift:



  11. chuck gregory11/28/18, 7:52 AM

    I look under my bed every night because I heard that those people are walking 900 miles just to rape and kill American women! You can't get our homegrown American criminals to do that.

    I mean the walking 900 miles part.

    If I ever find somebody under my bed, the first thing I'm going to ask him is, "Did you walk 900 miles?" Because if he did, I'm not gonna mess with the sucker.

    1. Chuck you used that joke already once, is your brain that dead?

    2. Chuck, its rhetorical but I'm going to ask. Would YOU invite the illegal immigrants to live in your home? Honestly answer this.

    3. chuck gregory11/28/18, 3:39 PM

      I already did, years ago, and I would do it again since I think the law is unjust.

    4. upChuck.....what was her name and how old was she?

    5. Tim - I would not necessarily invite anyone other than a family member or friend to live in my home. However, if forced to, I would gladly take a hardworking immigrant vs. local white trash. How about you, what would be your preference?

      And I can only assume you personally had a bad experience with an immigrant to even ask that question. Please tell us your story.

    6. Roger 10:18: Point blank, Chuck is funny, you are just plane pathetic, your humor is not humor to anyone but yourself.

    7. Sorry- meant "plain", not plane.

    8. 9:58 = borderline illiterate.

    9. Chuck did you have a basket trailer for your illegal immigrant, that would only be fair?

  12. Immigrants are not the problem, it's more local. We need to make it illegal that all citizens on any form of public assistance are prohibited from displaying Gadsden Flags stickers on their trucks... there are many of them.. "believe me". The Tea Party is single handily obstructing any bipartisan and thoughtful Immigration reform. "DON'T TREAD ON ME"


    1. Yes, those how march to "we don't want government healthcare, kill Obamacare and don't touch my medicare" mantra crowd. They are all over this site.

  13. The U.S. population is around 328 million. It’s estimated that about 11 million — or one in 30 — are illegal immigrants. Yet criminal aliens account for more than one in five federal prison inmates. This according to a report released last June from the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

    There were more than 730,000 criminal aliens in U.S. or state prisons and local jails during the period measured. Their arrests included allegations of more than 1 million drug crimes, a half-million assaults, 133,800 sex offenses and 24,200 kidnappings.

    Even more serious, the imprisoned illegal immigrants, over a five-year period, had been arrested for 33,300 homicide-related offenses and 1,500 terrorism-related crimes.

    In terms of cost, federal taxpayers shelled out more than $15 billion during the period studied — or $2.5 billion a year — to keep criminal aliens behind bars in federal, state and local facilities. Many are repeat offenders. Of about 146,500 criminal aliens who finished a federal prison term, about one in six — around 24,800 — already had been imprisoned again at least once.

    The legal immigration process is the only way to go, background checks permit the good, law abiding people to come here while rejecting the criminal element.

    1. Thank You Springfield VT News These numbers are astounding!

      I advocate to close the border to anyone that does not have a legal right to be here until our Law Makers get this under control.

      It affects us all!

    2. I agree with Roger, let's not let any more illegal aliens in until we pass more laws to make it more illegal.......Duuuhh!

  14. chuck gregory11/29/18, 8:45 AM

    Editor, what are your sources for the GAO report and the alien criminal activity numbers?

  15. Pfffffttt......

    The sound of the air coming out of the touchy-feely liberal liar's balloons!
    But I'm sure they won't let FACTS get in their way.

  16. chuck gregory11/29/18, 8:49 AM

    Matthew 25:42...

    1. Chuck, Now that's a cop out if I ever read one. if your a biblical man, find the one that says you should follow the laws of the government and pay your taxes etc!

    2. chuck gregory11/29/18, 5:48 PM

      I'm surprised you don't already know, Roger. Jesus must have been pretty serious about our civic obligations to have two of his evangelists record it:

      Matthew 22:15–22.

      Mark 12:13–17

  17. Since simply being here is illegal, they would all be "criminal aliens" even if they had committed no other crime. Simply being arrested for a crime does not make one guilty. There was a reason why Joe Arpaio HAD to be pardoned; he was guilty of falsely imprisoning Hispanics. I wonder how much data inflation is going on here? If you dig deep enough, probably a lot. Over-representation in the prison system is an ongoing problem here in the land of the free.....

    1. Illegal Aliens Don't go to Prison for being here illegal, These are people that have committed another crime while being here illegally. Our system unfortunately until recently was catch and release with a court summons, and that is when they go on the run and do their crazy stuff, steal our welfare, drive drunk, drive with no license, kill people, rape women etc etc etc.

      Well I believe the numbers!! Just like they said about Kristin Blasey Ford with zero proof "I Believe Kristin Blasey Ford"

    2. Well, Roger, illegal aliens are 6 times more likely to wind up in federal prison as the population at large. Then again, African-Americans are roughly 12 times as likely to be federal prisoners. If that's all you look at, it would appear that black people are twice as likely to be criminals as illegal aliens. What should we do about that, Roger? Which group would YOU kick out of America? I DEMAND AN ANSWER ON THIS ONE.

    3. The Illegal Aliens, (your words) THEY ARE ILEGAL! As long as the African people are legal they are Americans, but if they or a white, Yellow, Brown, Black or Green American broke the law then they should go through the Justice System. In your words there is a difference between "Illegal Alien" and "African American", can't you figure that out. Demand and Answer, Demand this@! See I don't see color I see Americans and Non Americans!

    4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Let's switch topics to the collision between Trump and Russia and "Lying Donald"

  19. chuck gregory11/29/18, 5:52 PM

    Maybe the compromise would be to have all the "illegal aliens" take over Wall Street. No Wall Streeters have gone to jail for making 6,000,000 families homeless through fraud, and they're all white men, too. it would decrease the average amount of criminality of both groups!

    1. RE: No Wall Streeters have gone to jail (chuck gregory)

      "Wall Streeters" being code for Jews! Yes, You are absolutely correct Chuck. Like Cohen, with no hint of conscience, this element will turn on a compatriot in a New York minute to benefit themselves. Knew you were one of us. Gott mit uns!

    2. Hey, stupid, Hitler was 1/4 Jewish. It's bad enough we've got Nazi wannabees on this blog without a real one. This is Vermont; you and yours are verboten!

  20. More fake flag liberal turds posting here tonight I see. Your inflammatory posts are SO transparent even to the most gullible fools.....but like your heroine Hillary, ".....still you persist" Damn idiots!!!

    1. What" Whom? When? Liberals?

      Go gettem Matt Whitaker.

      It's all a "Witch Hunt"... look over there.


  21. Oops Anon. 5:04, you really screwed up on this one....metadata doesn't lie and your identity was easily found out.

    Shall I post your name and address you PHONY???I


    1. So, 7:46, you would prefer they were real Nazis? The only people who would be pissed off by Nazi impersonators would be actual Nazis!

  22. Not all Trump Supports are White Nationalists ("there are good ones on both sides"), but ALL White Nationalists are Trump Supporters (or 99.9% for those who doubt this fact).

  23. Roger -

    - A fine "MAGA" hat at Walmart (from China), $6.99;

    - An Official "MAGA" from the "Trump outlet", $19.99:

    - Anonymous Roger's Post - PRICELESS

    "As long as the African people are legal they are Americans..."


  24. chuck gregory11/30/18, 8:56 AM

    A word of praise for springfieldvt.blogspot.com!!! As a result of posting this particular video, fourteen Springfield domestic partners and spouses and twenty-one Springfield children were spared physical abuse!

    A truly commendable public service.


Please keep your comments polite and on-topic. No profanity

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