3BR / 1Ba 1,036 ft. house
w/d hookups off-street parking
Habitat for Humanity may be able to partner with you, helping you to help yourself into homeownership you can afford. We are rehabbing a 3 bedroom ranch on Olive Street in Springfield, Vermont.
Home Ownership– how to apply
Four fundamental criteria are used to determine who is selected to be a Habitat partner
Four fundamental criteria are used to determine who is selected to be a Habitat partner
- Need for Shelter - The applicant's current shelter is inadequate because it is either structurally unsound, overcrowded, has unsanitary or unhealthy conditions, or the resident is paying more than 50% of household income for housing.
- Willingness to Partner - The applicant agrees to complete 250 hours of sweat equity for each adult in the family and participate in the partnership program that may include financial counseling and household management education.
- Ability to Pay - The applicant's household income is between 30% and 60% of area’s median income based on family size. For example, income limits for a family of four is currently $ 30,330 to $40,440. For a 20-25 year mortgage, a homeowner’s monthly housing expenses would be approximately $500 to $700 a month (includes mortgage payment, home insurance, property taxes, and utilities).
- Residency - The applicant must be a family that has lived, worked or worshiped in the GSVAHFH area, which includes the towns ofAndover, Baltimore, Chester, Cavendish, Grafton, Ludlow,Springfield, Weston, Weathersfield and Rockingham, [whichencompasses Bellows Falls, Saxtons River, and Bartonsville,]for at least the past year.
Don't Delay !!Call: 802-885-6440
Or 802-885-5552
Write to: Greater Springfield VT Area Habitat for Humanity
P.O. Box 143
Springfield,VT 05156
Or send an e-mail to grtvt@comcast.net

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