Monday, December 3, 2012

Firefighters battle blazes in two towns

Two early-morning fires in Springfield and Ludlow left a pair of families homeless. No one was injured in either fire, according to the fire chiefs in the two towns.


  1. “It was a defensive fire. It was just going so much that there was no way to save it..."

    SFD ONLY FIGHTS "DEFENSIVE FIRES". Chalk up another total loss for SFD, and this one was less than a mile from the station!

    1. looks like the wrecking ball got there before the smoke was out..

  2. whoda' thunk we'd win12/4/12, 12:48 PM

    HARTFORD, Conn. — A blogger who urged readers to "take up arms" against Connecticut officials is suing state government leaders for $50 million after being acquitted of threatening and inciting violence charges.

    Harold "Hal" Turner of North Bergen, N.J., filed the lawsuit in federal court in Newark, N.J., on Nov. 21, claiming he was falsely arrested, wrongfully imprisoned and maliciously prosecuted. A jury acquitted him last year.

    Turner was arrested after a June 2009 blog posting suggesting Connecticut officials "obey the Constitution or die" and urging readers to "take up arms." The posting was in response to legislation to give lay people of Roman Catholic churches more control over parish finances. The bill was withdrawn.

    The lawsuit names prosecutors and other Connecticut officials. The state attorney general's office declined to comment

    1. According to Wikipedia, Turner was a paid FBI informant for several years, supplying information about right-wing groups to federal agents.The original allegations that Turner acted as an informant for the FBI surfaced in 2008 after unidentified hackers claimed on Turner's blog that they had read email correspondence between him and an FBI agent, apparently his handler. Hal Turner admitted in court that he is an FBI informant. The FBI is notorious for unleashing informants and provocateurs.

    2. That must be why he went to prison because he was a FBI informant? Just maybe it was for what he was sentenced for, trying to get some judges killed by inciting others to kill them. Smart Meters had nothing to do with him going to prison although I bet you think so.

    3. Hal Turner was inciting others to violence against against public officials for years before he finally got arrested for it. No one could get away with that so long if they were just acting on their own. Why he ended up getting arrested in the end is because it came out he was a paid FBI informant from 2002 to 2007. The FBI must have figured it would look better for them if he was thrown in prison. His attorney Michael Orozco said, “His job was basically to publish information which would cause other parties to act in a manner which would lead to their arrest.”

    4. under educated12/5/12, 10:00 AM

      so does that mean Terry Craft is an undercover FBI agent ? I have been watching CSI and I can't beieve you town folks are for real.

    5. I think Terry Craft just got in with the wrong crowd when he was a kid. If a bunch of us good guys in town would befriend him instead of always putting him down, maybe it would turn things around for him. One day the name Terry Craft might even be as respectable in town as the name Larry Kraft is today.

  3. Wow. Didn't you hear the north pole has been moving?
    Your in the South Now..
    I'll whoop your behind Yankee if you don't learn some respect.

  4. The homeowners, whose names Thompson said he couldn’t recall, were provided emergency shelter at a local hotel, he said.

    Way to go Chief. Best to just forget the names of those whose homes you allowed to be consumed by "defensive fires"! Let's all trundle back to the station now and slack of until the next time we have to get "defensive"!

    1. Speaking of slackers, you sure do spend alot of time on here running your mouth.


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