Sunday, January 13, 2019

Video: Obama's Border Patrol Chief hits back at 'absurd' wall arguments

Tuberculosis, flu, infections rampant as the number of sick migrants surge at border

CNN'S Jim Acosta inadvertently produces wall promo.

Illegal Alien Crime Report
Updated daily with the crimes usually only local media will report. 


  1. Trump is poised to steal relief money from Puerto Rico to pay for his useless wall. So, the Mexicans won't pay for it, the Puerto Ricans will. What the hell, they're all the same, right?

  2. Jim Acosta actually proved the wall does work, But what the heck the dems might need the money for another bridge to nowhere. Right?

  3. The wall works, for about 10-15 minutes. All you need is a hacksaw to get through it. It will do nothing to stop the flow of illegal drugs, or solve the real humanitarian crisis, which Trump created. The money Trump will take to build it comes from disaster relief for American citizens, who are mostly people of color. This comes as no surprise to most. Trump's "Wall to Nowhere" comes at the expense of AMERICANS. The fact that he is willing to shut down the Federal Government, and starve workers, is indicative of his lack of conscience and decency. Americans are better than this. Well, at least most of us are.

  4. Few people here in Vermont have ever seen the Mexican border, much less how desolate much of it is. Such unprotected, heavily used, entry points are an open invitation for smuggling and illegal immigration.

    Understand, millions of Mexican citizens with passports are welcomed to visit, shop, work (H2A visa), and enroll in our universities. Exactly the same as our Canadian neighbors. Those entering illegally do so because they can not secure a passport or have been previously deported. Once here, they can not legitimately obtain a social security number for employment. Such is a major factor in identity theft.

    The wall has a cost of $5.7 Billion, out of a budget of, $4.407 Trillion. For perspective, that's $57 out of, $44,707. With consideration of the illegal immigration financial burden, becomes money very well spent. Say what you want about Trump. Perhaps above all else, he has irrefutably proven exceptional, financial judgement. Something career politicians like Pelosi and Schumer have not.


    1. I've seen the Mexico/US border. Much of it IS truly isolated, which is why most of the drugs flow through established ports of entry, hidden in cars and luggage. The National Geographic Channel has a regular program about it. Illegal border crossings are at their lowest point in decades, and are decreasing every year. There is no flood of criminals and terrrorists coming across our southern border. The border wall is nothing more than a political stunt, with no basis in reality. The money would be better spent on better border security at established ports of entry, Coast Guard personnel, and technology that can monitor isolated border areas. Building a wall that anyone can climb over, dig under, or cut through with a saw from Home Depot, is ridiculous. Shutting down the government to get something useless is harmful to the national security that Trump SAYS he cares about. This is nuts, and most people know it.

    2. So your saying that you have seen much of the Southern border?!?

    3. "he has irrefutably proven exceptional, financial judgement." @ 10:22, for real??!! How many times has he filed bankruptcy?

  5. This WALL topic is a big deception from the REAL news of the day, TRUMP AND RUSSIA.
    Walls south won't work, the great white north is just as vulnerable to drug traffic. Like Aug. 24 2016.."A man caught smuggling nearly 200 pounds of anti-anxiety pills (Xanax) across the Canadian border has been sentenced to a year and a day in prison"

  6. RE: "the great white north is just as vulnerable to drug traffic."

    Not true. Canada has a very effective customs dept, vs. Mexico's corrupt agencies effectiveness. The other issue is, most all land along the Canadian border is privately owned. Anyone crossing is under redundant scrutiny of land owners, local police, state police and Border patrol. The Mexican border is largely BLM lands with no oversight.

  7. The only thing more idiotic than Jim Accost-her are the liberal snowflake moonbats that listen to his drivel. Many of those regularly post on here!


    1. You RRRRRRRR weird. UUUUUUU did not spell HA correctly.

    2. Snowflake - A term used by uneducated rednecks.

  8. 9:33, 10:22 and 1:45 et al - You are all God's credulent souls. We are all grateful for your decisive opinions and knowledge of the border. MAGA to my fellow Patriots'. We don't need any facts from snowflake liberals and their "Faux News" with their scientists and math and stuff like that. I take Trump's word, "Mexico will pay for the Wall" (you know, we all chanted it!) and that is why we have to stand by him for the Government shutdown.

  9. Sorry, meant to write "Fake News", not "Faux News". Albeit, redundant either way.

  10. Not to worry. Rocky and Bullwinkle anyways foil Boris and Natasha's plans. Don't come to Vermont there WH, we have plenty of those two good guys.

  11. I was wondering how far into the Trump presidency we would get before the Bullwinkle references started. Was it PC, or lack of cartoon knowlege that caused it to take two years?

  12. So, as Bullwinkle used to say: “Eenie, meanie, chili beanie, the spirits are about to speak"
    1) Trump is good ole buddies with Russia
    2) He rids himself of those people with top positions in the WH.
    3) Replaces them with "Acting" personal. "Likes it that way"
    4) Constantly Lies.
    5) Shuts the government down to weaking it.
    6) Divides the country and has people who where once friends become enemy's.
    7) Plans to have the Military work for HIM to build a wall.
    8) Sounds like the spirit of a Dictator.

    1. Yes, "Fractured Fairy Tales" define the Trump presidency.

  13. Border patrol just discovered a tunnel going from Mexico to the U.S. at Nogales, AZ. Boy, those walls really work!

    1. Da those tunnels need to be walled off too. All the reason to create another branch of the military, the mole division.

    2. Yes, start digging and when you are 10 feet down dig for 1600 feet and take a left. Keep digging for 1600 feet and take a left. Do that again and take another left digging 1600 feet. And you are there ! If you put a mirror on each corner and when you are finished digging look into the first mirror and you will see a Republican.

    3. Nogales is a very densely populated city on both sides of the border. (Sought out donkey shows there.) Tunnel construction from within buildings is difficult to detect. The proposed wall is to address remote, easily traveled areas. Hiking across open desert with shovels and pick axes like seven dwarfs, then laboring for days to discreetly dig a tunnel is absurd, nor has it been done.

      Build the wall.
      Do it now.

    4. The reasons Trump supporters give for building the wall are exactly the reasons why it is unnecessary. It's just plain EASIER to get drugs through established points of entry, and tunnels in populated areas. Smugglers don't use remote, rugged areas, BECAUSE they are remote, and rugged! You may not get it, but we do!

    5. @11:08 Your display of profound ignorance knows no limit. As someone with first hand experience encountering illegal immigrants while off-roading in the Sonoran desert, you couldn't be more wrong.

    6. Spare me, 11:53. Why should I, or anyone else, believe a word you or your "president" say? How did you know they were illegal? Did they just "look" illegal to you? I've been to the Mexican border. No one in their right mind would try to bring coke, heroin, or fentanyl over that terrain, especially on foot. Drugs have a nasty habit of melting in high heat; all you'd end up with is a drug-soaked backpack attached to a dead drug mule, in the middle of nowhere. As your source states, MIGRANTS DIE OUT THERE. You remind me of my right-wing uncle, who SWORE he saw a welfare queen buying steak with food stamps, and driving off in a Cadillac. He couldn't remember what day it happened, the color of the car, etc. He finally had to admit he only heard it on talk radio. You have no more credibility than him.

  14. Don't forget Huckleberry Hound to round out the comical WH.

    1. Don't forget Pinky and the Brain: "What are we going to do tonight, Vladimir?" "Same thing we do every night, Donald, TRY TO TAKE OVER THE WORLD!"

  15. chuck gregory1/13/19, 8:13 PM

    Maybe he's generated this crisis to take focus off the revelations that are indicating he's a Russian agent... Manafort seems to have been posted by them to handle his campaign, there are now 100 known contacts with them by him and his staff, and Jared's attempt to set up a back channel communication system doesn't seem so innocent anymore.

    1. Perhaps, but presidents generally need to rouse their voting base. If this crisis doesn't work, expect another one. Maybe a war; for example, plans were requested and prepared for an attack on Iran.

    2. Chuck...repeat after me:

      "It's the Stockholm Syndrome.....


      Feel better chuck?
      Now go to bed fruitcake.I

    3. Here's an even more frightening scenario: Trump is shutting down the government to defund the federal court system. Under our Constitution, the only way he can declare martial law is if the courts are not functioning.

    4. Wow!!!....the CNN babbling boobies are loose!.....get the nets!!!

    5. The best way to tell when you've hit the truth with a Trump supporter is when the cheap insults come out. Anyone who thinks that Trump declaring martial law in order to rule as a dictator is beyond the pale hasn't been paying attention these last two years....

    6. Fox News, give me a break. Just a bunch of redneck nut jobs. VERY unprofessional. Making fun of "their" enemies. HAHAHAHA.

  16. Tough to have any respect for liberal politicians.

    1. Philip Caron1/14/19, 6:36 PM

      Duplicity is the province of politicians in general, not just liberal or conservative. You could make lots of similar videos about ideologues of every stripe.

    2. Philip Caron1/14/19, 6:41 PM

      In fact, if someone makes a video like that focusing entirely on one side, you should be suspicious of **them** and question their credibility.

  17. Trump never worked for Russia. Never worked for anyone. RUSSIA WORKED FOR HIM.

    1. chuck gregory1/15/19, 12:15 PM

      Well, 6:39, why not give us all the proof?

  18. chuck gregory1/15/19, 2:06 PM

    I just ran across this as an indication why they all want to come North. Watch it if you dare to have your preconceptions shaken:

  19. Signage I have seen first hand placed during the previous administration. Our perpetual, libtard trolls have no comprehension how dangerous an open border with Mexico is to those living living nearby. But as mentioned, such profoundly selfish libtards only want to feel good about themselves and to hell with everyone else.

    See for yourself.

    1. Anyone can put up a sign and take a photograph. Your obsession with the wall, despite the experts who say it will be ineffective, only proves how "profoundly selfish" you are. For the first time in our nation's history, our Coast Guard is defending us without pay, along with border agents. How secure is that? Screw your wall; tell Trump to open the government now!

    2. chuck gregory1/16/19, 1:28 PM

      "National System of Public Lands"???

      It's definitely not a government organization, has no website, nor a track record of internet links. Conclusion: put up by the usual suspects seeking to inspire more fear in the uninformed and have them willingly pay to put up a wall.

    3. 'Libtard'...a term used by Republicans to describe a person who has empathy and knows history, economics, science, grammar, and spelling. May sometimes also be used by illiterate rednecks.

    4. HAH! I never even looked at the link; I KNEW it would be fake! Wingnuts have been putting up phony signs for years, MAGA being one of the phoniest!

  20. Anyone using Reddit as a credible source has to be one of Trump's low-information supporters. That sign is miles from the border, like 80.

  21. It is true that trump supporters are mostly rednecks. Yes rednecks need not be poor or uneducated and that makes them dangerous in their cultist views. Usually selfish and a me me type that care only for themselves.

  22. chuck gregory1/16/19, 5:36 PM

    Everybody who knows what the Dunning-Kruger effect is, hold up your hand...

    Joe Pageant in "Deer Hunting with Jesus" savages the redneck community leaders in Winchester, Virginia, whose opinions are adopted as reasonable positions by the 90% who don't follow politics at all-- opinions which are absolutely poisonous to the welfare of that 90%...

  23. So easy to be the self righteous, unemployed, intellectual with a useless, sociology degree while others cope with gathering the remains of a dead child the coyotes have feed on.

    1. Oh, so now you're building the wall out of compassion? I call B.S. on that (and not Bachelor of Science, either.) You've based your entire concept of your own worth on forcing us to build the wall. You will feel worthless if you don't get it, because you suffer from concrete thinking, grandiosity, and low self-esteem. You respond to facts that threaten your delusions by putting others on the defensive through degrading, diverting attention, and lying by omission. You don't care one single damn about migrants, dead or alive. You just use them to further your own selfish ambitions, because you also suffer from ownership attitude, which means you view all people as objects to possess and control. In short, you have the mind of a common criminal. Every post you make reveals your mentality, at least to an educated professional. That's the real value of an education; the wisdom to see though people like you.

    2. And you're still unemployed, alone and of no influence to anyone.

    3. Oh, I forgot one. Like criminals, you also make decisions based on assumptions, which in this case, are severely flawed. You're not just transferring yourself onto me, are you? (Heh, heh!)

    4. Ok, easy boys, don't let Trump get to you. Not to worry he will be ousted soon enough .

    5. The Swampys can never get enough CNN pablum.....slurping up their LIES and wandering away spreading that FAKE NEWS like the good little zombies that they are.

      Listen to the TRUTH Swampys....Listen to the people manning the border day and night! But oh, no, you CNN zombies know better than them , after all, you're living here in Vermont.

      Idiots all!!!!

    6. 1:39, you live in Vermont, too. Unless you're a Russian troll. If living in this state disqualifies one from knowing anything about illegal immigration or border comtrol, then you know just as little as anyone. Watching Fox News doesn't help your case; they lie so often that they are prohibited from broadcasting in Canada! Too bad it's legal to lie in America; that's the only thing keeping Fox on the air and Trump in power!

    7. 1:39.....your term 'fake' is really code for "I don't want to hear it." We know you don't do facts.....more into the Kellyanne Zone of alternative facts.

  24. Fox is so educational, I learned that cars have four wheels. They are older than walls.

    1. Stupid has been around for a long time, too. Just ask Trump, he'll tell you that he "loves poorly educated voters!" That's a direct quote, by the way.

    2. You cannot argue that putting Fox and CNN side by side, Fox has redneck wack jobs and bimbos spreading lies for trump. CNN has professional Americans doing their news. Fact, want to verify, easy, just switch back and forth between the two channels. I suppose if you graduated 10th grade in "nothing", you can relate to Fox since it has broadcasts just for you, that you can understand.

    3. I gave up on Fox during the Scooter Libby trial (yes, that long ago.) I found that the only events correlating to the "Fox News Terror Alerts" were W. Bush's approval rating going below 40%, or a Republican getting caught doing something sleazy or corrupt. Fox can give ANY Republican President a 40% approval rating, because 40% of Americans get their news exclusively from Fox. They're a propaganda network, pure and simple.

    4. NaCl, tan=sin/cos, x**2+y**2=z**2, pie, 14.7, g=32.174, e, H2O, i=-1 Ok, here is 1 u can understand, Fox = un, ed, u, ca, ted = "F"

    5. Breaking TRUE news!


      Did you hear that CNN pablum slurpers?

      Figured I'd just let you zombies know since you probably can't hear very well with your heads in your azzas!!!!


    6. The basis of your insult is correct but the story was actually described as "Inaccurate" so perhaps you might want to be careful about making fun of others until you learn how to spell.

      You're welcome.

    7. Well I'm a rare conservative millennial so we don't write cursive or need no stinkin' spell-check!

    8. Proof that 9.02 is one of the sheep following trump. A member of the cult. Just look at 9.02s last word.

    9. In your case rarity does not translate into value. Being a broken clock only makes you right twice in a day. Buzzfeed may have screwed this one up, but they're still right more often than you, or Fox News.

    10. Buzzfeed is still right?
      You're kidding aren't you????

      Buzzfeed is the FAKE NEWS outlet that broke the Steele Dossier, a fabrication funded by Hillary and the dumocrats which, after two years of disection, STILL has produced NOTHING except giving Mueller a job and wasting tens of millions of tax dollars!

      But you just keep slurping snowflake......slurp, slurp slurp.

    11. 10:48, you would do well to take a remedial reading course. They have adult ed classes at 100 River st.

    12. 9:02...from the Special Counsel..."BuzzFeeds description of specific statements to the Special Counsel's Office and characterization of documemnts and testimony obtained by this office, regarding Michael Cohen's Congressional testimony are not accurate." Your assertion that BuzzFeed's story was all a lie is open to conjecture. We don't know what (or possibly which of) the inaccurate "specific statements" are. Don't celebrate so quickly.............

    13. Hey 10:48.....aren't you late for the Woman's March?
      From what I'm seeing on TV, they SURE could use a few more snowflakes.

      Oh, and don't forget your pink p**sy hat!


    14. Correction:
      That was for 11:16.
      But you knew that, didn't you moonbat?

    15. So we are all on the same page as terminology goes.
      Moonbat: A person with extreme left-wing political views.
      Right-wing: Parties include conservatives, and on the far-right; racists and fascists.
      Now just what are you 1:37? Do you take a bubble bath after eating beans?

    16. 3:11, allow me to correct your definition of.....

      Moonbat: A person with extreme left-wing political views who hates America and everything that democracy stands for; a communist sympathizer.

    17. Interesting, where does that put trump?

    18. Where's Trump at 7:39?

      He's busy dusting off the American flag after all you ignorant liberal asshats have done your utmost to crap on it and grind it into the ground. Busy MAKING AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!!

    19. It always has been great. Maga is just some dumb slogan to hype up rednecks like you. People like you and trump are making America ungreat.

    20. Like that zealot punk kid in front of that Native American Veteran in in washington. He was wearing one of those stupid hats.

    21. And Fox News is making the kid out to be the victim. That's typical!

    22. Hey 8:57, apparently you haven't read the LATEST on that "Native American Veteran" have you? He marched into the middle of the chaperoned group of school kids and began drumming in their faces. Watch the video dumass. The kids did nothing wrong! They stood their ground when he aggressively broke into their group which was doing school chants.

      The ONLY people making racist comments were another group of protesters, some 'Black Lost Tribe of Israel' idiots that were there, not the kids. So go look it up moonbat, just more FAKE NEWS regurgitated by liberal clowns such as yourself!I

    23. Videos don't lie 9:58, go look them up. Made by citizens present with no dog in the fight.

      Or is your TV and computer welded onto CNN permanently clownboy?

    24. Pay no attention to the ignorant liberals 10:00. After all, they're the swampys that bit on the 'TRUMP told Cohen to lie' FAKE NEWS. Swallowed it hook, line and sinker!


    25. Stood their ground, 10:00? Just like George Zimmerman did, after chasing his victim down? Those "school chants" were a made-up mockery of the Native American chants. You can tell by the smirks on the kids' faces. Passive aggression is an old tactic that the Alt-Right uses very well. You just have to know when to hit "record." I'll take the word of a Native American veteran over that of a teenage Trump supporter any day.

    26. Hate to say 'I told you so' 10:00, lol.

      11:01 is just another one of the swamp creatures huddled whining in the corner because lying corrupt Hillary got buried. Boo hoo.....



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