Thursday, December 27, 2018

Vt. School Nurse of the Year changes with the times

Being a school nurse is about much more than giving out bandages. Such has been the experience of Jenny Anderson, a longtime nurse working at Springfield High School who recently was named Vermont’s school nurse of the year.


  1. Congratulations to Ms. Anderson! School nurses are our unsung heroes.

  2. Congratulation Jenny Anderson RN! Noticed at VALLEY NEWS her husband, Kevin Anderson was ex-trooper; wonder if Kevin Anderson is the board of SPRINGFIELD HOSPITAL financial losses on the news?

  3. 6:41,if he was on the board,what does that have to do with Jenny's award,sounds like your trying to start something

  4. chuck gregory12/28/18, 9:12 AM

    As a result of the gratuitous posting about Kevin Anderson, 6:41's four-year-old child escaped being spanked for dropping a piece of Christmas candy on the living room rug. When people are allowed to vent safely, it often prevents them from abusing their children.

  5. Keeping up with my hometown news from afar. Happy to read about Jenny's award.

    Congrats, Jenny! Still remember you from our days at Elm Hill School! . -Ann W.


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