Only at Black River Action Team's annual Riversweep event can you find people jumping for joy over trash collecting.
BRAT celebrated its fifteenth birthday today with fifty volunteers cleaning up miles of riverbank (and bed!) from North Springfield to Hoyt's Landing, Tolles Power Dam swimming hole, and even part of Springweather Nature Area. The cute fish cookies were created and donated by Heritage Bakery & Deli in Chester.
Fifty bags of household trash, 4 shopping carts, 46 tires, a television set, some Christmas decorations, plant pots, and so much more...just fifty volunteers did SO much today!
B.R.A.T. founder Kelly Stettner plots out a key clean up site. |
If you missed today's Springfield Riversweep, you have another chance next Saturday in Ludlow - CLICK HERE.
Good job all, now if people could just put their trash in the garbage can in the first place. To bad the slogan "Please Please Don't be a Litter Bug" is not advertised like it use to be.