On Jan. 1, 2019, thousands of artistic works from 1923 will enter the public domain in the United States. To be in the public domain means works can be freely copied, modified or transformed without needing permission from a copyright holder.
SAPA TV, Springfield’s public access TV station, will be airing a special to celebrate this event, followed by some newly public domain silent films.
The “2019 Public Domain Spectacular” will premiere at 9:30 a.m. January 1 on SAPA’s Public Channel (Comcast channel 8, VTel channel 160). Encore showings will air at noon and 2:30 p.m. SAPA TV serves the towns of Springfield, Vermont, Weathersfield, Vermont, Chester, Vermont and Charlestown.
For the first time in more than 20 years, copyrighted works will enter the public domain
"Whose woods these are, I think I” —whoa! We can’t quote any more of Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening,” because it is still under copyright as this magazine goes to press. But come January 1, 2019, we, you, and everyone in America will be able to quote it at length on any platform.
At midnight on New Year’s Eve, all works first published in the United States in 1923 will enter the public domain. It has been 21 years since the last mass expiration of copyright in the U.S.
Read more: www.smithsonianmag.com

The cheeriest news I've had since Christmas! Great to hear.