Thursday, March 6, 2014

Laughter is the best medicine

On March 14th, the Springfield Community Players will present the comedy “Doctor! Doctor!” finalizing the year long celebration of Springfield Hospital’s 100 years of Caring for the Springfield area.

Take your medicine and get a dose of rib tickling comedy in sketches and songs about all things medical.

“Doctor! Doctor!,” a medical musical comedy revue by Peter Ekstrom and David DeBoy, is directed by Donald Gray and Cindy Hughes. A broad range of musical styles, from baroque to the blues, combine witty and clever lyrics with fun and sassy situations. Irene and Fred Ramen (of Chester),Linda Dunworth (of Proctorsville), Kay Burge, Aurora O’Dell, and Nicki Carmody (of Springfield) join their directors, with Kelly Bragg (of Ludlow) on the piano, in a revue that will touch your heart as well as your funny bone. Molly Ferris (of Chester) and Scott Stearns (of Ludlow) are also on the program with a skit about a self-absorbed son who makes a hospital visit to his mother, never inquiring how she is doing or asking what he can do for her.

Reserve your tickets ($10) and get your medicine by calling (802)885-4098.


  1. Is this a historical play about the medical profession in Springfield? You know...the people who without a single objector remained silent about the plan to destroy the health of all the citizens of the town. Not a one of them voiced their objections publicly to the planned North Springfield pollution plant.


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