Sunday, January 13, 2019

Hunger Free Vermont: Government shutdown info

Because of the government shutdown, Vermont’s Department for Children and Families (DCF) will be issuing February 3SquaresVT benefits early, on January 20th. These benefits will be for the entire month of February, so it is important that participants budget accordingly.

Because these benefits will be issued early, DCF needs to complete interviews and receive any required documentation from 3SquaresVT applicants and participants on or before January 15th (Tuesday).

If you need to complete an interview for your 3SquaresVT application, please call the interview line at 1-877-403-7668 right away.

If you are currently in the application or recertification process, if you need to complete an interim report, or if you recently received a notice from DCF requesting documentation (pay stubs or proof of income, proof of medical expenses, etc.) you must send your documents in immediately to continue your benefits.

If you aren’t sure if this applies to you, call the Benefits Service Center at 1-800-479-6151 to speak to a benefits specialist who can help. Expect a long wait time, but please stay on the line and do not hang up! It is important that you hang on and get the information you need.

This is an ongoing situation, and there will likely be more updates to share in the coming days. Please check back for the most up to date information.

Government Shutdown Information Because of the government shutdown, Vermont’s Department for Children and Families (DCF) will be issuing February 3SquaresVT benefits early, on January 20th. These benefits will be for the entire month of February, so it is important that participants budget accordingly.


  1. Don't worry, kids. You'll get more food once Trump gets his wall. Until then, try not to feel hungry. Remember, there are children on the southern border who have no food at all!

  2. Have a yard sale. That has always worked for the trumps.

    1. They sold a casino or two.

  3. chuck gregory1/13/19, 8:08 PM

    Trump, despite the shutdown, has a heart. He's making exceptions. So far, he's eased the plight of the suffering CEO's in the mortgage industry....

    1. And let's not forget easing sanctions on Russian oligarchs! What a guy!

  4. to all above,i guess it was OK when past president's shut the Government down,oh but they were your guy's

    1. Republicans are the party of shutting down government. It's been in your DNA since Reagan said "government is the problem." You own them by default. I remember Newt Gingrich doing it because he didn't get to ride in front of Air Force One. He was just as big of a baby as Trump.

    2. really do a history search

  5. How do you feed a football team at the WH? With 1000 Hamberders of course.

    1. Did he also serve fries and a Sheik?

    2. Heard the burger kings were there. Four in all (they looked alike with those plastic faces) and sat next to trump. Boy was he in his glory.

  6. chuck gregory1/15/19, 9:14 PM

    I heard something like 40% of grocery store food is purchased with food stamps. If that's the case, the retail food industry is going to take a huge hit.

    1. As will farmers and truckers. You know, those liberals who voted for Hillary, like all the govt. workers did! (Snark)


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